I am trying to figure out the design of the classes in Pier Blog. I am
wondering why PBBlog is a subclass of PRCase, and not a direct
subclass of PRStructure:
PRStructure #('parent' 'name' 'title' 'tags')
PRCase #('document')
PBBlog #('managingEditor' 'webMaster' 'copyright'
'feedTitle' 'commentTimeout')
PBEntry #('uuid' 'author' 'publication')
PBComment #()
PBPost #('sourceUrl' 'sourceTitle' 'enclosure')
PRPage #()
PRComponent #('componentClass' 'settings')
PRFile #('file')
PRForm #('model' 'metamodel')
PRCase's class comment says:"I am an abstract class holding onto a
document definition representing the contents of the receiver. Most of
my subclasses will allow user to edit myself using the Wiki syntax."
I guess my question is: for an application that is similar to a blog
(managing a list of homogeneous entries, maybe nested), is it a good
idea to make it a direct subclass of PRStructure?