At 14:13 23/02/2010, you wrote:
>I don't think that PRSlideshow has been ported to Seaside 3 and Pier 2
This is actually why I'm having a look at it.
*Pier-Slideshow-lr.12* seems working just fine, but now I won't have
time to test the animation.
As for *Pier-Slideshow-MMP.13*, it seems more tricky since looks like
there are references to absent methods (e.g. #descriptionLooping &
#descriptionWidth). I couldn't explain that. Maybe I'm missing something.
>In Seaside 3 SUElement is called PTElement.
Thanks Lukas! If the *Pier-Slideshow-lr.12* that I've in my current
Pier 2 image, and have a little bit hacked, seems you useful as a
basis for a full port to Pier 2, please let me know to upload it to
your repository (Pier 2).
I'm getting an error, "Command Classes: Invalid input given", after
adding a command to a PRCommandsWidget and clicking save.
Here's the simplest way that I can reproduce it:
Starting with the Pier-1.2 app image downloaded from, log in
as admin, browse to environment >> commands >> widget, click edit. Move
the 'add' command over to the left hand list. Save the component. Edit
it again, move the 'add' command back to the right hand list, and click
Nick Brown
Hi Lukas,
What would be the best solution to get ride of those references to to
SUElement in #updateAnimateOn: ?
Based-on the comments in *Scriptaculous-Core-lr.86*, I'd expect to
find SUElement in *Scriptaculous-Core*. But this is not the case.
Thank you in advance,
At the moment I'm doing a fun web project. The complete thing tries to go as close with pier as possible. When it comes to testing I used seaside testing so far. I'm interested what you guys are using mainly for testing your applications (seaside or pier). Is there any special kind of testing if it is about pier widgets and the like?
I can imagine that using albatross it doesn't matter if it is plain seaside or pier. But probably there are neat things I don't even know off.
thanks in advance,
At 11:44 21/02/2010, Lukas Renggli wrote:
>Mixing HTML with wiki is
>problematic, because it destroys the independence of the output
>To get bold text you should use the markup ""some text"", not the HTML tags.
Sure, but in that case I wouldn't have encountered that issue, and
consequently learnt the above interesting point -:)
>I'll fix that.
Already integrated, and tested; many thanks again!
BTW, may I ask you considering the integration of the following minor
change into your code base:
PRListWidget >> renderContentOn: html
| items |
items := self items.
items isEmpty
ifFalse: [ self renderItems: "self" items on: html ]
It just avoids computing twice the items list, and would allow me
removing this from my patch list.
At 09:42 21/02/2010, you wrote:
>I've fixed that as well.
Hi Lukas,
Please note that there are other minor rendering
issues since you added PRVerbatim. Here are two examples:
1) I had a blog post with html markups inside as
follows: <b>some text</b>. Before verbatim, I was
getting *some text* in bold as expected. Now, I get <b>some text</b>.
2) In my experimental distribution, I instantiate
a book with the following title in French:
book title: 'Maintien et développement de la qualité de l''enseignement';
Now, if I try to remove the book node, here is what happens:
2.a) *PRRemoveCommand >> confirmation* generates the following wiki string:
'!Do you really want to remove ''Maintien et
développement de la qualité de l''''enseignement''?
There are 8 child structures:
# */book/table-of-contents*
# */book/table-of-figures*
# */book/index*
# */book/introduction*
There is 1 incoming reference:
# */system/menu*
2.b) The above wiki text is parsed by
PRDocumentParser, but rendered verbatim, exactly
as above, and is not interpreted (specifically,
the internal links do not appear).
However, the issue disappears when I remove
*l''enseignement* from the title. It is then
certainly related to the double ' in that French word.
In a couple of places in my app I found that I was writing in effect a
detect: method using PREnumberableVisitor>>do. So I thought I'd add detect:
to PREnumberableVisitor which makes the intent of my code much clearer.
Would this be useful addition generally? I've attached an mcz of
the PREnumberableVisitor additions and another of tests to exercise the
Hi Lukas,
I also uploaded *Pier-Setup-razavi_acm_org.80* that fixes a minor
issue with PRBookDistribution. For more info, please see that package
and its comments.
Additionally, I'd like your attention to:
- The fact that * Pier-Book-lr.138* calls in several places
#trimBlanks, specifically in BOLatexWriter and BONote, while my Pharo
image does not contain this method and consequently the execution fails.
- The two other minor issues exposed in an email sent a few days ago,
and reproduced below.
>Date: Tue, 16 Feb 2010 17:47:56 +0100
>To: "Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ..." <smallwiki(a)>
>From: Reza RAZAVI <razavi(a)>
>Subject: Book navigation rendering issue report
>After having upgraded to the latest Seaside 3 and Pier 2 packages, I
>encounter a minor issue that could be regenerated as follows:
>1) Evaluate in a workspace "PRBookDistribution new register"
>2) Point to http://localhost:8080/pier/book/table-of-contents
>The navigation arrows are not rendered anymore. Instead, appear
>their textual encoding (&rarr and &larr). It is the same for
>non-breaking space that appears as   (See for example
>http://localhost:8080/pier/book), as well as other codifications like §.
>Otherwise, I was wondering if in:
> BOLatexWriter >> convertHtmlEntities:
>the following:
> copyReplaceAll: '→' with: '<-'
>shouldn't be rather:
> copyReplaceAll: '→' with: '->'
In the MARelationDescription it is possible to specify a variety of target clases that can be used. If I have more than one I cannot set the reference at the same time. This gives me trouble using MAExternalEditorComponent.
MARelationComponent>>editorFor: anObject
^ (self description reference asComponentOn: anObject)
be rather
MARelationComponent>>editorFor: anObject
^ (anObject description asComponentOn: anObject)