Hi everybody,
If somebody is interested, I implemented a small picasaweb plugin for Pier
which permits to embed the albums and the photos from picasa
into a running pier web application. The plugin source is posted on
squeaksource site: http://squeaksource.com/@uxjO7eHSe8tI9dKs/9zFmuhpA.
And an example of how it works can be seen on my site
Ph.D Student
University of Brest
phone: (+33)(0) 6 08 54 73 48
I have used Squeak, and I have used Seaside, but it has been a while.
I have brought up the Pier environment on a headless server, and it
looks as if I probably have the ability to configure it, add to it,
etc. But there does not appear to be any documentation for Pier that
is aimed at those who have forgotten what they may ever have learned
about Seaside. I'm going back over the Seaside tutorial, but I
wonder if someone can tell me how to log in to the default Pier
server, the one that comes up when you make minimal changes out of
the box (not even running under Apache). I had a "Log in" link on
the page at one point, made the attempt with no errors reported, and
was unable to edit anything. I think I'm missing a major concept
Can anyone suggest what major item I've probably forgotten about
addCondition:labelled does not seem to be working the way I expected.
I just want to validate that a given text field is not empty
I have a description definition method and setter:
^MAStringDescription new
selectorAccessor: #tagsConverter;
label: 'Tags';
priority: 40;
addCondition: [:value | value notEmpty ]
labelled: 'Please provide at least one tag';
tagsConverter: aString
tags := aString asUppercase subStrings asSet
On submit, I get an error that nil does not understand asUppercase.
Shouldn't the condition fail before the setter is called? I've tried [
:value | value notNil ], and beRequired as well, got the same error. I also
tried to change the initialize method of the object I'm describing to set
tags to an empty collection but that didn't work either.
Let me forward this to the pier list since it's a syntax related
From kunicki(a)gmail.com
> First a quick note of thanks. I am really enjoying using Mobile Wiki
> Server. I also like that I can edit from my desktop. I have read
> your site and been digging around piercms.com as well. I was hoping
> you could help with two questions:
> 1) I have tried using Breadcrumb but I cant get it to display in a
> page or even in the overall structure (Using the design button). How
> do I use this command?
> Basically I would love to have a breadcrumb showing me where I am in
> the hiearchy of the site. Example:
> Home > Grammar > Nouns > Examples
> this would allow me to quickly move back up the hiearchy.
> 2) I like the tree and navigation components. Is it impossible to
> embed this into a page? I would like to have a page with some basic
> content and then have a tree structure listed below. However, it
> seems i have to add a component page, set it to tree, and thats all
> i can do with it.
> Thanks for your patience with me. Again I thank you for bringing
> this to the iPhone.
> Chris
John M. McIntosh <johnmci(a)smalltalkconsulting.com> Twitter:
Corporate Smalltalk Consulting Ltd. http://www.smalltalkconsulting.com
Dear List,
I just downloaded the last version of Pier. I immediately bumped into
a number of issues:
- how to remove the developer bar ("new session, configure, ...")? I
tried to click on configure and then set Deployment Mode to true, but
the bar still remains
- is there a way to change http://localhost:8080/seaside/pier into http://localhost:8080/
(i.e., removing 'seaside/pier'?
- there is 'pier:' in the title. How to remove it? I tried Edit
Design and edit on different environment and pages, but I could not
find it. Maybe it should be removed by default.
NB: The description given in the 'about' tab is useful. By the way, is
_Environment acts as templates, why not having _Template instead?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I tried magritte with seaside29 and it does not works at all... It
hangs right after an asComponent who should display a single string.
Unfortunatelly, my knowledge of magritte is just as an user, and I
couldn't get why this is happening... but it is at some place at
memento pull method.
Hi Group,
Can Squeak seaside server up something like http://localhost:8080/
pier or http://localhost:8080/ instead of http://localhost:8080/
seaside/pier (I don't want the seaside, setting pier as the root
default is an improvement, but not the solution)? Cincom has
SeasideShortPath which appears to do this (see http://www.seaside.st/
documentation/faq/how-to#264399711), has this been ported to Squeak?
When I do a yahoo search with the name of my website and then point to it yahoo tells me:
What is the explanation for this behaviour.
Best regards,
This little bash script might be useful to some:
OPTIONS="-vm-display-X11 -headless -vm-sound-null -mmap 64m"
VM="$VM_PATH/vm/pharo-vm-0.15.2d-linux/squeak $OPTIONS"
ls $VM_PATH/$LOOKUP -t1 | while read fn
TEST=`ps ax | grep squeak | grep -c $NAME`
if [ $TEST == 0 ]
echo "RESTART VM $fn"
$VM $fn &
Stick it in your crontab, and it will automatically restart squeak if
somehow it died, using the last backup pier created (image
Nicolas Roard
"I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound
they make as they fly by." -- Douglas Adams
Hello All,
Does anyone run Pier headless on Mac OS X? I saw the nice tutorial here:
But it only deals with starting up the VM and not how to close it
gracefully when the entire server reboots.
I'm thinking of something along the lines of using "systemstarter" in
Tiger or "launchctl" in Leopard. These both automatically issue a
"start" and "stop" script. For example:
sudo systemstarter start "WebObjects Services"
sudo launchctl start com.apple.webobjects.wotaskd
-- Aaron