First (alpha!) release of Pier running with Magma Persistency.
Image available from
User: preloaded Password: squeak
Image Use Instructions
In pier configuration click on 'Magma Control Panel', which will inform
you that the repository does not exist. If you have placed this image on
seasidehosting then you will have to manually create the repository
directory. Given the list of options as to what repository to create,
click the 'create' button (and wait). The existing pier kernel should
appear in the list with a 'persist' button next to it, click 'persist'.
Then try it and see!
Detailed Log of Image Creation Steps (alternative title: "monticello
This image was prepared as follows:
Beginning with Squeak3.8-6555full
Initial start asks for updates: select "do not ask again" - this is
important should you wish to deploy. Headless servers (e.g.
seasidehosting) cannot handle user interaction and will stop at this point.
From "world menu > open.... > Monticello Browser"
Browser opens with (Monticello....)
Click the "+Repository Button", select "HTTP" as the repository type,
and enter
location: ''
user: ''
password: ''
as the repository info (if you have a login on Squeaksource then you can
enter your initials
as the 'user' above.)
Add the following repository for Monticello.
location: ''
user: ''
password: ''
Add the following repository for Magma.
location: ''
user: ''
password: ''
and the following two repositories for Magritte and Pier
location: ''
user: ''
password: ''
location: ''
user: ''
password: ''
location: ''
user: ''
password: ''
(to edit this information:
click the menu button in the right hand pane of the Monticello Browser)
Loading Latest Monticello.
More recent versions of Monticello provide better feedback as to which
packages are currently loaded.
Select the repository, click
"open", select the latest package (Monticello-avi.279) from the main
"Monticello" branch, and click "load".
Select the Monticello package on the left hand pane, and the
squeaksource/Monticello repository in the right hand pane. Click 'open'.
In the repository browser, click on the latest version
(Monticello-avi.279.mcz) and click 'Load'.
Loading Seaside
Select "world menu > open... SqueakMap"... and a dialog will ask if you
wish to upgrade SqueakMap. Which you do. Notice that SMBase, SMLoader
packages appeaer in the Monticello browser, since the upgrade is
performed by loading Monticello packages.
In SqueakMap, select the ever so convenient "Seaside Installer" which
should load in the whole of seaside with its dependencies in one go. To
do this select the left had pane menu button, "install". (Part way
through the install you will be prompted to enter an admin username
(seaside) and password (admin))
(if SqueakMap doesnt work it is being knobbled by a more recent
package-cache, remove it and try again)
Select the seaside repositoryClick the "open" and the repository browser
will open.
Select Seaside2.6b1 which is the current latest. In the right hand pane
are the releases. Releases may be made by anyone and they may be small
branches off from the main stream. Periodically an effort will be made
to ensure that all changes are merged. Click the history button in order
to browse the history of this package to get some idea of what is going
on. Look at the ancestors of a package to see if one version is being
sequentially built on the next, or whether any branching is occurring.
Seaside is fairly mature and changes infrequent, therefore it is likely
to be safe to grab the latest version.
Loaded Seaside2.6b1-mb.79
Loaded Scriptaculous-lr.137
To start Seaside doit:
WAKom startOn: 8080.
( Or use the "beach flags" SeasideMorph
available from: )
To test if everything is running, check the following url in your normal
web browser.
you should be prompted for you username and password (as given earlier).
Loading Magma
Back to the Monticello Browser. Deselect the selected package by
clicking on it once. This should re-reveal all of the registered
(It is worth saving this. In the right hand side pane menu button there
is a menu item: "Save Repositories", which writes a simple configuration
script to the working directory.)
Select the repository, and click
Select MagmaServerLoader, and click "load". (it takes a while!)
loaded MagmaServerLoader-cmm.21
loaded Ma client server-cmm.123
loaded Ma exception handling-cmm.22
loaded Ma time objects-cmm.37
Load Magma Seaside Integration Package
Select "Magma Seaside" (lhs) and the latest package and click "load",
loaded Magma Seaside-kph.18
Load Magma Seaside Sushi Store Demo fixes
loaded Seaside-Examples-Store-Magma.kph-11
Before using Magma may need to execute the following.
MagmaSession initialize.
MagmaRepositoryController initialize.
useful snippets
MagmaSession allInstances cleanUp.
MagmaSession disconnectAndCloseAllConnectedSessions.
Load Magritte
loaded Magritte-All-lr.171
Load Pier
loaded Pier-All-lr.109
Load OmniBrowser
loaded OmniBrowser-avi.258
loaded Pier-OmniBrowser-lr.19
Latest Pier-Magma code
loaded Pier-Model-kph.80
loaded Pier-Seaside-kph.80
loaded Pier-Magma-kph.1
Pre-upload actions:
Monticello Browser - "flush cached versions".
Release Preloaded Image as Sqk3.8f-smp.image
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excuse for my bad english.
> With this reference i think to have the input set to relative
> descriptionKey.
>I can only guess:
>html textInput
> value: (aDescription toString: (object readUsing: aDescription));
> callback: [ :value | object write: (aDescription fromString:
> value) using: aDescription ].
i work with your guess, and some thing go other no.
I'have problem with description define using MANumberDescription new ....
When, in the textInput digit an char the method visitNumberDescription: aDescription go in error.
And if description is define with addCondition, this are not tested at callback:..
Another problem about MANumberDescription :
in description based on it, if i define beInteger or min: or max:
when digit an chart in the UI the method visitNumberDescription: aDescription go in error.
I need to show a PRPage (or similar) whithout showing his caption
('cause I want to make an internal structure with divs and embeded
components)... is there a way to do this (besides setting
"H1.display: none")?
"Querer es suscitar las paradojas"
Camus - El mito de Sísifo
Hi, Lukas
>> In WAComponent subclass i have the method:
>> renderAddOn: html
>> html form:[
>> html textInput callback:[ :value| self add: value].
>> html submitButtton text:'add'].
>> Now i can render the textInput based on specific descriptionKey ?
> I don't quite understand what you intend to do with the textInput field.
In other words:
renderAddOn: html
html form:[
anMAReferenceModel descriptionKey ???? changeAccesor ???
html submitButtton text:'add'].
where anMAReferenceModel is one specific classModel for example:
MANazionalityModel with specific descriptionKey -> MAStringDescription new ........ label: 'Nazionaliry name'; ..........
or MAPhoneModel with specific descriptionKey -> MANumberDescription new ............label: 'Phone number'; ..... beInteger............
or MA ..... Model with specific descriptionKey -> ........
With this reference i think to have the input set to relative descriptionKey.
I'm clear ?
It's possibol ?
i have some classes for define the data to store, with specific descriptions.
All class have the method descriptionKey for define the key to store the instance.
Now i'm interested to create a form with textinput based on one specific descriptionKey.
It's possibol ?
In WAComponent subclass i have the method:
renderAddOn: html
html form:[
html textInput callback:[ :value| self add: value].
html submitButtton text:'add'].
Now i can render the textInput based on specific descriptionKey ?
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!
This is a question for Lukas.
I need to display an object of class A that holds a collection of other
objects of class B.
The collection is described using a subclass of
The description of the objects in class B needs to be instance based.
All the objects in one collection have the same description, however
class B is not able to provide a description.
How can I do this?
Can someone please let me know what I have to do to add forms to Pier pages.
Please bear in mind im new to squeak, so a step by step guide would be much
I have a fresh image for seaside on squeak.
I can see and use the pier application from my browser.
I use squeak/pier on windows XP.
My Squeak version is sq3.9-7067web07.08.1
Thanks in advance
Hi all,
Is there a easy way to export a structure?
I finished my page and now I want to export the structure to another
(production) image...
"Querer es suscitar las paradojas"
Camus - El mito de Sísifo
i work with visualworks 7.5 / Squeak 3.9-7067\gemtools-7067dev07.10.1
and Gemstone OODB 2.2.4.
I'm interested do create web interface to some object into Gemstone ( GLASS Framework )
I think to do it with Magritte ( it's a right solution ? ).
For any object create the specific descriptionA.... , descriptionB..., ecc. ecc. class methods and use asComponent to open web interface.
I port Magritte tutorial into Glass and work fine.
But, for example, i'm interested to create Title options from other TitleInstances , ( not from Array of string, but from Array of TitleInstance )
and save in MAPersonModel title the link to one specific titleInstance
^ MASingleOptionDescription new
options: #( 'Mr.' 'Mrs.' 'Ms.' 'Miss.' );
autoAccessor: 'title';
label: 'Title';
priority: 10;
^ MASingleOptionDescription new
options: TitleDatabase asArrayOfInstances;
autoAccessor: 'title';
label: 'Title';
priority: 10;
Questio A)
What i need to define to do it ?
I 'can find example relative to Magritte in Gemstone?
Question B)
When change the description about one class what do i do to update the relative web interface?
In vw i use MADescriptioBuilder default flash .
Question C)
When i need to use [ ....] asDynamicObject?
If i use options: TitleDatabase asArrayOfInstances
it's enough to have options update to last version or ....?
Any pointers would be greatly appreciated!