Hi Lukas!
The changes of your webserver isn't a problem for me. But I didn't have every time a connection to the web. So I want for my developments the posibility change the css an see what happens. I've tried out your recommandation but with the same result. Somthing ist wrong in writing the path.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Re-2: [PR] default css (20-Feb-2006 9:18)
From: Lukas Renggli <renggli(a)iam.unibe.ch>
To: frank.urbach(a)schmees.com
> > I've tryed changing the "style" in "PRPierFrame" under windows with
> > '@import "file:/C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\urbach\Desktop
> > \Smalltalk\Squeak\Pier2\style.css";' for my testbed. If I do this
> > I've lost the right behavior of the pier look-like. I'm reading the
> > FAQ on smallwiki-website but can't see anything helps further. Can
> > anybody take me to the right place?
> Is it still a problem for you? Due to a change in my web-server
> configuration the files were not reachable yesterday during a few hours.
> Note: The latest version of Pier in the Monticello-Repository does
> not use the style-method in PRPierFrame anymore, but it uses the
> Seaside library PRPierLibrary. So if you update you have to add this
> library manually to your Pier application to get any styles.
> Cheers,
> Lukas
> --
> Lukas Renggli
> http://www.lukas-renggli.ch
> _______________________________________________
> SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/smallwiki
I've tryed changing the "style" in "PRPierFrame" under windows with '@import "file:/C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\urbach\Desktop\Smalltalk\Squeak\Pier2\style.css";' for my testbed. If I do this I've lost the right behavior of the pier look-like. I'm reading the FAQ on smallwiki-website but can't see anything helps further. Can anybody take me to the right place?
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [PR] default css (19-Feb-2006 23:04)
From: Lukas Renggli <renggli(a)iam.unibe.ch>
To: frank.urbach(a)schmees.com
> Hi Nicolas,
> > I see you removed Pier's default css files from your website. Is it
> > possible to download them and use them locally ?
> sorry, that was a mistake. I changed some things on the web-server,
> but they should be back online again.
> Attached you find the default-css as a zip-file, so that you don't
> need to download all the files manually.
> Cheers,
> Lukas
this is a mail I sent on the wrong smallwiki mailing-list a few weeks
I finally got the time to install Pier. The main goal is not to have
a rock stable wiki (I would have used SmallWiki for that), but rather
to test Pier.
I installed Pier from scratch, to have the latest versions. (I
followed instructions given on http://smallwiki.unibe.ch/smallwiki/
pier/installationofpier/). As I needed the authentication features, I
installed the Pier-Security too.
The versions I used are:
- Pier-Model-lr.39
- Pier-Tests-lr.22
- Pier-Seaside-lr.36
- Pier-Security-pmm.17
At the moment, I have 3 kernels running. I noted a few problems :
- Pier-Security: I added users, groups without problem. Then I
disabled the View Command for "Other" users.
The problem is, disabling view doesn't hide contents. ie: "Other"
users can still view the first page of the wiki (even if the links
are grayed), the tree contents, and worst, if they type the address
directly, they can view all the pages of the wiki. (this problem was
already reported by Cédrick Béler, and I fixed it quick&dirty by
modifying PRContentsWidget and PRTreeWidget to only display content
when context isValid)
Another thing, even after fixing the first problem, when I click on
Login, the context becomes valid, and the tree contents are displayed.
- PRFilePersistency:
- When PRFilePersistency is instanced, it doesn't actually create
the log file. So when using the Log or Changes commands before saving
anything, I get a FileDoesNotExistException.
- When a page is deleted, when I use Changes or Log Commands, I get
an UndefinedObject error. If I manually delete the log, the problem
is solved.
- Would be interesting to have a way to change the default log file
name (I added this in my image)
- mutex: I got a strange problem. Suddenly, one of the 3 kernels
stopped accepting logins. The page just froze when I tried to login.
I found that something went wrong with a process in this kernel's
mutex. I tried to play with the blocked process, sending resume and
terminate messages, but I probably shouldn't have, because the image
locked, and the VM segfaulted, so I couldn't investigate it more
deeply ;-)
- Do you have a bug tracker for Pier ?
> Can you try with vw7.1 ? It doesn't work out of the box with the
> latest version (0.9.53) from CincomStore, and a user will probably
> choose the latest version...
0.9.53 doesn't work in VisualWorks 7.4 either. I don't know the
person that published those changes, there seems to be quite a lot of
changes to 0.9.51 after all.
What I also observed is that it depends on a lot of different
extension packages, that are not part of the core system. Especially
there is a dependency to a security package that is known not to work
and that overrides critical methods within the core!
I blessed 0.9.51 as released, people should use this version if they
need something stable. Afterward they can always try to load some
extensions manually, if the like.
Maybe the publishers of 0.9.52 and 0.9.53 know more what they changed
and why it is not working out of the box?
>>>> - Load Smallwiki from Cincom Store
>>> what version did you use? The last one I published is known to work
>>> at least with VisualWorks 7.1 and 7.2 and Swazoo from that time.
>> I just loaded SmallWiki 1 (0.9.51,lukas) from CincomStore into
>> VisualWorks 7.4 and everything worked out of the box: no need to load
>> extra packages, no need to fix dependencies, etc.
>> Ok, there was a debugger popping up sometime during loading with an
>> unsatisfiable dependency: I just hit proceed and it worked.
>>> TODO: create a correct bundle (don't know how to do it for the
>>> moment), or Smallwiki visualworks version can be considered as
>>> unusuable.
>> I consider it as stable ;-)
>> I changed the blessing level to make people aware of the debugger.
>> Lukas
>> --
>> Lukas Renggli
>> http://www.lukas-renggli.ch
>> _______________________________________________
>> SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
>> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/smallwiki
Lukas Renggli
It was quite painful to get the latest SW visualworks release working
! Takes me hours... Here was how I proceed... Maybe there is a more
straightforward way to do it, please share it if you know...
First you need an account to the scg store because you will need to
play between the scg store and VW stores to load correct dependencies.
Then :
- Load Smallwiki from Cincom Store
- Load from Cincom Store URISupport (because we need HttpURL in HTTP
- Then from Scg Store load Swazoo 1.5.1 (scg) and SmaCC Cincom3.1
- Then you have to correct the bug inside ValueWithParam>>resetParam :
replace Struct new by Protocols.Struct new. (as far as I remember !)
- Finally SwazooServer startOn: 8080 should work.
TODO: create a correct bundle (don't know how to do it for the
moment), or Smallwiki visualworks version can be considered as
Hi Brad,
> Is their doc someplace that shows the difference between SmallWiki and
> Pier? Or are they really two different animals?
> ( I did look here: http://kilana.unibe.ch:9090/SmallWiki
Pier (formerly known as SmallWiki 2) is what I started to work on
after SmallWiki 1. They certainly share some code and are similar in
some parts, but after all Pier has been rewritten from scratch. While
SmallWiki 1 was designed to be used as a well tested and extensible
Wiki implementation in Smalltalk, people started to use it as a CMS
(Content Management System), e.g., <http://www.squeak.org/> and
<http://www.esug.org>. In my opinion there is not much differencen
between a CMS and a Wiki, for the CMS this are mostly a few additional
tools and that you don't grant the edit permission to everybody in a
CMS. Pier has been designed with the CMS in mind -- and it turned out
to be even more: it can also be seen as an application development
framework on top of Seaside ...
So what is the difference to Pier then?
* The code-base of Pier is much cleaner than one of SmallWiki 1. There
is strict separation between the model and its views, they are all in
different packages and can be loaded independently. There are
currently two views available, the default one working with Seaside
and one using OmniBrowser and Morphic Squeak.
* Pier is based on the Magritte meta-model, what makes it very easy to
extend and query the system. E.g., imagine that you want to store a
small comment for all the edit operations, the only thing you need to
do is to add a string-description to the edit command and immediately
all parts of Pier will be aware of this new feature: all the edit
views for Seaside and Morphic display a new input field, the history
displays the additional field, the query engine and the persistency
will consider the new field, etc.
* Pier has got 5 times more tests than SmallWiki, not counting the
1500 of Magritte.
* Pier uses a similar document representation as SmallWiki, the wiki
syntax for both is similar to the one of SWiki. Again there is a SmaCC
parser that builds an AST of the document that can be easily visited
and transformed to HTML (Seaside), Latex (Documentation), morphic
text, plain text, etc.
* Pier uses a prevalence based history and snapshot mechanism. This
part is not quite finished/proved, serialization is quite tricky after
all, especially if the objects change during development. There was
someone that reported he stored the model in OmniBase. For me I am
currently just saving the image ;-)
* Pier uses Seaside as default view, as opposed to the stateless
approach with Swazoo in SmallWiki. This makes it very easy to plug any
Seaside application into pier, or to plug Pier into any of your
Seaside applications. Navigation tree that remember open nodes are
just a breeze. Ajax is cool with Pier. All links in are bookmark-able,
of course ...
There are certainly more differences, but I guess I wrote down the
most important ones ...
Lukas Renggli
I don't understand why the following code returns 'false':
[:aPerson |
(aPerson description
collect: [:desc | (desc toString: (aPerson readUsing: desc))])
anySatisfy: [:value | value matches: 'France']] asCondition
Is it because my code is not understood by the parser ?
Damien Cassou
CSS3 : "On passe au HSL, plus intuitif et moins orienté CRT que le
RGB. Il y a du HSLA". Et en plus, ça veut dire quelque chose (au moins
pour l'auteur) !
> >
> > When does one would want to store his descriptions ?
> If you let your end-users build their own forms.
> We once wrote a workflow definition and runtime engine at
> nestyle.ch using Magritte, where the users could build their
> own forms and define validation conditions on the form
> elements, all from the web- browser without programming
> knowledge. The meta-model is then stored in OmniBase. That's
> way I payed so much attention to make everything
> serialize-able. That being possible is one of the key
> advantages of Magritte over other meta frameworks, e.g., Mewa
> expects a lot of blocks everywhere.
Which is exactly what I like, and plan on doing with magritte, you
wouldn't want to share any of that would you?
I don't understand why there is #isZero, #beginsWith:, #isNil and the
others coded in MABlockToCondition. If I understand well, this method
are not needed due to the #doesNotUnderstand: method which does exactly
the same thing.
Damien Cassou
CSS3 : "On passe au HSL, plus intuitif et moins orienté CRT que le
RGB. Il y a du HSLA". Et en plus, ça veut dire quelque chose (au moins
pour l'auteur) !