Hi! Suppose I have a tag that has more than a word, for example: garbage
collector. If I put this in tags, this is interpreted like 2 different tags.
Is there a way of scaping this so that it can be considered as one tag ?
what about using , or other thing instead of a blank ?
Thanks in advance,
Hi guys!
In a page I want to put a link to its parent. I am aware of +value:parent+
but this only prints the name of the parent. I want a link. In Pier
documentation (
http://www.piercms.com/doc/syntax?_s=Sm29MDRQBjStQgra&_k=KGUMf85-&_n&18) I
read "Furthermore these expressions become a link if you add the parameter
link.". So, the question is, what is a parameter in Pier ? how can I do it ?
Perhaps adding an example there would be useful for all of us.
Thanks in advance!
When adding a new post when you are in the screen where you add all the post
information (author, contents, etc...) and you press cancel button, this
acts like an accept. The post is created not cancelled.
As most of the newbies, my first Pier kernel was 'pier'. I started
developing my site over that kernel and now I want to rename it. I went
to /System Management/kernel change pier to 'Destino Mochila' (what I want)
and some things seem to have changed. For example:
- Browser title now shows Destino Mochila instead of pier
- When I put export the file is name DestinoMochila.obj instead of Pier.obj
- http://localhost:8888/seaside/config in Kernel option I see a PRKernel
name: 'Destino Mochila'
But, the application is still here: http://localhost:8888/seaside/pier/
shouldn't this be under http://localhost:8888/seaside/DestinoMochila/ or
similar ?
Hi folks!
Suppose you have the common F.A.Q page with and index (with +value:toc+ )
and several numbered questions.
I would like to have a link from other page that goes directly to one of the
answers of the questions (a particular title with ! or !! or !!!).
What I need is what you do in swiki with:
*SqueakDBX - Compiling and installing OpenDBX@OpenDBX and FFI*
and then in the wiki page "SqueakDBX - Compiling and installing OpenDBX" you
put a "@OpenDBX and FFI" in the title.
Thanks in advance!!
I am developing a website where the final user can post. However, I (or the
rest of the webmasters) would like this post not to be publish inmediatly
but it requieres my Authorization. I see that a post is publish if I put a
publish date.
Can I set custom permissions to the "publish" command ?
What I tought is that perhaps I can subclass PRBlog and this one DOESN'T
I would like to generate a simple error acknowledgment message
whenever a walkback occurs, but I'd like for the page to have my
site's standard formatting (i.e. header and footer). How do I do that?
1 Squeak/Seaside/Pier site deployed
I want to make a report with Pier in Seaside that shows all the blogs that
satisfy certain condition. Perhaps something more, but not right now.
Which is the easy way to do this with Pier/Magritte ? I thought to subclass
PUReportWidget. Should this be a good idea ?
Thanks for the tips!