thanks for your bug-reprot. Just a few comments ...
... indeed this is WikiWorks Syntax. The problem here is basically that
I am using the square-brackets to include Smalltalk-Code like
[Timestamp now]
and that you need a special permission to do this. To create a link try
something like, what does work on my machine:
You are not authorized to execute the requested action on
The reason for this, because someone could write ...
[ FileDirectory root
recursiveMatching: '*.mp3'
do: [ :each | each deleteFile ].
I hit the back button and then try to save again. Then
the error
Yep, thanks a lot: I am able to reproduce and could fix it. I will soon
put the latest version to the Cincom StORE, but first I have to create
at least one decent style-sheet.
To turn your wiki up and running again (to remove the invalid pages you
created) I suggest to apply the following patch:
Visitor>>visit: aWikiItem
aWikiItem isNil
ifFalse: [ aWikiItem accept: self ]
FWIW, we have some modifications from Cees in our
SmallWiki, but i
no what they are ;-)
Modifications? And why doesn't he publish them? I don't know anything
about those changes :-(
Lukas Renggli