is there any photo gallery available for Pier? I mean a widget where I
could upload pictures and they are rendered in a nice way. I started
one 4 years ago but I abandoned it.
Damien Cassou
Dear List,
I would like to increase the number of news displayed by the component
titled "What's new". Currently, only 3 elements is displayed.
Is there a way to increase it?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.bergel.eu
I am excited about trying Pier, but I have a bit of an investment in
code I have written in Visualworks 7.6 versus Squeak.
I tried loading the Pier bundle from the Cincom public repository, but
got lots of errors.
I found that if I pre-loaded Magritte, things went a little better, but
I am still getting errors.
Is the Visualworks version of Pier a dead end? Am I missing some
dependencies? Should I use an older version of Visualworks? Should I
just port my code over to Squeak?
If the Pier bundle on the Cincom public repository is good, then let me
know and I'll post my specific errors to try to work through it.
Hi Noury
> Hope this is the right place to post a question about Pier.
Sure, that's fine. There is also a dedicated mailing list, see here:
> I'm currently looking at Pier and I'm wondering:
> -If there is a way to attach tags to blog posts and use tags for selecting a
> subset of posts
When you edit the post there is an input field for tags. Just add the
tags separated by spaces.
There are several widgets that go together with the blog. Go to the
environment of the blog and add the widget "Tags" in the section "Pier
Blog". You can see an example of this widget on my blog
<http://www.lukas-renggli.ch/blog>, along with the "Archive" widget.
Go to the settings to change the preferences of these widgets.
> -In persistency setup, there is a field shared between "history persistency"
> and "image persistency" named: "max history". What does it refer to? In the
> help-popup it is said that this is the max number of commands history. Which
> commands are these? How do I restore them ?
All executed commands are logged in the history, if you enable one of
these persistency strategies. This includes adding, removing, moving,
copying, editing, chaning the settings, ... of a page. The number
given in that settings says how many of these commands are remembered.
They are used to generate RSS feeds of the changes and can also be
used to restore previous states. To see a list of changes go to the
changes view.
Lukas Renggli
I am new to Magritte and I am searching for a way to describe
many-to-many relationship with Magritte. I just found one-to-one and
one-to-many relationships. Is there a possibility to describe such
relationships or do I have to use two special one-to-many relationships
(and how)?
Hi everyone,
A friend of mine just asked me if there were wikis for scheme/lisp/smalltalk
and I said "Sure, at least for the latter two" and mentioned Pier. He told
me about http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comparison_of_wiki_software and said
"if it isn't in there it doesn't exist". Well, I thought I'd add Pier to the
list. I've filled in what I know, and what I can find on www.piercms.com.
I wonder if those more knowledgable than I could take a look and correct any
errors I might have inadvertantly made.
Hello list,
I'm trying to describe a model, which values could have complex or
multiple types at once.
In general , a question is how to provide a description of following fields:
suppose you have a field, which in own turn having own fields, and you
want to display them in-line i.e.
position :: point(x,y)
point::x = integer
point::y = integer
so i'd like to describe a position, as a compound data type, lets say,
instances of class Point which having own fields (x,y).
So, then in form i could have this field displayed like following:
position x: [ ... ] y: [ ...]
Another case, is when value can use multiple types.
Following previous example, for position, now i reconsidered and want
a position accept not only instances of Point, but instances of
Point3D as well.
So, then Magritte should be able to display my 'position' field editor
like following:
* x: [ ... ] y: [ ...]
* x: [ ... ] y: [ ...] z: [...]
where * is radio button.
Or there can be different view where user can select a type first, and
then edit value:
position [<type selection combobox>] [ value editor for selected type ]
I don't want to get into detail how to render/build such editors, my
main question, is how to describe such things in less
painfull/controversial way using Magritte.
Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.
Hi everyone,
I've just got started with Magritte and have a couple of new-bee
1. I have a MAMultipleOptionDescription and the options come from
sending #availableOptions to the current instance. I can't see how i
would do this with #asDynamicObject
2. I have a SingleOptionDescription with a dynamic options object -
can i provide a display block or how would i control what is displayed
in the popup. I found an optionsAndLables but it doesn't take a
dynamic object.
Does anyone know how to achieve this, or can point me to the
appropriate documentation. Sorry for the simple questions.
Thanks in advance,
Phil Blake
Information Systems
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should also delete this email and destroy any hard copies produced.
Hello All,
I have spent many hours trying to figure out the answer to my problem to no
avail, so I avail myself of your esteemed knowledge.
I am trying to implement the Person Manager in the tutorial. This should be
simple and for the most part it is.
I added the action method below to call the default Person Editor. It gets
called properly but clicking on the Save button does nothing. The halt code
is never reached, i.e. the editor never seems to answer...
| e p |
e := MAPersonEditor new.
p := self call: e.
self halt.
p isNil ifFalse: [ self persons add: p ].
The PersonManager >>renderContentOn: method is implemented as follows:
renderContentOn: html
html heading level: 3; with: 'Person Manager'.
html anchor
callback: [ self add ];
with: 'Add New Person'.
self persons do: [ :p |
html text: p firstName , ' ' , p lastName]
Can anyone tell me what it is that I have failed to implement?
Thanks in advance
In pieraddons. Could someone please review it?
Name: Pier-LastUpdatedThe-damiencassou.1
Author: damiencassou
Time: 9 January 2009, 12:50:49 pm
UUID: f592ca33-e55c-465d-a04c-5443630451f8
- Widget to display a sentence like: 'Last updated the ' + the
timestamp of the current page.
Damien Cassou