is there any photo gallery available for Pier? I mean a widget where I
could upload pictures and they are rendered in a nice way. I started
one 4 years ago but I abandoned it.
Damien Cassou
i have some descriptions and one based on MAStringDescription for manage the e-mail reference.
Now i'm interested to create a MAReport with fields for management email.
Where for management i think a link to open new email directly from report :
html anchor attributeAt: 'href' put: 'mailto:', anObject emailBase.
How i can do it ?
Anyone create a specific MADescription for define e management email reference ?
At 19:05 31/08/2010, Lukas Renggli wrote:
>If you flush the PRHistoryPersistency the references should go. Unless
>they are still referenced somewhere else (e.g. sessions).
Well noted, many thanks Lukas!
I'll do more systematic tests regarding this, and also the circular
references later.
I've deployed Pier to my web server, and started entering data. I accidentally hit Ctrl-C in the wrong window, taking down the squeak VM and losing all of my edits.
My Pier instance is running headless on my server, so I have a few questions. Does the Pier OneClick image have VNC running by default, so I can get in? How do I tell Pier to write its changes to disk immediately from the web interface? Where do I see the interval at which it does this automatically?
Also, has anyone done Disqus integration, or is that something I get to do? :)
At 18:13 31/08/2010, Lukas Renggli wrote:
>Keeping the relationship is intentional to be able to remove and
>reinstall the tree somewhere else. I think the parent link is also
>required to be able to restore a deleted page.
Well noted; thanks for the precisions!
>So why do you think the parent should be nilled?
It seems that the memory space is never released, because even when
later the *max history* is reached in PRHistoryPersistency, #do: just
removes from its history collection the context that points to the
"removed" (hidden?) structure. So, if I understand well, the
structure will not be garbage collected due to the circular
relationship between the parent and its children?
At 14:53 31/08/2010, Lukas Renggli wrote:
>Why do you think this is a problem?
Hi Lukas,
It seems that the children keep pointing to their parent, which is
the removed structure. I'd expect the children to be removed too,
actually starting from the leaf nodes. So something like (not tested):
PRRemoveCommand >> removeWithChildren: aStructure
aStructure hasChildren ifTrue:
[ aStructure enumerator contents do: [:aChild | self
removeWithChildren: aChild ]].
aStructure remove
PRRemoveCommand >> doExeccute
self removeWithChildren: self structure
Does this makes sense?
Hi all,
It seems that PRRemoveCommand >> doExecute does not remove the
children of the current structure. Am I missing something, or should
the following be added just before *self structure remove*:
self structure enumerator contents do: [:aChild | aChild remove ]
Thank you in advance for our response,
Hey, helping a friend with his blog at: http://www.morphle.com:8204
and he's noticed that sometimes, when he goes to a specific blog entry,
he enters the page at the top and sometimes at the bottom. Is this a
random behavior or based on some cookie that is set or...?
When I use +audio+ to refer to an audio file int he library, it
displays a QuickTime control widget. When I refer to the audio using a
url, +http://www.myserver.com/audio.mp3+, it just shows the link,
which opens a new window when I click on it.
Is there any way to get an inline auido control widget for an external file?