In Pier2 we could add a css file to the Pier tree, make settings point
to it, and then during "Edit Design" we would get an editor on the
contents of the file and the css would be served for the respective
When doing the same thing in Pier3, it seems that I cannot edit this
file and that even if I have a css file with the right pointer to it,
the contents are not available (when inspecting the html, "style.css"
does not appear anymore).
Does anyone know why is this not working, or if there is another
similar mechanism in place?
"Every thing has its own flow"
Hi experts,
proceeding following steps I try to load Pier2 into Pharo1.4
> Download the latest Pharo Image from Jenkins Server
> execute Metacell-Script:
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
package: 'ConfigurationOfPier2';
(Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPier2) load.
After all I want to Start the Seaside Control Panel
(World-Menu->Tools->Seaside Control Panel) but there is no Control-Panel
Did I miss something?
Is Pier2 only running on an Pharo1.3 image? (I found on the piercms-Site
only an Pharo1.3+Pier2 Image)
Best regards,
Damir Majer
... be agile: www.majcon.de
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Try-to-load-Pier2-into-Pharo1-4-tp4650092.html
Sent from the Magritte, Pier and Related Tools mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
i test the Pier 3.0 into a Gemstone environment.
I load the 3.0.3 [ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns] and all seems loaded properly.
I configured the default pier instance adding the NAFileUploadConfiguration
and setup the relative
Uploaded files path root
to the directory on the server for save the image.
After login in the pier instance in the traditional mode ( not with pier-admin )
i can update one pier page.
When i work with the image support the system don't work fine.
I need to change the:
PRFileUploadWysiwygEditorBase createUploadedFilepath: method with the code between ******
createUploadedFilepath: filename
| pathroot currentStructure structurePath destinationDirectory pathRootNoTrailingSlash |
pathroot := self application fileuploadPathRoot.
currentStructure := self context structure.
structurePath := currentStructure absolutePath copyReplaceAll: '/' with: GRPlatform current pathSeparator .
pathRootNoTrailingSlash := (FileDirectory on: pathroot) pathName.
destinationDirectory := FileDirectory on: (pathRootNoTrailingSlash, structurePath).
NAExternalFile ensureDirectoryExists: destinationDirectory pathName.
"^ (destinationDirectory / filename) pathName"
^( FileDirectory on: (destinationDirectory fullNameFor: filename)) pathName
With this change the image is save in the specific directory on the server.
Anyone ( if this change are considered right ) can update the relative package ?
I have some problem relative to the web request for the image.
For now the request
<img alt="Pizzaflash.jpg" src="/pier/about/pizzaflash.jpg">
don't work.
My thoughts, my goal is that the image is manage directly by the Lighttpd or Apache web server
not read by Gemstone environment and response with:
respondUsing: aResponse
| file |
file := self context structure file.
contentType: file mimetype seasideMimeType;
headerAt: 'Content-Disposition' put: 'inline; filename="' , file filename , '"';
nextPutAll: file contents;
Any consideration is welcome.
Thanks Nick,
I will add that to me 'things to explore' list
Message: 2
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2012 08:00:40 +0100
From: Nick Ager <nick.ager(a)gmail.com>
Hi Andy,
I am very interested in a discussion forum for Pier. I asked a similar
questions a while ago. Here was the answer:
I'm afraid I haven't got round to looking at the code yet
Hope this helps
hi have Pharo1.4 image ( Latest update: #14445)
where i load the ConfigurationOfPier3AddOns 3.0.3.
I have a server where run Lighttpd server configured to manage *Selection* directory.
Now i'm interested with the Pier Admin environment and the relative image options editor
to load the files on the server at one specific *Selection* subdirectory.
In the Pharo image i setup the MAExternalFileModel with
self baseDirectory: 'Selection'.
self baseUrl: 'http://www.server.com'. ( this is redirect to the server )
But i see what PRFileUploadWysiwygEditor work with NAExternalFile
I need to setup the
Resource Base Url (unspecified)
Server Path Clear
relative to the myapplication-admin or myapplication config ?
Anyone test this setup?
Thank, for any consideration.
When loading "Pier-Pharo-Persistency" in a Pharo 1.4, the following
warning is raised:
This package depends on the following classes:
You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load
these definitions:
writeKernel:on: /
Select Proceed to continue, or close this window to cancel the operation.
This is due to a reference to ImageSegment in the following method:
PRSegmentPersistency >> serialize: aString
| stream pointers |
stream := self directory forceNewFileNamed: aString.
pointers := [ [ ImageSegment new writeKernel: self kernel on: stream ]
ensure: [ stream close ] ] on: Exception do: [ :error | nil ].
(pointers isNil or: [ pointers anySatisfy: [ :each | (each
isLiteral or: [ each isVariableBinding ]) not ] ])
ifTrue: [ self directory deleteFileNamed: aString ifAbsent: [ ] ]
Would this be worthy to fill a bug report?
Dear all,
I'm using PIER 2.0 in order to develop a small webpage. After playing
around with it for a while many concepts becomes clear. However there
still things I'm struggling with.
One of these issues are the value links: On a page with some text
structured by sections (using "!") I would like to use something like
"+value:toc+" to have a kind of menu in order to refer directly to
specific sections in the text. The +value:toc+ exactly fulfills my needs
but the rendering looks a bit strange: It creates an unordered list with
ordered entries. That means I have a list items beginning with a bullet
followed by a number before the heading of section appears...
I already tried other constructs such as "children" etc. Can anybody
give me an advice how render the "value:toc" without having bullets and
numbers at the same. The best solution would be to have neither bullets
nor numbers...
Many thanks in advance for your help.
Best wishes
Am 20.09.2012 um 06:57 schrieb Tudor Girba:
> Hi,
> I am forwarding the message here given that the problem is not Pier specific.
> Any ideas?
> Cheers,
> Doru
> <VirtualHost *:80>
> # set serer name
> ProxyPreserveHost On
> ServerName www.example.com
> # connfigure static file serving
> DocumentRoot /srv/web
> <Directory /srv/web>
> Order deny,allow
> Allow from all
> </Directory>
> # rewrite incoming requests
> RewriteEngine On
> RewriteRule ^/pier(.*)$ http://www.example.com$1 [redirect,last]
> RewriteRule ^/files/(.*)$ http://localhost:8081/files/$1 [proxy,last]
> RewriteCond /srv/web/%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
This rewrite condition makes sure that any existing file is tried before
Going on to that rule:
> RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://localhost:8081/pier/$1 [proxy,last]
> </VirtualHost>
Long sotry short, if /srv/web contains an index.html, it will be served,
and your proxy rule won't be tried.
Try removing the index.html ;)
I am having troubles installing Pier with Apache2 on a virtual host
running Debian 6.
On this server, there is a Plesk running. When I go explicitly on port
www.example.com:8081, the site appears. However, when I go on
www.example.com I get the default webpage of Plesk. How can I disable
this Plesk default webpage and let apache do its job?
I have the following apache config that is properly placed in
sites-available and linked from sites-enabled (there is no other link
in sites-enabled):
<VirtualHost *:80>
# set serer name
ProxyPreserveHost On
ServerName www.example.com
# connfigure static file serving
DocumentRoot /srv/web
<Directory /srv/web>
Order deny,allow
Allow from all
# rewrite incoming requests
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^/pier(.*)$ http://www.example.com$1 [redirect,last]
RewriteRule ^/files/(.*)$ http://localhost:8081/files/$1 [proxy,last]
RewriteCond /srv/web/%{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f
RewriteRule ^/(.*)$ http://localhost:8081/pier/$1 [proxy,last]
"Every thing has its own flow"