Hi all,
I'm reading the chapter on magritte in the seaside book and found this
in section 24.5 :
"There are advantages to having your rules outside your domain objects,
[...snip...] Still you have to pay attention since it may weaken your
domain model."
Any pointer to a discussion about the pro/cons of this approach ?
Nothing important, I'm just curious to know...
i have a model with some descriptions.
One of it, descriptionMap, is set with beHidden property because i think to use it only for update the relative cache description into descriptionContainer.
The relative code is :
^( super descriptionContainer )
addCondition:[ : memento|
memento cache at: self descriptionOK
ifTrue: [ memento cache at: self descriptionMap put: 'xyz'. true ]
ifFalse:[ false ].
labelled: 'Error is not ok;
The cache is right update.
The problem is to update the model relative to the descriptionMap cache.
When confirm the form other instances model is right update but descriptionMap not.
Any idea?
At 14:46 01/04/2010, you wrote:
>You need to go to the configuration of the application and change the
>'Server Base Path' to '/'.
Many thanks Lukas; it works now.
(the site may be down, since he is "playing" with Apache).
Hi Lukas,
At 13:12 01/04/2010, you wrote:
>What happens when he logs in?
The same page is just rendered again.
>What happens if he gives wrong username and password?
Just nothing.
>Anything else that is broken?
Well, I wanted once to show him how Pier works. So, on his local
machine, I logged and added a post to the blog. But, then wasn't able
to find it, neither in the blog page, nor in in the archive list. I'm
not sure; maybe I've made a wrong manipulation.
Just in case you would like to have a look, his experimental site is here:
username and password are the default ones.
The image is the one available at:
It's running on a Debian / Apache2 server, configured following your
instructions here:
Thanks for having considered my request,
I pointed Pier to a student. He installed and deployed it, thanks to
piercms.com. However, he is unsuccessful in logging into the deployed
image, whilst the same work on his local computer.
Any comment and suggestion would be greatly appreciated,