I am using Magritte to display a standard form for my model. I have
code that looks like this:
form := self asComponent addValidatedForm; yourself;
html render: form.
This gives me a nice form with the standard 'Save' and 'Cancel' buttons.
I would like to add an additional button to the form. I see that
MAContainerComponent>>#addValidatedForm is where the Save and Cancel
buttons are added but I cannot figure out how to add my own button so
that it appears in the same div as the Save and Cancel buttons.
How do I add a new button to the form?
Thanks for any help you can provide,
I want to add a "grouping blogs" feature to my "in construction" page (http://www.smallworks.com.ar
), and a group rss feeder, such as that one on seaside site... which
addon is it?
"Querer es suscitar las paradojas"
Camus - El mito de Sísifo
I am learning Magritte and following the exercises that Lukas has in his
tutorial. I am stuck on Exercise 12.
> Exercise 12 When having tested the new report, you have probably
> noticed that the report doesn’t update itself when adding new
persons, > call #refresh to do so.
When I send #refresh to aMAReport nothing happens. (I attempted to trace
thru the code but cannot figure out what is going wrong.)
I appreciate any help you can offer.
I'm building a complete -but simple- application based on magritte,
and having a couple of doubts:
-How do I add a "caption" (title) to a form created with
"asComponent". I can add a decoration, but I wonder if there are a
more "standard" way.
-I want to validate some complex input (where field A depends on field
B, for example). How do I add conditions to containers? is the only
way override #description and building a container my own?
"Querer es suscitar las paradojas"
Camus - El mito de Sísifo