I changed the macro expander to use accessors instead of blocks. If
you load the latest version of Magritte and Pier this issue should be
solved. If you don't have any custom macros defined, loading the code
should work out of the box.
Name: Pier-All-lr.284
Author: lr
Time: 24 April 2008, 8:52:30 am
UUID: cc09a278-7890-4fa2-b3ef-61ef2e787a15
Ancestors: Pier-All-lr.283
Dependencies: Pier-Model-lr.219, Pier-Tests-lr.94, Pier-Seaside-lr.
270, Pier-Security-lr.105, Pier-Blog-lr.73
- changed the macro expander to use accessors instead of blocks
(requires the latest magritte)
- macro expander was origianlly ported from smallwiki on vw, where
blocks are reentrant, however in squeak blocks potentially cause bad
things when used concurrently
On Apr 24, 2008, at 07:53 , Lukas Renggli wrote:
I had lots of
instances of PRDocument, at one point it reported
I've never seen this issue before.
The key to clearing them out appeared to be,
This doesn't change the number of PRDocument instances in my image.
Inspecting PRMacroExpander default, the #table
dictionary of blocks,
those blocks
had temps, with a #context defined, and that context had properties
Maybe the problem is that Squeak blocks are not really reentrant? But
then you should at least get a debugger.
Lukas Renggli
SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Lukas Renggli