since this is my first email to the mailing list let me instroduce myself,
my name is RIcardo Jacas from the University of chile.
Im currently building a seaside aplication to produce xml reports,
i've been using Magritte to produce this components.
is there any way to produce xml escription using magritte?
I skimmed the mailing list archive, the classes and methods of
Magritte and i haven't seen anything obvious.
At 18:35 04/01/2011, Lukas Renggli wrote:
>The reason for not replying are simple:
>- I didn't have internet except for the iPhone for the past weeks.
>- I moved my houshold from Bern to Zurich.
>- I started with a new job yesterday.
Thanks Lukas for the information, and All the Best for your new
living environment and job.
source.lukas-renggli.ch (Magritte, Pier, OmniBrowser, PetitParser,
Helvetia, ...) will be offline in the next couple of days as I am
moving the server to a new location. If you need to load code from
these repositories during that time please create a mirror in the next
12 hours.
Happy new year!
Lukas Renggli
I thought that it would be nice to host my openId identity on my Pier
based web site. In order to do so, I would need the following in head
section of html:
<link rel="openid.server" href="http://www.myopenid.com/server">
<link rel="openid.delegate" href="http://codinghorror.myopenid.com/">
What is the easiest way to do that?
Many thanks,
Davorin Rusevljan
In the Pier application, when I change the ServerPath to / access to the
welcome page is ok, but then browsing in the other page broke:
/dates/ not found
Maye be it is not possible to change it
Education 0.2 -- http://blog.ofset.org/hilaire
At 21:02 03/01/2011, sergio_101 wrote:
>running this:
>kernel := PRKernel instances array at: 1.
>export := PRExportImportWidget new.
>export export: kernel
>i am guessing it has to run in the web?
Yes. Why not just executing your code snippet in a workspace..
At 20:39 03/01/2011, you wrote:
> >
> > PRKernel instances anyOne exportOn: (RWBinaryOrTextStream on:
> ByteArray new)
> >
>trying this now..
>trying to figure out which kernel to pass to it..
The stream content needs to be saved in a file after the above
export, which does not contain your static resources (the "files"
folder needs to be "exported"/archived manually).