is there any photo gallery available for Pier? I mean a widget where I
could upload pictures and they are rendered in a nice way. I started
one 4 years ago but I abandoned it.
Damien Cassou
I've logged a bug: http://code.google.com/p/pier/issues/detail?id=132
The text of the bug is:
Steps to recreate the bug:
1) Download the recent build of Pier 2 -
http://hudson.lukas-renggli.ch/job/Pier%202/ - this bug is not present
in Pier with Seaside 2.8
2) In a workspace execute the following:
PREventDistribution register.
WAAdmin defaultDispatcher defaultHandler preferenceAt: #useCookies put: true.
(PRPathLookup start: (PRKernel instances anyOne) root path: '/call')
contents: 'In Firefox, try clicking on the counter
(PRPathLookup start: (PRKernel instances anyOne) root path: '/call') addChild: (
(PRComponent named: 'counter') componentClass: WACounter; yourself)
3) Within Firefox (I'm using 3.16.13) browse to
http://localhost:8080/pier/call - you should be on the "Call for
Contributions" page into which the above script embeds the standard
Seaside counter component in the page.
4) Try clicking on the "++" or "--" links a couple of times and you'll
find yourself taken to http://localhost:8080/pier/dates and rather
than modifying the counter value.
Here's my understanding of the bug:
1) Amongst other metadata Pier adds the following to the header: <link
href="/pier/dates" rel="next">
2) In Firefox when cookies are enabled, the <link rel="next"> causes
firefox to issue at least two requests for each page; the first
request for the url specified, the second for the url specified in the
href of the <link rel="next">. Note this second request is not visible
in firebug (I added request logging to WAComancheRequestConverter). In
Safari or Chrome, I haven't seen any additional requests and so the
problem does not appear.
3) The second request confuses the callback hander
Unfortunately my understanding of how the callback handler should work
is limiting my ability to fix the bug. Any thoughts?
i have some descriptions and one based on MAStringDescription for manage the e-mail reference.
Now i'm interested to create a MAReport with fields for management email.
Where for management i think a link to open new email directly from report :
html anchor attributeAt: 'href' put: 'mailto:', anObject emailBase.
How i can do it ?
Anyone create a specific MADescription for define e management email reference ?
I'm working with the built-in book in Pier to put together an outline of
an online book. Great software, one of the best online book formats I've
My problem is, the only way I can find to make a new chapter after
trying for about an hour is to copy "1 Introduction". When I do this,
the copied chapters go down below the Keywords Index in the Table of
Contents, thus spoiling the layout in my opinion.
So now it's:
1 Introduction
1.1 Section
Keyword index
2 Intro-2
2.1 Section 2
How can I move the Keywords Index down the list to be the final item in
Table of Contents please?
I want:
1 Introduction
1.1 Section
2 Intro-2
2.1 Section 2
Keyword index
Also, is there a better way to make new chapters than to just keep
copying? I couldn't find any kind of page (while doing Add from various
pages) that had Chapter as a type or that would give it a number and
line it up with 1 Introuction.
Thanks in advance.
I've created an issue:
http://code.google.com/p/pier/issues/detail?id=131with an associated
Name: Pier-Security-NickAger.174
Author: NickAger
Time: 21 February 2011, 7:39:09 pm
UUID: 7a2e62e8-276f-452c-8f4e-407f23e52121
Ancestors: Pier-Security-lr.173
Hope that makes sense
Hi all,
I've been testing Pier2 using the One-Click image, but i would like to be
able to run it using the PharoCore 1.2 download.
I've evaluated the following code (as it appears in the
ConfigurationOfSeaside>>workspace comments):
Gofer new
squeaksource: 'MetacelloRepository';
package: 'ConfigurationOfSeaside';
(ConfigurationOfSeaside project version: '1.0.7')
load: #('Seaside 3.0' 'Magritte2 Tests' 'Pier2 Tests' 'Pier2 AddOns').
Then I start the Seaside server with:
(Smalltalk at: #WAKom) startOn: 8080.
The Seaside responds successfully in the 8080 port but the pier application
is not configured, how should I configure it?
Thank you,
Rafael Luque
2011/2/14 pablo <pablogancharov(a)gmail.com>:
> Thanks Philippe Marschall,
> it seems that all the applications are disabled by default and it is ok for
> a production environment.
> But I want to enable a Pier Blog, How could I do that?
Best ask on smallwiki(a)iam.unibe.ch
[1] http://www.piercms.com/contact
If I use something like
PRDocumentParser parse: '{{{<div/>}}}'
then it creates
I like to avoid creating a paragraph which has a big influence on styles. If I'm not misled by firebug etc. than the verbatim is created after the paragraph leaving an empty paragraph right before the verbatim. Is this possible easily?
Does anyone know of any discussion forum type functionality that has been
developed for Pier or Seaside? If not, do you think Pier be a suitable
framework, or would it make more sense to try to integrate forum software
from another platform?