Done Koji, but from sam.22, because there was two new updates since
the sam.20. The new package is named SmallWiki-chbu-0.9.53-sam.24, can
you check if all it's ok ? because I'm not sure... By the way,
smallwiki repository is in global read/write access, so if you want,
you can update the repository without login/pass.
Koji Yokokawa <koubo2005(a)> writes:
I remade the patch considering the images before
Now, it can be read into Squeak3.7(3.6, may be).
This version is removed all tests which includes WideString and it uses
a dummy charset converter under a non-multilingalized image.
This changeset is also on 'SmallWiki-chbu-0.9.53-sam.20' and tested on
Squeak3.8 and 3.7(I could not install SmallWiki on Squeak3.6 via
Please rebuild the Monticello package from -sam.20.mcz.
On Sat, 24 Sep 2005 22:31:20 +0900
Koji Yokokawa <koubo2005(a)> wrote:
> Hi,
> I made a changeset to handle charset correctly on SW1 (SmallWiki-chbu-0.9.53-sam.20
> on Squeak3.8).
> You can set charset ('ISO-8859-1', 'UTF-8', 'Shift-JIS',
etc.) through
> [admin:components] page with this patch.
> After that, all pages or forms under the wiki item are encoded by the
> charset.
> Charset handling is a very important function especially for Asian users.
> Please merge this patch into the default SW1 package for 'real'
> internationalization.
> Here is more details.