What exactly is this for? What is supposed to happen
when History
is clicked on?
This is a history (log) of the changes applied to that particular
structure. It is not very useful right now and it doesn't even work
out of the box because it requires a persistency strategy to be
assigned to the kernel.
You can do this manually by evaluating something like:
kernel peristency: PRFilePersistency new
Then browse to your wiki and execute some commands, e.g. edit a page
several times. When clicking on history you should see the list of
the applied commands with time-stamps. You can even open old them,
look at their details and re-evaluate them, exactly as you can do
with the change-sets in Smalltalk. The interface is not very
sophisticated right now, but it works for a small demo and it is
planned to get it improved together with new persistency strategies.
Lukas Renggli