In Pier-Updater in the Pier3Addons we added a class that
every 10 seconds tries to find a newer version of the
Pier-Exported-Code package in its last repository
and then resets the kernel and registers the PRKernelCreatorForPier.
It has a class side initialize that starts the process.
We'd like some help with how nil / undefined is handled in Magritte,
and specifically a MAStringDescription. The method MAStringReader >>
read:description: overrides the default behaviour to return nil. Is a
nil in Magritte seen as a "unpopulated" token?
Our problem more specifically is this:
We start with an object containing an string in an instance variable.
We use a MAStringDescription for this instance variable. We use the
magritte-seaside binding to edit this field on the UI. If the user
does not capture text in the text input, an empty string is "written".
The method on MAStringReader mentioned above intercepts this and
returns nil, so nil is written back to our domain object, where we
started off with an empty string.
We do not want nils to be written into our domain object where we
initialized it with an empty string.
How do we fix this? Is there a hook where we should be specifying
this? Or is there a fundamental way of working with Magritte-Seaside
where it will write nils and we have to manage that on our domain
Thanks for your help.
Hi all,
The project Pier3 Addons is for some time red. Maybe I broke something in the configuration, as RSS had a wrong version number. This is actually seaside… so should be version 3.1.0.
After I fixed this: stable was green again. Development still is red, because some initialiser method that is called no longer seem to exist. Maybe someone removed this?
I also added this mailing list to be informed when the build fails.
I wonder why MADescription isn't a "valuable" object.
It is... it doesn't understand the #value: message selector.
#value: could map to the accessor #read: and #value:value: to the the
accessor #write:to:
Is there a reason why it isn't this way.
It would make it very useful from a polymorphic point of view.
#size value: #(1 2 7).
[ :value | value size ] value: #(1 2 7).
(MANumberDescription new accessor: #size) value: #(1 2 7).
Esteban A. Maringolo