> That is a strange error. I couldn't recover it. I use VW7.2, same
> as you. Anyway, please try more primitive way. Here is a changeset
> version.
loading SmallWikiI18N from the changeset worked nicely. The
web-interface seem to run fine, but unfortunately there are 12 tests
suddenly failing. What is more, there are no tests that cover the added
Maybe you (or somebody else) could have a look at those problems?
Currently I'm too flooded with other things, therefor I'm unable to
spend much time on SmallWiki.
Lukas Renggli
hi lukas
I tried to add http://kilana.unibe.ch:9090/?action=RSSChangesFeed to a
rss feed reader and it did not work.
I guess that this is because the action RSSchangesFeed is not enable at
the top level.
Is it right? should we add it on each local wiki?
What is the meaning of the following:
!Contents of this Site
[ "If you are not logged-in as administrator, please remove everything between the square-brackets before saving the page!"
structure renderListOfChildrenOn: html ]
I understand they are intended to render all the children of a folder.
However it make people to wonder about it. Its meaning is not obvious. For instance Michele called me because of this 3 lines.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~bergel
there are two management interfaces for smallwiki available at cincom
1) SmallWiki Admin Default: interface to the original security model of
smallwiki. easy to use and understand
2) SmallWiki Admin: interface to the extended security model of
smallwiki. more complex.
1) functionality of default interface:
- create/delete users
- assign roles to users
- create/delete roles
- assign permissions to roles
restrictions that apply via the interface:
- an admin can only assign those roles to users that he has created
himself or that he owns himself.
- an admin can only delete the roles that he has created himself.
- an admin can only delete users that he has created himself.
- an admin can only assign those permissions to a role that he owns himself.
- BUT: an admin can redefine any role he wants to. therefore he is able
to remove permissions from some other admin roles!
modification to original model:
- when a user visits the root of the wiki tree, the permissions of his
role(s) are removed (cleanup).
(this is necessary when a role is not defined at the root of the wiki
tree, but at some 'lower' level in the tree.)
2) functionality of extended interface:
- create/delete users
- assign roles to users
- create/delete roles
- assign permissions to roles
- create a barrier role in order to stop the acquisition mechanism for
the other roles at the same level.
restrictions that apply via the interface:
- an admin can only manage roles and users that he has created himself.
- an admin can only manage permissions that he owns himself. i.e., he
can only add/remove those permissions that he owns.
modification to the original model:
- the computation of roles is done in a different way (using some sort
of acquisition that is similar to the zope model)
1) when should I use the interface 1?
=> when just one administrator is managing the wiki site.
2) when should I use the interface 2?
=> when you have several administrators, that are responsible for
'their' part (structures, roles, users) of the wiki site.
- the documentation (the difference of the two models are explained and
discussed) of these two models is available at:
- the management interface to the default securtity model described in
this docmentation (smallwiki_models_description.pdf) is already enhanced:
- an admin can only assign those roles to users that he has created
himself or that he owns himself.
- an admin can only delete the roles that he has created himself.
- an admin can only delete users that he has created himself.
- an admin can only assign those permissions to a role that he owns
I have to transfer data from an old to a new image, including the
content of the pages, user accounts and roles, uploaded files ...
What is the best way to do this?
Chris Burkert
Hi all,
I'm trying to add a custom action to a template (Squeak version).
I did everything in the FAQ (even registering the action with SWPage
etc) and I'm also able to evaluate the action using the ? notation.
But, when I'm editing the template settings the add, remove, up, down
button are not doing anything.
I'm probably overlooking something really obvious ;-)
Stéphane ducasse posted to squeak-dev:
> What we are doing or planning to do:
> - port SmallWiki to Seaside so that we can have a better CMS. If you
> want to help
> please contact send an email in the smallWiki mailing list
> - David rothlisberger is starting to have a forum on top of Seaside
> and will start to
> port smallWiki to Seaside.
> - this means that we could integrate a forum with a super extra
> SmallWiki and SqueakSource.
I've been thinking about this as well. My Wiresong site
(www.wiresong.ca) runs Smallwiki for the main part of the site, but
Smallblog for the blog section - it's a completely separate app in a
separate image. I'd also like to better integrate my Monticello
repository with the site, but SqueakSource isn't quite what I want for
So, yes, a Seaside version of SmallWiki would be great. I won't be able
to do any work on it until after I get back from StS though.
Another thing I was thinking about is a VW port of Monticello. That
would let us maintain SmallWiki in MC and keep the Squeak version in
synch with the main VW branch more easily. I sat up and took notice
when Lukas mentioned recently that he didn't want to do a merge with
StORE. Avi and I have kicked around a few ideas for how to maintain
cross-platform packages using MC, but we didn't come up with anything
really solid. I guess we'll have to try it out to find out what works
and what doesn't. Anybody else interested in that?