is there any photo gallery available for Pier? I mean a widget where I
could upload pictures and they are rendered in a nice way. I started
one 4 years ago but I abandoned it.
Damien Cassou
I am trying the book component in the latest Pier and I notice that the user comments component does not seem to appear anymore. Is there something I should do, or is this a bug?
"It's not what we do that matters most, it's how we do it."
Does anybody of you use pier with a multilingual setting? If so I would be interested what approaches you take.
I started simple and provided a kernel for each language where the language independent stuff is shared. But the more components I embed the more the whole thing becomes a drag.
So I am very interested in any approach you tried (even if you failed)
Hi I would like to use PierBook to write paper in Croatian, and
produce nice latex output with some non latin characters in it.
Can I just use Pier2 one click from Lukas jenkins, or some tweaking is
required to get a smooth run?
Davorin Rusevljan
---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Adrian Lienhard
Date: Friday, 22 July 2011
Subject: [Seaside] SeasideHostings with custom domain names need to
update their DNS config
To: Seaside - general discussion <seaside(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org>
This is relevant for SeasideHosting users with their own domain name
(if you access the site other than yourname.seasidehosting.st).
The SeasideHosting server is getting a new IP address. Some users have
their DNS configured to point to the old address ( and
hence need to update.
Until 1st of August 2011, please update your DNS configuration as
follows. Replace the existing A record (which currently points to with a CNAME record:
CNAME seasidehosting.st
If you have any questions, please get in contact directly via
seaside mailing list
Lukas Renggli
I can understand how the current implementation of Pier security could work
well in the case of a set of users each with their own sub-tree - a little
like Unix's '/home/user1' '/home/user2' etc, where users can control the
commands allowed to be executed on their sub-trees.
However I'm looking for a more capability model, for example:
* does the user have permission to see this view in wiki mode?
* does the user have permission to create verbatim html?
* does the user have permission to create value links?
* etc
Is there a sensible way to map this onto the current security
implementation? I've currently mapped it with code like:
> editorConfiguration allowWikiTextEditing: ((self context command:
> PRWikiTextEditingCommand new) isValid).
This works however the owner/group/other structure permissions mapping seems
too coarse grained. I'd like to be able to have groups relating to these
permissions then add groups to users, depending upon the permissions I'd
like to assign to them. Am I looking at this in the wrong way? Is there a
mechanism to support a capability model?
I've been working on a Wysiwyg editor for Pier, (see attachment). It seems
to be in a useable state and I'd love to receive some feedback The editor
currently supports all the Pier markup I'm aware of, except tables. That
said not all markup is possible to create in wysiwyg mode, however the
editor aims to preserve all markup and allow editing of markup created in
wiki mode. For example annotated paragraphs can be created in wiki mode,
then edited in a Wysiwyg mode. Special Pier markup such as verbatim,
embedded links etc are shown and preserved in the Wysiwyg editor, but are
not editable.
To give it a spin, from a Pier image execute:
Gofer it
renggli: 'pier2addons';
package: 'Pier-Wysiwyg';
Then browse to /wysiwygtest and you should see a test editor, which allows
switching between wysiwyg and wiki editors with changes in either editor
being reflected in both editors.
The html parser walks the browser's DOM, and translates into Pier wiki
format. There's a set of tests for the parser, which can be loaded with:
Gofer it
renggli: 'pier2addons';
package: 'ConfigurationOfPierWysiwygEditor';
(ConfigurationOfPierWysiwygEditor project version: #bleedingEdge) load:
#('Core' 'Tests').
Then browse to /testwysiwgParser The tests are written in the Jasmine
Javascript test framework [1], so run in the browser.
I'm still trying to work out the best method to integrate into Pier. If you
want to try the editor within Pier modify:
PRDocumentDescription class>>defaultComponentClasses
^ Array with: PRWysiwygEditorComponent
I've yet to find a method to integrate with Pier without modifying at least
one Pier method. Any thoughts? Changing the above method also results in the
editor being visible blog comments, which in it's current state probably
isn't desirable.
Next steps:
- add support for preserving table markup
- add a preview tab
- support enabling/disabling depending upon user permission.
1 http://pivotal.github.com/jasmine/
I added code to the Wysiwyg editor to escape markup within text nodes. To
illustrate here is an example from the (javascript) test-suite:
it("should escaped text containing link markup", function() {
expect("To create a link, put it between
<code>*</code>").shouldParseInto("To create a link, put it between
This works fine, the problem arises with:
it("should escaped text containing code markup", function() {
expect("To make something <code>monospaced</code>, surround it with
<code>==</code>").shouldParseInto("To make something ==monospaced==,
surround it with ==\\=\\===");
Should text containing '==' translate into '\==' OR '\=\='.
rendering ' ==\==== ' into html [1] results in:
'<p> <code>=</code>= </p>'
whereas rendering '==\=\=== ' into html results in:
'<p> <code>==</code> </p>'
The html reflects the PRDocument structure. It seems that PRDocumentParser
doesn't parse ' ==\==== ' as expected.
Worse the sequence: wiki text-> PRDocument -> wiki text fails:
PRWikiWriter write: (PRDocumentParser parse: ' ==\=\=== ') => '
==\==== '
However I have a fix. I've locally modified PRDocumentParser
class>>#escape:using: so that any multi-character markup is multiply
'@@' -> '\@\@'
'--' => '\-\-'
This seems to solve the ambiguous parsing problem and the round-trip
problem. Great. However many tests will need rewriting to reflect that any
multi-character markup is escaped with multiple slashes. Before fixing the
tests, I wanted to check that people thought it made sense.
[1] | document renderer |
document := PRDocumentParser parse: ' ==\==== '.
renderer := PRViewRenderer new.
^ WAHtmlCanvas builder
fullDocument: false;
render: [ :r | renderer withinContentDo: [ renderer start: document in:
self on: r ] ].
I have the following use case that I want to solve using Magritte. I have entities that have Magritte descriptions. If I have one entity, I can nicely edit its description, and when I press Save, it changes the values from the entities.
Now, I also have collections of entities that have the same descriptions I would like to use the rendering of Magritte to edit the values for all entities in the collection and when I press Save it should change the values for all entities. Is there any direct support for something like that?
"Yesterday is a fact.
Tomorrow is a possibility.
Today is a challenge."