When I try
http://localhost:8080/seaside/files/ I get "Error:
"/seaside/files/" not found", so I will need a little more info...
----- "Merik Voswinkel" <macmerik(a)> wrote:
| I also installed Seaside 2.8. I also executed PRDistribution new
| register. I then visited
http://localhost:8080/seaside/pier (note the
| '/seaside/pier/' and I do get the generated CSS here. But now all the
| files starting with url 'http://localhost:8080/seaside/files/' give
| the error:
| "Internal Server ErrorError: This message is not appropriate for this
| object"
| Is this fixable in one of the config files that the
| ConfigurationOfSeaside script loads?
| I forgot to type the name Pharo in my previous post:
| > (Loading the ConfigurationOfSeaside took a lot longer in Pharo than
| > in Squeak trunk, however).
| An unrelated question, can I get the debug option in the web error
| pages back?
| Cheers,
| Merik
| On Mar 2, 2010, at 1:36 PM, Merik Voswinkel wrote:
| > Thank you Dale, Lukas and others) It saves a lot of work to install
| > this way, only about two hours.
| > I get an "MessageNotUnderstood: ByteArray>>isByteString" (reported
| > by my browser as an internal server error when I visit
| >
| > I followed (both in Pharo and Squeak Trunk-9560) your instructions
| > precisely for installing Seaside 3.0. No errors at all, great!
| > (Loading the ConfigurationOfSeaside took a lot longer, however).
| >
| > I then evaluated in a Workspace the following expression:
| >
| > PRDistribution new register.
| >
| > And pointed my Browser to
| > I then get the "Welcome to Pier" frontpage but without the nice
| > layout, like the CSS is missing.
| > My Safari browser reports (in the activity window) for one of the
| > files generated by Pier: internal server error
| > If I try to load only this file I get a html page :
| > "MessageNotUnderstood: ByteArray>>isByteString"
| >
| > Can anyone help me out how/where to fix this?
| > The error is exactly the same in Pharo and Squeak Trunk, so I guess
| > it must be somewhere in Pier 3.0?
| >
| > Much appreciated,
| >
| > Merik
| >
| > On Mar 2, 2010, at 2:12 AM, Dale Henrichs wrote:
| >
| >> ConfigurationOfSeaside is Metacello configuration that provides
| >> easy access to Seaside2.8 or Seaside3.0, Magritte and Pier for
| >> Squeak and Pharo (soon GemStone, too).
| >>
| >> To download ConfigurationOfSeaside evaluate the follow expression
| >> in Pharo:
| >>
| >> (Smalltalk at: #Gofer) new
| >> squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
| >> package: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside';
| >> load.
| >>
| >> or the following expressio in Squeak:
| >>
| >> (Installer squeaksource
| >> project: 'MetacelloRepository';
| >> packagesMatching: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside-*') first install.
| >>
| >> After downloading ConfigurationOfSeaside evaluate one of the
| >> following expressions:
| >>
| >> ConfigurationOfSeaside project latestVersion
| >> load: #('Seaside 2.8' 'Seaside 2.8 Examples' 'Magritte
Tests' 'Pier
| >> Tests'
| >> 'Pier AddOns').
| >>
| >> or
| >>
| >> ConfigurationOfSeaside project latestVersion
| >> load: #('Seaside 3.0' 'Seaside 3.0 Tests' 'Magritte2
Tests' 'Pier2
| >> Tests'
| >> 'Pier2 AddOns').
| >>
| >> depending upon whether you want to work with Seaside3.0 or
| >> Seaside2.8. Both Seaside 3.0 and Seaside 2.8 cannot coexist in the
| >> same image, so you have to make a choice.
| >>
| >> You can edit the literal array to include only the components that
| >> you want loaded into your image.
| >>
| >> If you want the latest bleeding edge mcz files for Seaside3.0,
| >> Magritte, and Pier evaluate the following expression:
| >>
| >> (Smalltalk at: #Gofer) new
| >> squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
| >> package: 'ConfigurationOfPier';
| >> load.
| >> ((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPier) project
| >> version: '2.0.3-baseline') load: 'ALL'.
| >>
| >> Version 1.0.3 is based upon the latest mcz files in the collective
| >> Seaside repositories as of this afternoon PST.
| >>
| >> I've tested ConfigurationOfSeaside on Squeak (trunk and
| >> Squeak3.10.2-7179-basic) and Pharo (PharoCore-1.0-10508rc2). Note
| >> that there was an issue with loading Psome Pier2 code into
| >> Squeak3.10.2-7179-basic. The same code loaded fine into the Squeak
| >> trunk.
| >>
| >> If you want finer control over what is loaded into your image, you
| >> can pick and choose from the following Metacello configurations in
| >> :
| >>
| >> "Seaside 2.8"
| >> ConfigurationOfSeaside28
| >> ConfigurationOfSeaside28Examples
| >> ConfigurationOfMagritte
| >> ConfigurationOfPier
| >> ConfigurationOfPierAddOns
| >>
| >> "Seaside 3.0"
| >> ConfigurationOfSeaside30
| >> ConfigurationOfMagritte2
| >> ConfigurationOfPier2
| >> ConfigurationOfPierAddOns2
| >>
| >> As you can imagine, it is easier to use ConfigurationOfSeaside to
| >> get started.
| >>
| >> Dale
| >> _______________________________________________
| >> Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
| >>
| >