is there any photo gallery available for Pier? I mean a widget where I
could upload pictures and they are rendered in a nice way. I started
one 4 years ago but I abandoned it.
Damien Cassou
i have some descriptions and one based on MAStringDescription for manage the e-mail reference.
Now i'm interested to create a MAReport with fields for management email.
Where for management i think a link to open new email directly from report :
html anchor attributeAt: 'href' put: 'mailto:', anObject emailBase.
How i can do it ?
Anyone create a specific MADescription for define e management email reference ?
does any of you know about Philippe's work to map SOAP to described
objects and vice versa? I would like to have a look at it.
Thank you
Damien Cassou
"Lambdas are relegated to relative obscurity until Java makes them
popular by not having them." James Iry
I'm subclassing PRValueLink in order to add new +value:xxx+ markup
However, when I subclass it, it seems to disable all +value:xxx+ markups
All I did was create a new MyValueLink>>awgValuesIn: aContext
" example "
| |
<value: 'awgValues' comment: 'Sample Markup valueLInk for AWG.'>
"oops" never shows and all the existing +value:xxx+ now show "xxx"
What am I doing wrong?
Otto Behrens wrote:
> Hi,
> We do the following on every release. Still running 2.8 though.
> MCMethodDefinition cachedDefinitions removeKeys: (MCMethodDefinition
> cachedDefinitions keys).
> MCMethodDefinition shutDown.
> MCFileBasedRepository fastAllSubInstancesDo: [:ea | ea flushCache].
> System commitTransaction.
I have been thinking about making these caches into session-based caches
rather persistent caches ... weak collections are used in Pharo (which
we don't have in GemStone) so persistent caches _are_ overkill..
> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 8:59 PM, Norbert Hartl <norbert(a)hartl.name> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 28.09.2010, at 19:43, Nick Ager wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I hit a confusing bug caused by an interaction between Magritte cached descriptions and Gemstone's classHistory.
>>> I've a model component which define's it's own class side descriptionContainer:
>>> MyModel class descriptionContainer
>>> ^ super descriptionContainer
>>> componentClass: IZUIProjectEditor;
>>> yourself.
>>> However although I'd been changing code in IZUIProjectEditor, Magritte was holding onto an old version of my class causing unexpected problems:
>>> IZUIProjectEditor classHistory last asOop = IZProject description componentClass asOop "false"
>>> The solution I found was to flush the Magritte description cache:
>>> MADescriptionBuilder default flush
>>> Has anyone else had problems with updating code in Gemstone and Magritte cached descriptions?
>> This is a two-fold problem. One is that Magritte caches descriptions. So you might have to reset the magritte cache if you change a description. If you update code than you run into a gemstone specific issues. If you use a class name inside of code than you are pinpointing that piece of code to a certain class object. Updating code creates another class object that is now lookupable from the environment (Smalltalk). The compiled methods stay the same and pointing to the old class object.
>>> From the Gemstone side should I worry that:
>>> IZUIProjectEditor classHistory size = 6
>>> How do I go about chasing down other references to old classes within Gemstone?
>> I don't know yet but I'll investigate this.
>> Norbert
Hi Otto,
can you explain what particular problem you are solving with this?
On 29.09.2010, at 10:54, Otto Behrens wrote:
> Hi,
> We do the following on every release. Still running 2.8 though.
> MCMethodDefinition cachedDefinitions removeKeys: (MCMethodDefinition
> cachedDefinitions keys).
> MCMethodDefinition shutDown.
> MCFileBasedRepository fastAllSubInstancesDo: [:ea | ea flushCache].
> System commitTransaction.
> On Tue, Sep 28, 2010 at 8:59 PM, Norbert Hartl <norbert(a)hartl.name> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 28.09.2010, at 19:43, Nick Ager wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I hit a confusing bug caused by an interaction between Magritte cached descriptions and Gemstone's classHistory.
>>> I've a model component which define's it's own class side descriptionContainer:
>>> MyModel class descriptionContainer
>>> ^ super descriptionContainer
>>> componentClass: IZUIProjectEditor;
>>> yourself.
>>> However although I'd been changing code in IZUIProjectEditor, Magritte was holding onto an old version of my class causing unexpected problems:
>>> IZUIProjectEditor classHistory last asOop = IZProject description componentClass asOop "false"
>>> The solution I found was to flush the Magritte description cache:
>>> MADescriptionBuilder default flush
>>> Has anyone else had problems with updating code in Gemstone and Magritte cached descriptions?
>> This is a two-fold problem. One is that Magritte caches descriptions. So you might have to reset the magritte cache if you change a description. If you update code than you run into a gemstone specific issues. If you use a class name inside of code than you are pinpointing that piece of code to a certain class object. Updating code creates another class object that is now lookupable from the environment (Smalltalk). The compiled methods stay the same and pointing to the old class object.
>>> From the Gemstone side should I worry that:
>>> IZUIProjectEditor classHistory size = 6
>>> How do I go about chasing down other references to old classes within Gemstone?
>> I don't know yet but I'll investigate this.
>> Norbert
I hit a confusing bug caused by an interaction between
Magritte cached descriptions and Gemstone's classHistory.
I've a model component which define's it's own class side
MyModel class descriptionContainer
^ super descriptionContainer
componentClass: IZUIProjectEditor;
However although I'd been changing code in IZUIProjectEditor, Magritte was
holding onto an old version of my class causing unexpected problems:
IZUIProjectEditor classHistory last asOop = IZProject description
componentClass asOop "false"
The solution I found was to flush the Magritte description cache:
MADescriptionBuilder default flush
Has anyone else had problems with updating code in Gemstone and Magritte
cached descriptions?
>From the Gemstone side should I worry that:
IZUIProjectEditor classHistory size = 6
How do I go about chasing down other references to old classes within
Hi Damien,
> here is a description that can be found in Pier:
> PUUser class>>descriptionFullName
> ^ MAStringDescription new
> parameterName: 'full-name';
> accessor: #fullName;
> beReadonly;
> beHidden;
> yourself
> The write selector #fullName: (with the $:) is not defined in PUUser.
> It is probably not a problem, but I wanted to know if it would not be
> safer to write the following instead:
The description is read-only, so the write accessor is never used anyway.
> PUUser class>>descriptionFullName
> ...
> accessor: (MAAccessor read: #fullName);
> ...
> what do you think?'
The #read: and #write constructor methods are leftovers from very old
Magritte versions. They should not be used any longer (and I removed
them just now). The accessors shouldn't know about readonly or not,
only if the object can be read and can be written (physically).
Thanks for pointing out.
Lukas Renggli
I guess a better way to ask my questions is to give a series of use cases.
I've tried this with the one-click Seaside 3.0 final with Pier2
installed and with Squeak 4.1 with Seaside 3.0 and Pier2 installed. I
installed pier on both via ConfigurationOfPier2 and
ConfigurationofPierAddOns2 and still can't figure it out...
Most important use case right now:
have a group that is allowed to add new blog posts, as well as comment
on existing blog posts, but can't otherwise affect the Pier installation.
I honestly can't figure out how to do this.