is there any photo gallery available for Pier? I mean a widget where I
could upload pictures and they are rendered in a nice way. I started
one 4 years ago but I abandoned it.
Damien Cassou
I've been working on the ConfigurationOfxxx to load the Wysiwyg editor and
think I've finally made it.
Starting with a clean Pharo1.3 image, I found I first needed to load a
recent version of Seaside:
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'Seaside30';
package: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside30';
ConfigurationOfSeaside30 loadLatestVersion.
I've added the editor configuration to ConfigurationOfPierAddOns2, so the
next step is to load the configuration:
Gofer new
renggli: 'pier2addons';
package: 'ConfigurationOfPierAddOns2';
If you want to test the editor in a minimal configuration, then execute:
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPierAddOns2) project version: '2.0.9') load:
Or if you want the editor loaded into a more complete "standard" pier
installation execute:
((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfPierAddOns2) project version: '2.0.9') load:
#('Pier-Setup' 'Pier-FileUpload-Wysiwyg').
The Wysiwyg editor insert image/file upload, functionality requires a filter
and configuration to be installed. The magic to do this is
in ConfigurationOfPierAddOns2>>#initializeWysiwygEditorFileUpload:
| pierApp |
pierApp := WADispatcher default handlers at: 'pier' ifAbsent: [
| distribution |
distribution := Smalltalk at: #PRDistribution ifAbsent: [ nil ].
distribution isNil
ifTrue: [
(PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: (PRKernel named:
'defaultKernel')) ]
ifFalse: [
PRPierFrame registerAsApplication: 'pier' kernel: PRDistribution new kernel
] ].
pierApp filters detect: [ :aFilter | aFilter class name =
#NAFileUploadRequestHandler ] ifNone: [ pierApp addFilterFirst:
NAFileUploadRequestHandler new ].
pierApp configuration addParent: NAFileUploadConfigurator instance
The installation will install the required filter and configuration provided
your Pier application is installed at '/pier'
Editing a page should now display the Wysiwyg editor. The editor's links
dialog should include a Pier site map, allowing you to easily select a link
within the site. The insert image, should include a "choose file" button
which will upload a file and by default store it in folder based on the
location of the page within the pier site-map, by default within a folder -
'uploadedFiles' - in the image folder. The uploaded images folder can be
configured within /config in the "File Upload" section.
Hope this all makes sense
Hi guys. I am testing a import/export of Pier kernels and I would like to
test with a real kernel (not the one included by default in Pier). I want to
export such kernel and import it in another image.
I have 2 pier images handly but both are quite old (pharo 1.0 and non-cog).
I would like a new one based on Cog and Pier 2.0.
Of course, the Pier image should be open-source or at least you should not
care that I test it.
so...someone has a pier image to lend me?
Thanks a lot in advance.
I am having a little problem. I have upgraded humane-assessment.com to the latest Pier/Seaside, but now it crashes constantly.
There is no log, it just crashes.
I suspect it has something to do with a memory leak. Any idea of what can cause this issue? Or how I could investigate it?
"If you interrupt the barber while he is cutting your hair,
you will end up with a messy haircut."
I've rearranged some of my Wysiwyg Pier code into new repositories:
* Pier-FileUpload-Wysiwyg - Wysiwyg editor with file upload support in a
standard image
* Pier-FileUpload-Common-Wysiwyg
* Pier-FileUpload-Nginx-Wysiwyg - Wysiwyg editor with file upload support
using the Nginx web-server to stream file directly to disk and provide
upload progress support.
So the Pier-NginxFileUpload-Wysiwyg repository in
http://source.lukas-renggli.ch/pier2addons is now redundant. Any chance
someone with admin access could delete all the versions of that package from
the repository.
The other repositories remain the same:
* Pier-Wysiwyg
* Pier-Tests-Wysiwyg
The Wysiwyg editor is nearly ready for a 1.0 release. It now includes
file-upload and a site-map drop-down to provide Wysiwyg support for creating
internal links and embedding images. I'll update the
ConfigurationOfPierWysiwygEditor and probably ConfigurationOfPierAddOns2
ASAP to make it easy to install. It's probably best to wait for the
ConfigurationOfPierXXX updates as there are some tricks for the file-upload
support - a WASystemConfiguration derived class and a WARequestFilter.
I'd love to try the Wysiwyg editor with a large set of Pier content to test
if it's ready for prime-time. Anyone fancy trying it?
Hi Lukas. I was serializing Pier kernels with Fuel and I started to face
problems with Magritte proxies. Since I have no idea how/why they are use, I
need to ask a couple of question. Imagine I want to serialize a graph (like
a Pier kernel) that contains instances of MADynamicObject, like
MAMultipleOptionDescription new
default: [ self defaultViewClasses ] magritteDynamicObject;
options: [ self defaultViewClasses ] magritteDynamicObject;
So the questions are:
- When I MATERIALIZE the graph, would you like to
a) still have the proxies exactly as it was during serialization ?
b) or would you expect that objects refer directly to the target of the
proxy (proxies do not even exist) ?
If you want a) then there are problems that I have to fix because for
example I put objects (proxies) in a IdentitySet/IdenitityDictionary (which
of course #== is not intercepted by the proxy) but then when I do
#instVarAt: or #basicAt: etc, from the serializer, it intercept the messages
and forwards to the target. This makes things complicated in Fuel but we can
solve it.
b) can be achieved with the hook of a #objectToSerialize where each class
can implement such message and not necessary answer self but something
different. In this case, the proxy can answer the target.
So....depending what is the best scenario for the materialization, I can
choose which of the options to do.
Thanks in advance,
In the latest Pier, editing the CSS through the design command is no longer possible. It looks like the editor now displays the binary stream of the file instead of the text. Take a look in the attachment.
The Pier-Design package did not change, and I am not sure where I should look for this. Could anyone point me into the right direction?
"Sometimes the best solution is not the best solution."
I have a bit of trouble rendering a widget that aims to embed some other structures.
Here is the current code:
renderContentOn: html
html div
id: #cycler;
script: ((html jQuery: #cycler) cycle fx: 'fade'; timeout: self timeout; delay: self delay; speed: self speed; pager: '#cyclerNav') greaseString;
with: [
self sourceChildren do: [:each |
html div class: 'cyclerItem'; with: [html rendererInstance visit: each document] ] ].
It seems to work fine when sourceChildren contains only PRPages, but when there is a PRFile inside, it goes strange. For example, if I have three PRFiles in the collection, the rendering looks like:
<div id="cycler">
<div class="cyclerItem"></div>
<div class="cyclerItem"><img alt="One" src="/pier?_s=Zp6phh68i9hRHhnB"></div>
<div class="cyclerItem"><img alt="Two" src="/pier?_s=z2r2BcgQuxMPw_cc"></div>
<img alt="Three" src="/pier?_s=LFE6L8UkDNIyzAdN"></div>
What am I doing wrong?
"Some battles are better lost than fought."