I am trying the book component in the latest Pier and I notice that the user comments component does not seem to appear anymore. Is there something I should do, or is this a bug?
"It's not what we do that matters most, it's how we do it."
Hi all,
It seems that I as pretty tired when I made my last changes in the image
in the processo to make it ready for a public site and I forgot the
admin password. There is any way to reset it from the image (instead of
the web interface)?
Hi all,
It has been really nice my re-encounter with Smalltalk using Pharo,
Seaside and Pier, and knowing that there are some important projects to
learn like Moose or Aida and Illiad. I want to make my site using Pier,
and "consolidate" my on-line presence there. Previously I have used Moin
Moin and Tiddlywiki and now I'm writing my thesis using
reStructuredText, so would be nice to have a single markup language for
all this writing and I think that this one should be reST. So the
project is giving Pier the possibility to use this as a Markup language.
I have seen that there are some projects like Helvetia and Pettit Parser
that, perhaps, may be used in this kind of project, but I really don't
know if this is feasible or where to start. So if anyone have some ideas
on this I would really like to hear them.
Citezen-Pier does not seem to work anymore. The first thing I noticed is that it still relies on Rio for accessing the bib file. I guess we should update it to work with Filesystem.
Anyone happens to have an interest to work on it?
"Some battles are better lost than fought."
I'm experimenting with a JSON converter for objects with Magritte
descriptions. So far I've added the following to GRObject:
jsonOn: aStream
| description |
description := self description.
description children isEmpty ifFalse: [
| first |
first := true.
aStream nextPut: ${.
description do: [ :each |
ifTrue: [ first := false ]
ifFalse: [ aStream nextPut: $, ].
json: each label;
nextPut: $:;
json: (each accessor read: self) ].
aStream nextPut: $} ]
you can then generate JSON from an object, for example:
((PRPage named: 'examplePage') contents: '!!Hello', String crlf, 'Hello
""world"" check') asJson
Text":"Hello\rHello world check","Environment":null,"Style
Sheet":null,"Shortcut Icon":null,"CSS Classes":null}'
The method fails with recursive structures, but otherwise is appears to work
Does this look like a sensible approach? Has anyone else implemented
anything similar?