is there any photo gallery available for Pier? I mean a widget where I
could upload pictures and they are rendered in a nice way. I started
one 4 years ago but I abandoned it.
Damien Cassou
There was a, now outdated, Magritte-GLORP integration, to generate
GLORP descriptors based on Magritte metadata.
But as I say it is outdated, and it probably won't work with the
latest Magritte version (3.x) that uses descriptors on the instance
Esteban A. Maringolo
2015-01-17 12:34 GMT-03:00 David Carlos Manuelda <stormbyte(a)gmail.com>:
> I've read in soem tutorial (don't remember which right now) that magritte
> have support for data persistency.
> If I did not understood it bad, it would mean that it can autogenerate SQL
> queries from descriptions so they don't need to be coded manually into the
> database class methods, but just could not find any info and/or examples
> regarding it.
> Can someone point me in the right direction, or tall me if I understood it
> bad?
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