I just installed magritte into a 3.8 image that already had seaside.
It was tricky as it kept freezing post installation in WeakArray
finalization code. Several tries and some playing with the process
browser allowed me to suspend/lower the priority, and kill the errant
process. So I have it. Nifty.
I'm working through the tutorial and the very first item - add a text
area called 'comment' to person is a puzzler. I hunt down the
MATextAreaComponent thinking I'll use a StringDescription but give
it a componentClass of MATextAreaComponent.
But then I read the comment:
I display an html text area for the magritte MATextAreaDescription.
So I go looking for that and the class does not exist. I found
MAMemoDescription because of the exception I got about lineCount not
being implemented on MAStringDescription.
So you should probably fix that comment or change the name of the
class back or something.
Otherwise, I think I like what I see so far.
-Todd Blanchard
I find having to provide the label for every attribute tedious. In
the application I am considering porting to Magritte, I infer the
label from the selector nearly all of the time. The code I use for
this is:
selector asString withSpacesBeforeCapitalLetters capitalized
works pretty well.
-Todd Blanchard
> Lukas, I've run into a minor anomaly in MAReport from Magritte lr.
> 187. Have a look at this method:
> renderTableCaptionOn: html
> self description caption ifNotNilDo: [ :value |
> html
> tag: 'caption'
> do: self description caption ]
> The problem is that #caption isn't implemented in any object that
> would conceivably used in this context. I leave it to you to sort
> this one out.
That's odd. The code in my image looks completely different:
MAReport>>renderTableCaptionOn: html
(html tag: 'caption') with: self tableCaption
Are you talking about Magritte-All.lr.187?
Lukas Renggli
I was going to send an email about Pier and I couldn't come up with any
example sites. Can anyone reply with some links that I can use?
brad fuller
+1 (408) 799-6124
I am planning to set up a simple wiki for personal use (noting my tasks,
thoughts, etc.) and maybe more. I decided to
use SmallWiki, as it seems to work really fine in practice
(www.squeak.org is very nice). At first I tried Pier, but it
was a bit complicated for me, as I am not familiar with Seaside and I
really don't want to develop web applications. So
I downloaded the SmallWiki prepared image from
http://homepage.mac.com/jborden23/FileSharing3.html. Loading from
SqueakMap to 3.9 did not really work out (getting a dependency message
and after ignoring it getting another error on a
non-existing method in Monticello?). The prepared image is a Squeak 3.7
one and works just fine but I did run into
troubles when trying to configure SmallWiki. So here are some questions,
maybe you can help me:
1.) I don't really understand the difference between roles and users. If
I enter the wiki, I have automatically anonymous
role? Why can't I edit any page then?
2.) I tried to protect a page, that should not be viewable by other
users then admin. I executed the script I found in the
SmallWiki FAQ:
(server root at: 'Secret')
roles: (OrderedCollection
with: (BasicRole name: 'anonymous')) " this role has no permissions "
but I could still access the page when I normally entered it without any login. Am I
doing something wrong?
3.) How can I remove actions (RSS for example) from the upper right corner?
I think that's pretty much it. I would appreciate any help. Thanks in advance,
Related to my previous post, here is the 'out of the box' experience
of a newbie. The image was downloaded from the Web site and untouched.
The 'How To' seems to be out of sync with the software.
> Configuring for Magma.
Why does it have to be configured for Magma? What is the default
persistency system?
> In application 'pier' configuration.
This is the Pier > configure link on the Pier home page.
>1. Add WAMagmaConfiguration to configurations.
I am assuming that this is in the 'Configuration Ancestors' area?
>2. Switch sessionClass to WAMagmaSharedSession
There is now a General > sessionClass with an override link.
I am assuming that we have to press Save at this point...
>3. Return to the config app and click the new 'magma'.
There is no direct link, so I pressed Done and clicked again on the
configure from the Home page.
In the General section there is a override link next to Location > Magma
>4. Create RepositoryRoot selecting PRMagmaRepository (create)
No such thing... The choices for Magma > Locations are
- MagmaRemoteLocation, and
- MagmaLocalLocation.
Not sure what to do, I selected MagmaLocalLocation and left 'magma' in
the path field. Then pressed Saved.
>5. Return to config app and click the 'pier' link.
There is no Pier link. Only a Pier section header.
>6. Switch the kernel to the persistency scheme of your choice.
For the Kernel the choices are:
- "None", or
- "a Pier kernel named: 'Pier'"
Do you need Magma? I've not tried installing the Magma-Pier integration, yet (quite frankly, Keith's instructions are a bit vague and needs a bit more detail for a newbie like me), but the experience of just installing Pier is fairly straightforward (unless something has changed since my last install). Just install Pier from SqueakMap, and it'll take care of all the dependencies.
Even when installing via the Monticello repository according to the instructions worked painlessly.
Try the instructions here for the installation without Magma:
If you're determined to get Magma running with Pier, you might want to try getting help on Magma's mailing list, since it seems that most of your problems come from Magma.
Magma List: magma(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org
Magma List Archive: http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/magma
I feel similarly in regards to SqueakMap. It seems to lack automatic dependency resolution, and puts all the dependency resolution in the hands of the package developer, of which many pass that burden on to the user. The most well-behaved SqueakMap package so far for me, is Pier. I can take a fresh 3.8 image and install Pier, and it'll install all the other packages that it depends on, plus setting things up so it can start running once the installation is done.
I always keep a fresh image that I can restart on. Many times installing packages from SqueakMap and fiddling around Squeak can break my image or change file, and I don't know how to fix it, so I just start fresh again.
----- Original Message ----
From: Thierry Thelliez <thierry.thelliez.tech(a)gmail.com>
To: "Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ..." <smallwiki(a)iam.unibe.ch>
Sent: Wednesday, January 24, 2007 4:15:01 PM
Subject: Re: Pier 'How to'
Quite a lot of problems with the Squeak environment...
Because of the previous issues, I decided to try updating Magma and
other Packages.
I must say that I am underwhelmed with the SqueakMap system. Few days
ago I was using YumEx for Fedora. I found the dependency management
more clear.
Anyhow, I first tried to update Magma. localhost:9090/seaside/pier
refused to work... I tried updating other packages. Still no luck.
Then I tried opening a fresh 3.9 image and running the Pier
installation script. Again many not very clear messages about loading
older versions of some MA * packages. The choices are yes and no.
That's not clear what the implications are. I picked yes for all of
them. I then got an error message about a missing MATestCase class...
My perception as a newbie is that there is quite some version
management issues here. The whole process stopped because of a syntax
error (probably due to a different class schema version).
I am not sure what to do next...
SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Any questions? Get answers on any topic at www.Answers.yahoo.com. Try it now.
Hi all,
I am building a mostly static website that can take advantage of some
automation, so I have written it using Pier. I just took a look at the MC
repo and noticed I am a ways behind in revisions (i'm at 79) so maybe there
is a way to do this now. Or maybe there was before I just didn't understand
What I am doing is making a band website. One of the things we need on the
page are CD's. What I would like to do is; in Pier do a normal Component
add, but I would select PRCDPage instead of the normal one. Then I can edit
the CD from the Edit command. Simple enough.
But it occurs to me that this is a more general problem. I have an object
which may be image only, or it may actually live in the database. I want to
do a "PRModelPage" add, have the edit let me select the model and then after
the model is known the Edit command will edit the object directly.
I really think something like this would be helpful for the site overall. I
think this is the type of thing you get easily from Rails. So before I go
off and implement it, I thought I was ask, what do you guys think? Does
this exist already? Is there some better way it should be implemented them
how I am suggesting (i.e. the Migretta meta-information will have to be kind
of "two phase")?
Thanks for any insight you can provide,
Turn searches into helpful donations. Make your search count.
Beginning with Pier/Magma/Seaside, I have some issues following the
While starting the server works, few lines down the 'How-To' we can see:
"To Change Admin Password
' pier' control panel link is visible in config application
has buttons for (Manage Users) and (Manage Groups)"
where is this panel link refered to?
Lukas, I loaded up the latest Magritte code the other day, and it blew up
because MANamedBuilder is now using your #value: symbol hack from your
Mondrian package. I like the symbol trick, but I assume you don't mean for
Magritte to depend on Mondrian.
Ramon Leon