On 03/01/13 10:54 AM, dtrussardi(a)tiscali.it wrote:
>> The first time ( and when open a new session ) the anchor relative to the menu
report right href with the _s and _k parameter
>> for example the Home anchor report :
>> <a class=" active internal page" title="Welcome to
>> For each next sequence display the menu anchor don't report any _s _k
>> Someone has some suggestions indication on how to solve the problem?
This behaviour has always disturbed me, and thanks to your question,
I've finally looked into it.
It seems that the menu is nothing more than a page with a list of
structure links, and is displayed through a PRDefaultView. If you look
at PRDefaultView>>isRestful, it returns true. Try an *experiment*, and
change it to return false. Does the change cause the generated anchor
links to have the "lost" _s and _k parameters?
The problem is that if your menu item points at a structure that is not
restful (and your counter state is not restful), then the menu item will
appear to misbehave. I think the fix is to create your own menu widget.
Maybe look at PRViewsWidget or PRCommandsWidget to see what code is needed.