hi lukas
have you noticed a real slowdown between 3.8 and 3.9?
For my small comix application when I load and run the same version
In 3.8 full I reloaded from scratch everything from Pier 1.0.9
Magritte-Model 242
Magritte-Seaside 214
XML-Parser 3
Time millisecondsToRun: [ | bdb |
BDBase initialize.
BDBase resetBaseNamed: #BD.
bdb := BDBase new name: #BD.
bdb importMostRecentXML.] 1677
In 3.9 full reloaded from scratch everything from Pier 1.0.9
Magritte-Model 242
Magritte-Seaside 214
XML-Parser 3
Time millisecondsToRun: [ | bdb |
BDBase initialize.
BDBase resetBaseNamed: #BD.
bdb := BDBase new name: #BD.
bdb importMostRecentXML.] 21151
The import is basically using magritte and domparser.
I will run messageTally to see if I get some idea.