I'd like to be able to put condition on cells of my table. I want them
to be Number (float between 0 and 1 or integer between 0 and 100).
So I changed the method buildDescriptionTable in MATableComponent (a copy of it)
^ self dataTable collect: [ :row :col :each |
self description reference copy "(-> return a MAStringDescription)"
accessor: MANullAccessor new;
label: row asString , '/' , col asString;
propertyAt: #row put: row;
propertyAt: #column put: col;
yourself ]
^ self dataTable collect: [ :row :col :each |
MANumberDescription new
accessor: (MABlockAccessor
read: [ :model | (model memento cache at: (self description) )
at: row at: col ]
write: [ :model :object | self halt. (model memento cache at:
(self description) )at: row at: col put: object]);
min: 0 max: 1;
label: row asString , '/' , col asString;
readonly: (col < row);
propertyAt: #row put: row;
propertyAt: #column put: col;
yourself ].
I think that instead of a NullAccessor and write:using: and readUsing:
which I removed, I can have a real accessor that can do the job. but
this doesn't really work :)
I'm sure I messed something with the memento (all table value are the
same now), so if you see something wrong in what I did, please tell