In cases where there is an MASelectorAccessor, I'd like to make the default
label = `the accessor capitalized unCamelCased`. It seems the overwhelmingly
common use case is `... #accessor: #dateCreated; #label: 'Date Created'`.
The current behavior is
^ self propertyAt: #label ifAbsent: [ self class defaultLabel ]
Is anyone using (or can state a plausible use case for) this
subclass-customizable class-side #defaultLabel?
If no one is relying on the existing behavior, I'll make the change...
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Sent from the Magritte, Pier and Related Tools mailing list archive at
is there any photo gallery available for Pier? I mean a widget where I
could upload pictures and they are rendered in a nice way. I started
one 4 years ago but I abandoned it.
Damien Cassou
Name: ConfigurationOfMagritte3-StephanEggermont.118
Author: StephanEggermont
Time: 10 October 2015, 9:09:24.252164 pm
UUID: 5d39ab33-c062-4754-ad55-4feb4b59199d
Ancestors: ConfigurationOfMagritte3-StephanEggermont.117
Update Grease to stable version #'release1.2' is version 3.5.0
Name: ConfigurationOfMagritte3-StephanEggermont.117
Author: StephanEggermont
Time: 10 October 2015, 5:56:07.098168 pm
UUID: e61105b7-4521-4428-9881-795f10251beb
Ancestors: ConfigurationOfMagritte3-SeanDeNigris.116
In place change: block with MagritteGlamourForPharo40 only for Pharo 4.
Full details at
There was not a viable control for the use case where you are choosing
between several likely known options, but may also select an unknown object
that was not part of the initial options. For example, when tagging people
in a photos, you'd want to start with known people, but be able to add new
people too.
Here's a screencast:
NB the completion menu appears in a seemingly random place. I guess this is
a Pharo bug, but I'm currently only using the morph internally so I can live
with it
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