is there any photo gallery available for Pier? I mean a widget where I
could upload pictures and they are rendered in a nice way. I started
one 4 years ago but I abandoned it.
Damien Cassou
At PharoConf Nick and Esteban talked about three very cool additions to Pier:
1: Nick showed PierAdmin. You probably heard about this, but when you see it running, it's pretty impressive. You get it by loading in a Pharo 1.3 or 1.4 image:
Gofer new
renggli: 'pier3addons';
package: 'ConfigurationOfPierAddons';
2: But, the coolest thing is the little addition that Nick created to seamlessly port a Pier 1/2 to a Pier 3. It's called Pier-Exporter-Code (also in pier3addons). I tried it on an older Pier 2 installation I had and it just worked.
3: Esteban showed Voyage, the Magma support for Magritte and Pier. The cool demo he showed went like this: he added the magma persistency, he copied the image manually and spawned it on another port than the original one, and then he showed how both were running in the same time on the same data source. It again, just worked. Essentially, using this, you can scale Pier through multiple images out of the box. Very cool.
The code is here:
"Don't give to get. Just give."
I'm making right now some templates for pier, and I can't to decide to use
Blueprint or TwitterBootstrap :(
Pier templates for blog currently use Blueprint, but I guess that Bootstrap
is the better choise for make something from cero (like me).
Any comment/thought is welcome :). Thanks in advance.
2012/3/23 Nick Ager <nick.ager(a)gmail.com>
> Hi Jan,
> I extended the code a little with a subclass of MAReport so you can use
>> Bootstrap to style your tables/reports. Including the pagination controls.
> Thanks that's a fantastic addition. I've updated
> http://twitterbootstrap.seasidehosting.st/
>> I am working on a web application that is based on jQueryUI and the
>> Blueprint CSS Framework. Perhaps I can replace Blueprint with Bootstrap. It
>> seems that Bootstrap has a lot more to offer than Blueprint. I think I will
>> still need jQueryUI for the datepicker and dialog controls.
> Bootstrap supports dialogs - which it calls modals ->
> http://twitter.github.com/bootstrap/javascript.html#modals
> Last time I looked they were not as functional JQueryUI dialogs though
> bootstrap is developing so quickly that if it doesn't do what you need now,
> it could soon...
> BTW: I integrated the JQueryUI date picker with Magritte -
> see MAJQDateInputComponent in Magritte-JQuery of
> http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/magritte3addons
> Cheers
> Nick
> _______________________________________________
> seaside mailing list
> seaside(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org
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The context menu never loads on right mouse click on nested structure
titles in Pier3 admin UI.
There was no problem with the previous version of jQuery 1.6.2
Does anybody has the same observation? What could be wrong?
I'm trying to export an application from Pharo to Amber, and everything
works find except when it has to write the .js file. It give me the
following error + and empty .js file:
a BlockClosure>>value:
a Exporter>>exportPackageDefinitionOf:on:
nil does not understand #name
throw e; // process.nextTick error, or 'error' event on first tick
Error: First argument needs to be a number, array or string.
at new Buffer (buffer.js:156:15)
at Object.writeFileSync (fs.js:485:12)
at /home/projects/Amber/Amber/mySrc/amberc.0ZLAPg/compiler.js:18557:8
at Array.forEach (native)
at Object.<anonymous>
at Module._compile (module.js:402:26)
at Object..js (module.js:408:10)
at Module.load (module.js:334:31)
at Function._load (module.js:293:12)
at Array.<anonymous> (module.js:421:10)
Any idea?
View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/Exporting-error-and-empty-js-file-tp4630733.html
Sent from the Magritte, Pier and Related Tools mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
Dear Seaside, Magritte experts, I probably have some easy question for
you but well with Magritte there is one thing very sparse. Examples.
I attach an example here.
What I wan is
a Magritte description for addresses which I can put into a combobox
printed like this:
zip city; street.
I've get there while overwriting printOn in Address. This can't be the
way to go.
The next question I have. I'd like to have some context menu while
right clicking on the address. There I want to have the choice to
Edit the current address (maybe inline)
go to the addresses overview
I've looked through the JavaScript examples but have not found anything
with acts on "right" click.
It would be very kind to leas me to some actual tutorial about using
Magritte 3, Seaside 3 etc.
PS: If you know of a Magritte/Seasider looking for work, please let me
Q-Software Solutions GmbH; Sitz: Bruchsal; Registergericht: Mannheim
Registriernummer: HRB232138; Geschaeftsfuehrer: Friedrich Dominicus
Sorry I've seached the net but I still do not know what
this pragma is for.
Can anyone shed some light on it?
A related question:
in the MagritteMagicExample (which seems to be the only Example
available for Magritt3 one can find:
talkJson: talkTitle
<produces: 'application/json'>
<path: '/talk?title={talkTitle}'>
| talk |
talk := self talkFromTitle: talkTitle.
self requestContext respond: [ :response |
contentType: WAMimeType applicationJson;
nextPutAll: talk asJson ]
So it seems this should produce come Json format. Does that work for