i am working with pier admin, and having some issues..
when starting with a clean image (downloaded from pier site) .. i
install rfbserver (in case i need to get into it while it's
deployed).. then, i shut down the webserver and install pier admin.
when i try to start seaside control panel, i get:
21 January 2012 1:42:15 pm
VM: Mac OS - intel - 1072 - Croquet Closure Cog VM [CoInterpreter
VMMaker.oscog-eem.140] Pier 2.0
Image: Pharo1.3 [Latest update: #13320]
OBMorphicPlatform(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #optionalButtons
Receiver: an OBMorphicPlatform
Arguments and temporary variables:
aMessage: optionalButtons
exception: MessageNotUnderstood: OBMorphicPlatform>>optionalButtons
resumeValue: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
an OBMorphicPlatform
WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser class(OBBrowser class)>>buttonPanel
Receiver: WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser
Arguments and temporary variables:
Receiver's instance variables:
superclass: WAServerAdaptorBrowser
methodDict: a MethodDictionary()
format: 136
instanceVariables: nil
organization: ('as yet unclassified')
subclasses: nil
name: #WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser
classPool: nil
sharedPools: nil
environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
category: #'Seaside-Pharo-Tools-OmniBrowser'
traitComposition: {}
localSelectors: nil
WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser class(OBBrowser class)>>panels
Receiver: WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser
Arguments and temporary variables:
Receiver's instance variables:
superclass: WAServerAdaptorBrowser
methodDict: a MethodDictionary()
format: 136
instanceVariables: nil
organization: ('as yet unclassified')
subclasses: nil
name: #WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser
classPool: nil
sharedPools: nil
environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
category: #'Seaside-Pharo-Tools-OmniBrowser'
traitComposition: {}
localSelectors: nil
WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser class(OBBrowser class)>>new
Receiver: WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser
Arguments and temporary variables:
Receiver's instance variables:
superclass: WAServerAdaptorBrowser
methodDict: a MethodDictionary()
format: 136
instanceVariables: nil
organization: ('as yet unclassified')
subclasses: nil
name: #WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser
classPool: nil
sharedPools: nil
environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
category: #'Seaside-Pharo-Tools-OmniBrowser'
traitComposition: {}
localSelectors: nil
WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser class(OBBrowser class)>>open
Receiver: WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser
Arguments and temporary variables:
Receiver's instance variables:
superclass: WAServerAdaptorBrowser
methodDict: a MethodDictionary()
format: 136
instanceVariables: nil
organization: ('as yet unclassified')
subclasses: nil
name: #WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser
classPool: nil
sharedPools: nil
environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
category: #'Seaside-Pharo-Tools-OmniBrowser'
traitComposition: {}
localSelectors: nil
[self open] in WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser class>>menuCommandOn:
Receiver: WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser
Arguments and temporary variables:
Receiver's instance variables:
superclass: WAServerAdaptorBrowser
methodDict: a MethodDictionary()
format: 136
instanceVariables: nil
organization: ('as yet unclassified')
subclasses: nil
name: #WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser
classPool: nil
sharedPools: nil
environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
category: #'Seaside-Pharo-Tools-OmniBrowser'
traitComposition: {}
localSelectors: nil
[| selArgCount |
(selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0
ifTrue: [target perform: selector]
ifFalse: [selArgCount = arguments size
ifTrue: [target perform: selector withArguments: arguments]
ifFalse: [target
perform: selector
withArguments: (arguments copyWith: evt)]].
self changed] in ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent:
Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(497549312)'Seaside Control Panel'
Arguments and temporary variables:
evt: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
selArgCount: 0
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 497@371 corner: 663@385
owner: a MenuMorph(186646528)
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 497@371 corner: 663@385
color: Color black
extension: a MorphExtension (499908608)
font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14)
emphasis: 0
contents: 'Seaside Control Panel'
hasFocus: false
isEnabled: true
subMenu: nil
isSelected: false
target: [self open]
selector: #value
arguments: #()
icon: Form(12x12x32)
getStateSelector: nil
enablementSelector: nil
keyText: nil
Receiver: [| selArgCount |
(selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0
ifTrue: [target perform: selector...etc...
Arguments and temporary variables:
aBlock: [oldcursor show]
complete: nil
returnValue: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
outerContext: ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent:
startpc: 156
numArgs: 0
Receiver: ((CursorWithMask
extent: 16@16
depth: 1
fromArray: #(
Arguments and temporary variables:
aBlock: [| selArgCount |
(selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0
ifTrue: [targe...etc...
oldcursor: ((CursorWithMask
extent: 16@16
depth: 1
fromArray: #(
Receiver's instance variables:
bits: a Bitmap of length 16
width: 16
height: 16
depth: 1
offset: -1@ -1
maskForm: Form(16x16x1)
Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(497549312)'Seaside Control Panel'
Arguments and temporary variables:
evt: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
w: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 497@371 corner: 663@385
owner: a MenuMorph(186646528)
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 497@371 corner: 663@385
color: Color black
extension: a MorphExtension (499908608)
font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14)
emphasis: 0
contents: 'Seaside Control Panel'
hasFocus: false
isEnabled: true
subMenu: nil
isSelected: false
target: [self open]
selector: #value
arguments: #()
icon: Form(12x12x32)
getStateSelector: nil
enablementSelector: nil
keyText: nil
Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(497549312)'Seaside Control Panel'
Arguments and temporary variables:
evt: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 497@371 corner: 663@385
owner: a MenuMorph(186646528)
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 497@371 corner: 663@385
color: Color black
extension: a MorphExtension (499908608)
font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14)
emphasis: 0
contents: 'Seaside Control Panel'
hasFocus: false
isEnabled: true
subMenu: nil
isSelected: false
target: [self open]
selector: #value
arguments: #()
icon: Form(12x12x32)
getStateSelector: nil
enablementSelector: nil
keyText: nil
Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(497549312)'Seaside Control Panel'
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 497@371 corner: 663@385
owner: a MenuMorph(186646528)
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 497@371 corner: 663@385
color: Color black
extension: a MorphExtension (499908608)
font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14)
emphasis: 0
contents: 'Seaside Control Panel'
hasFocus: false
isEnabled: true
subMenu: nil
isSelected: false
target: [self open]
selector: #value
arguments: #()
icon: Form(12x12x32)
getStateSelector: nil
enablementSelector: nil
keyText: nil
Receiver: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
Arguments and temporary variables:
anObject: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(497549312)'Seaside Control Panel'
Receiver's instance variables:
timeStamp: 745728
source: a HandMorph(843055104)
windowIndex: nil
type: #mouseUp
buttons: 0
position: 558@375
handler: nil
wasHandled: true
whichButton: 4
Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(497549312)'Seaside Control Panel'
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 497@371 corner: 663@385
owner: a MenuMorph(186646528)
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 497@371 corner: 663@385
color: Color black
extension: a MorphExtension (499908608)
font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14)
emphasis: 0
contents: 'Seaside Control Panel'
hasFocus: false
isEnabled: true
subMenu: nil
isSelected: false
target: [self open]
selector: #value
arguments: #()
icon: Form(12x12x32)
getStateSelector: nil
enablementSelector: nil
keyText: nil
Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
aMorph: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(497549312)'Seaside Control Panel'
localEvt: nil
index: 1
child: nil
morphs: #()
inside: true
Receiver's instance variables:
lastType: #mouseUp
lastDispatch: #dispatchDefault:with:
Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
aMorph: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(497549312)'Seaside Control Panel'
Receiver's instance variables:
lastType: #mouseUp
lastDispatch: #dispatchDefault:with:
Receiver: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(497549312)'Seaside Control Panel'
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
defaultDispatcher: a MorphicEventDispatcher
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 497@371 corner: 663@385
owner: a MenuMorph(186646528)
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 497@371 corner: 663@385
color: Color black
extension: a MorphExtension (499908608)
font: a StrikeFont(Bitmap DejaVu Sans 9 14)
emphasis: 0
contents: 'Seaside Control Panel'
hasFocus: false
isEnabled: true
subMenu: nil
isSelected: false
target: [self open]
selector: #value
arguments: #()
icon: Form(12x12x32)
getStateSelector: nil
enablementSelector: nil
keyText: nil
Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
aMorph: a MenuMorph(186646528)
localEvt: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
index: 8
child: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(497549312)'Seaside Control Panel'
morphs: an Array(a ToggleMenuItemMorph(369885184)'Finder' a
inside: false
Receiver's instance variables:
lastType: #mouseUp
lastDispatch: #dispatchDefault:with:
Receiver: a MorphicEventDispatcher
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
aMorph: a MenuMorph(186646528)
Receiver's instance variables:
lastType: #mouseUp
lastDispatch: #dispatchDefault:with:
Receiver: a MenuMorph(186646528)
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
defaultDispatcher: a MorphicEventDispatcher
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 493@234 corner: 667@506
owner: nil
submorphs: an Array(a ToggleMenuItemMorph(369885184)'Finder' a
fullBounds: 493@234 corner: 668@507
color: (Color r: 0.871 g: 0.871 b: 0.871)
extension: a MorphExtension (190578688) [other: (basicColor ->
(Color r: 0.784...etc...
borderWidth: 1
borderColor: Color gray
defaultTarget: nil
selectedItem: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(497549312)'Seaside Control Panel'
stayUp: false
popUpOwner: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(169082880)'Tools'
activeSubMenu: nil
activatorDockingBar: nil
embeddable: nil
menuItems: nil
Receiver: a MenuMorph(186646528)
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 493@234 corner: 667@506
owner: nil
submorphs: an Array(a ToggleMenuItemMorph(369885184)'Finder' a
fullBounds: 493@234 corner: 668@507
color: (Color r: 0.871 g: 0.871 b: 0.871)
extension: a MorphExtension (190578688) [other: (basicColor ->
(Color r: 0.784...etc...
borderWidth: 1
borderColor: Color gray
defaultTarget: nil
selectedItem: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(497549312)'Seaside Control Panel'
stayUp: false
popUpOwner: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(169082880)'Tools'
activeSubMenu: nil
activatorDockingBar: nil
embeddable: nil
menuItems: nil
Receiver: a MenuMorph(186646528)
Arguments and temporary variables:
evt: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 493@234 corner: 667@506
owner: nil
submorphs: an Array(a ToggleMenuItemMorph(369885184)'Finder' a
fullBounds: 493@234 corner: 668@507
color: (Color r: 0.871 g: 0.871 b: 0.871)
extension: a MorphExtension (190578688) [other: (basicColor ->
(Color r: 0.784...etc...
borderWidth: 1
borderColor: Color gray
defaultTarget: nil
selectedItem: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(497549312)'Seaside Control Panel'
stayUp: false
popUpOwner: a ToggleMenuItemMorph(169082880)'Tools'
activeSubMenu: nil
activatorDockingBar: nil
embeddable: nil
menuItems: nil
[ActiveHand := self.
ActiveEvent := anEvent.
result := focusHolder
handleFocusEvent: (anEvent
transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in
Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
focusHolder: a MenuMorph(186646528)
result: #(nil)
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 896@429 corner: 912@445
owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 896@429 corner: 912@445
color: Color blue
extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
mouseFocus: nil
keyboardFocus: nil
eventListeners: nil
mouseListeners: nil
keyboardListeners: nil
mouseClickState: nil
mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
lastMouseEvent: [896@429 mouseUp 780699 nil]
targetOffset: 93@8
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
cacheCanvas: nil
cachedCanvasHasHoles: true
temporaryCursor: nil
temporaryCursorOffset: nil
hardwareCursor: nil
hasChanged: true
savedPatch: nil
userInitials: ''
lastEventBuffer: #(1 780699 896 429 0 0 1 1)
lastKeyScanCode: 2
combinedChar: nil
[aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
Arguments and temporary variables:
aBlock: [ActiveHand := self.
ActiveEvent := anEvent.
result := focusHolder
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 0@0 corner: 1276@730
owner: nil
submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a
SystemWindow(476577792) a Syste...etc...
fullBounds: nil
color: Color white
extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an
EventHandler] [othe...etc...
borderWidth: 0
borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0)
backgroundMorph: nil
worldState: a WorldState
griddingOn: nil
Receiver: [aBlock value]
Arguments and temporary variables:
exception: Error
handlerAction: [:ex |
ActiveWorld := priorWorld.
ActiveEvent := priorEvent.
handlerActive: false
Receiver's instance variables:
outerContext: PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
startpc: 67
numArgs: 0
Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
Arguments and temporary variables:
aBlock: [ActiveHand := self.
ActiveEvent := anEvent.
result := focusHolder
priorWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
priorHand: a HandMorph(843055104)
priorEvent: [558@375 mouseOver red nil nil]
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 0@0 corner: 1276@730
owner: nil
submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a
SystemWindow(476577792) a Syste...etc...
fullBounds: nil
color: Color white
extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an
EventHandler] [othe...etc...
borderWidth: 0
borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0)
backgroundMorph: nil
worldState: a WorldState
griddingOn: nil
Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
focusHolder: a MenuMorph(186646528)
aBlock: [self mouseFocus: nil]
w: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
result: #(nil)
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 896@429 corner: 912@445
owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 896@429 corner: 912@445
color: Color blue
extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
mouseFocus: nil
keyboardFocus: nil
eventListeners: nil
mouseListeners: nil
keyboardListeners: nil
mouseClickState: nil
mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
lastMouseEvent: [896@429 mouseUp 780699 nil]
targetOffset: 93@8
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
cacheCanvas: nil
cachedCanvasHasHoles: true
temporaryCursor: nil
temporaryCursorOffset: nil
hardwareCursor: nil
hasChanged: true
savedPatch: nil
userInitials: ''
lastEventBuffer: #(1 780699 896 429 0 0 1 1)
lastKeyScanCode: 2
combinedChar: nil
Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
focusHolder: a MenuMorph(186646528)
aBlock: [self mouseFocus: nil]
result: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 896@429 corner: 912@445
owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 896@429 corner: 912@445
color: Color blue
extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
mouseFocus: nil
keyboardFocus: nil
eventListeners: nil
mouseListeners: nil
keyboardListeners: nil
mouseClickState: nil
mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
lastMouseEvent: [896@429 mouseUp 780699 nil]
targetOffset: 93@8
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
cacheCanvas: nil
cachedCanvasHasHoles: true
temporaryCursor: nil
temporaryCursorOffset: nil
hardwareCursor: nil
hasChanged: true
savedPatch: nil
userInitials: ''
lastEventBuffer: #(1 780699 896 429 0 0 1 1)
lastKeyScanCode: 2
combinedChar: nil
Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 896@429 corner: 912@445
owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 896@429 corner: 912@445
color: Color blue
extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
mouseFocus: nil
keyboardFocus: nil
eventListeners: nil
mouseListeners: nil
keyboardListeners: nil
mouseClickState: nil
mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
lastMouseEvent: [896@429 mouseUp 780699 nil]
targetOffset: 93@8
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
cacheCanvas: nil
cachedCanvasHasHoles: true
temporaryCursor: nil
temporaryCursorOffset: nil
hardwareCursor: nil
hasChanged: true
savedPatch: nil
userInitials: ''
lastEventBuffer: #(1 780699 896 429 0 0 1 1)
lastKeyScanCode: 2
combinedChar: nil
Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
Arguments and temporary variables:
anEvent: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
evt: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
ofs: nil
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 896@429 corner: 912@445
owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 896@429 corner: 912@445
color: Color blue
extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
mouseFocus: nil
keyboardFocus: nil
eventListeners: nil
mouseListeners: nil
keyboardListeners: nil
mouseClickState: nil
mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
lastMouseEvent: [896@429 mouseUp 780699 nil]
targetOffset: 93@8
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
cacheCanvas: nil
cachedCanvasHasHoles: true
temporaryCursor: nil
temporaryCursorOffset: nil
hardwareCursor: nil
hasChanged: true
savedPatch: nil
userInitials: ''
lastEventBuffer: #(1 780699 896 429 0 0 1 1)
lastKeyScanCode: 2
combinedChar: nil
Receiver: a HandMorph(843055104)
Arguments and temporary variables:
evt: [558@375 mouseUp 745728 nil]
evtBuf: #(1 745728 558 375 0 0 1 1)
type: 1
hadAny: false
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 896@429 corner: 912@445
owner: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
submorphs: #()
fullBounds: 896@429 corner: 912@445
color: Color blue
extension: a MorphExtension (141295616) [eventHandler = an EventHandler]
mouseFocus: nil
keyboardFocus: nil
eventListeners: nil
mouseListeners: nil
keyboardListeners: nil
mouseClickState: nil
mouseOverHandler: a MouseOverHandler
lastMouseEvent: [896@429 mouseUp 780699 nil]
targetOffset: 93@8
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
cacheCanvas: nil
cachedCanvasHasHoles: true
temporaryCursor: nil
temporaryCursorOffset: nil
hardwareCursor: nil
hasChanged: true
savedPatch: nil
userInitials: ''
lastEventBuffer: #(1 780699 896 429 0 0 1 1)
lastKeyScanCode: 2
combinedChar: nil
[:h |
ActiveHand := h.
h processEvents.
ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
Receiver: a WorldState
Arguments and temporary variables:
h: a HandMorph(843055104)
Receiver's instance variables:
hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104))
viewBox: 0@0 corner: 1276@730
canvas: a FormCanvas on: RFBDisplayScreen(1276x730x32)
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an
OverflowRowMorph(184549376))(an Ove...etc...
lastStepTime: 780697
lastStepMessage: nil
lastCycleTime: 780718
alarms: a Heap()
lastAlarmTime: 780697
menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder
Receiver: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104))
Arguments and temporary variables:
aBlock: [:h |
ActiveHand := h.
h processEvents.
ActiveHand := nil]
index: 1
indexLimiT: 1
Receiver's instance variables:
an Array(a HandMorph(843055104))
Receiver: a WorldState
Arguments and temporary variables:
aBlock: [:h |
ActiveHand := h.
h processEvents.
ActiveHand := nil]
Receiver's instance variables:
hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104))
viewBox: 0@0 corner: 1276@730
canvas: a FormCanvas on: RFBDisplayScreen(1276x730x32)
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an
OverflowRowMorph(184549376))(an Ove...etc...
lastStepTime: 780697
lastStepMessage: nil
lastCycleTime: 780718
alarms: a Heap()
lastAlarmTime: 780697
menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder
Receiver: a WorldState
Arguments and temporary variables:
aWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
Receiver's instance variables:
hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104))
viewBox: 0@0 corner: 1276@730
canvas: a FormCanvas on: RFBDisplayScreen(1276x730x32)
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an
OverflowRowMorph(184549376))(an Ove...etc...
lastStepTime: 780697
lastStepMessage: nil
lastCycleTime: 780718
alarms: a Heap()
lastAlarmTime: 780697
menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder
Receiver: a WorldState
Arguments and temporary variables:
aWorld: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
Receiver's instance variables:
hands: an Array(a HandMorph(843055104))
viewBox: 0@0 corner: 1276@730
canvas: a FormCanvas on: RFBDisplayScreen(1276x730x32)
damageRecorder: a DamageRecorder
stepList: a Heap(StepMessage(#stepAt: -> an
OverflowRowMorph(184549376))(an Ove...etc...
lastStepTime: 780697
lastStepMessage: nil
lastCycleTime: 780718
alarms: a Heap()
lastAlarmTime: 780697
menuBuilder: a PragmaMenuBuilder
Receiver: a PasteUpMorph(425197568) [world]
Arguments and temporary variables:
Receiver's instance variables:
bounds: 0@0 corner: 1276@730
owner: nil
submorphs: an Array(a TaskbarMorph(984088576) a
SystemWindow(476577792) a Syste...etc...
fullBounds: nil
color: Color white
extension: a MorphExtension (666632192) [eventHandler = an
EventHandler] [othe...etc...
borderWidth: 0
borderColor: (Color r: 0.03 g: 0.02 b: 0.0)
backgroundMorph: nil
worldState: a WorldState
griddingOn: nil
[[World doOneCycle.
Processor yield.
false] whileFalse.
nil] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess
Receiver: Project
Arguments and temporary variables:
Receiver's instance variables:
superclass: Model
methodDict: a MethodDictionary()
format: 132
instanceVariables: nil
organization: ('as yet unclassified')
subclasses: nil
name: #Project
classPool: a Dictionary(#UIProcess->a Process in nil )
sharedPools: nil
environment: a SystemDictionary(lots of globals)
category: #'System-Support'
traitComposition: {}
localSelectors: nil
[self value.
Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess
Receiver: [[World doOneCycle.
Processor yield.
false] whileFalse.
Arguments and temporary variables:
Receiver's instance variables:
outerContext: Project class>>spawnNewProcess
startpc: 57
numArgs: 0
--- The full stack ---
OBMorphicPlatform(Object)>>doesNotUnderstand: #optionalButtons
WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser class(OBBrowser class)>>buttonPanel
WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser class(OBBrowser class)>>panels
WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser class(OBBrowser class)>>new
WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser class(OBBrowser class)>>open
[self open] in WAPharoServerAdaptorBrowser class>>menuCommandOn:
[| selArgCount |
(selArgCount := selector numArgs) = 0
ifTrue: [target perform: selector]
ifFalse: [selArgCount = arguments size
ifTrue: [target perform: selector withArguments: arguments]
ifFalse: [target
perform: selector
withArguments: (arguments copyWith: evt)]].
self changed] in ToggleMenuItemMorph(MenuItemMorph)>>invokeWithEvent:
[ActiveHand := self.
ActiveEvent := anEvent.
result := focusHolder
handleFocusEvent: (anEvent
transformedBy: (focusHolder transformedFrom: self))] in
[aBlock value] in PasteUpMorph>>becomeActiveDuring:
[:h |
ActiveHand := h.
h processEvents.
ActiveHand := nil] in WorldState>>doOneCycleNowFor:
[[World doOneCycle.
Processor yield.
false] whileFalse.
nil] in Project class>>spawnNewProcess
[self value.
Processor terminateActive] in BlockClosure>>newProcess
photographer, journalist, visionary