is there any photo gallery available for Pier? I mean a widget where I
could upload pictures and they are rendered in a nice way. I started
one 4 years ago but I abandoned it.
Damien Cassou
Dear List,
I would like to increase the number of news displayed by the component
titled "What's new". Currently, only 3 elements is displayed.
Is there a way to increase it?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
We would like to fill the list of Pier installations from:
Thus, we kindly ask you to let us know if you have Pier installation
somewhere publicly so that we can link to it.
"Problem solving should be concentrated on describing
the problem in a way that is relevant for the solution."
While testing how hard it will be to bring my site
into pier I discovered some css class clashes. For
people it is quite normal to assign classes like
header, footer and the like.
In my opinion a cms like pier should try to step
out of the way of any usage conflict. Therefor I
would propose to namespace the css classes. A
pr_header, pr_footer will do I think.
Or do I missunderstand something completely? For me
it was not possible to reconstruct our layout without
haveing to remove all librares for the application. But
then it is tedious to work with pier as the edit boxes
and stuff are too small.
What is the best approach to bring in the own developed
design and having pier still functioning?
I am excited about trying Pier, but I have a bit of an investment in
code I have written in Visualworks 7.6 versus Squeak.
I tried loading the Pier bundle from the Cincom public repository, but
got lots of errors.
I found that if I pre-loaded Magritte, things went a little better, but
I am still getting errors.
Is the Visualworks version of Pier a dead end? Am I missing some
dependencies? Should I use an older version of Visualworks? Should I
just port my code over to Squeak?
If the Pier bundle on the Cincom public repository is good, then let me
know and I'll post my specific errors to try to work through it.
I'm a little bit further in understanding the structure
stuff with settings and environment.
Is there a way to have one environment rendered
inside another one. In bigger sites you have nested
layouts. As an example:
-> navigation bar
-> sub navigation bar 1
- component 1
-> sub navigation bar 2
- component 2
-> about section without nav bar
To me it appears that in pier I would always have to
provide the whole layout even if only component 1 and
component 2 differ by the sub nav bars. So the environment
for component 1 would include all stuff for
Title, navigation bar and sub navigation 1
and component 2 would include all layout for
Title, navigation bar and sub navigation 2
Or is there a way to nest them properly to have every
single layout only once?
last week I did a new start on pier (ok, I do this every
couple of months :) ). I did an application in the late
2006 I'm now trying to ressurect. I developed myself an
external component tree that has a configuration for the
whole site. It has several display modi and makes heavily
use of Announcements to switch/show stuff.
Now I'm thinking that I could benefit by exchanging my
component tree with pier. This way it would be more
flexible and a lot of decorating html stuff could be
managed by pier.
In the project I also use magritte. I'm not very familiar
with pier so my questions might be very stupid.
- How do I embedded any magritte object on a page? In my
code I just do anObject asComponent. Is there an easy
way to just integrate objects on a page. It needs some
tricks in order not to display all the time the same
object. I think yo know what I mean
- If there is a good solution for the above is there a
solution for displaying individual slots of an object?
I mean to have access to an individual component class
for an instance variable. The most difficult thing
(while developing the project) was to layout the
magritte forms. I would like to see something like
to display the component classes of the object and
dealing with the rest of the html the pier way.
There are more questions to come :)
Good day all,
I am looking at the Magritte/Pier "bible" (Reng06a.pdf) Sec 2.3.2 (page 8)
Object Relational Mapping. I decided I would take a stab at implementing:
"In a very similar way, we are able to automatically create SQL statements
to store, load and query objects from a relational database". Any one care
to offer hints? I am very much a novice at all these patterns and things, so
I am guessing a Visitor pattern of sorts (I HAVE been studying the Gang of
Four bible tho ;)....
Here is what I have so far:
added methods:
>> toSql: anObject ^self toSql: anObject writer: self sqlWriter.
>>sqlWriter ^self propertyAt: #sqlWriter ifAbsent: self class
class>>defaultSqlWriter ^SQLWriter
And I have created MAWriter subclass SQLWriter with one instance variable
^((sql isNil ifTrue: [ sql := String new]) writeStream).
SQLWriter>>write: anObject description: aDescription to: aStream
anObject isNil ifTrue: [ ^ aDescription undefined ].
^ super write: anObject description: aDescription to: aStream which,
looking at it now, I really shouldn't need to override
Then there are the visiting method which are going to be the reall tricky
SQLWriter>>visitContainer: aDescription
aDescription memento model isNil "we have a NEW model object so
INSERT" will this work????? heh
ifTrue: [ stream nextPutAll: 'INSERT INTO '; nextPutAll:
aDescription table; nextPutAll: ' VALUES ('; cr ] where does the table
method come in? hmmm
ifFalse: [ stream nextPutAll: 'UPDATE '; nextPutAll aDescription
table; cr; nextPutAll: 'SET ' ].
And then I will need to add something like:
aDescription do: [ :desc | self write: something description: desc
stream: stream ] What something goes here I am still scratching my head
Any help/suggetions with this last part would be greatly appreciated.
Also, I have started to get used to looking at the unit tests to figure out
what things are supposed to do, then I noticed that there are NO tests for
MAVisitor and subclasses. Why is that? (Or am I missing something?)
Thanks in advance for any advice
John McKeon
Lukas - I noticed today that http://piercms.com (i.e. without the www)
points to SeasideHosting not www.piercms.com.
1 Squeak/Seaside/Pier site deployed
Lukas - Care to talk a little bit about the new import/export
functionality? I haven't had a chance to look at the code yet. What
is the overall strategy? Is there a way to hook my own data into the
1 Squeak/Seaside/Pier site deployed