> > This is a subclass of the Squeak to VisualWorks code exporter
> > (implemented by Avi) adapted to properly export all the Magritte and
> > Pier packages and to get the namespaces right. Running the exporter
> > makes it possible to load all the code into VisualWorks, but I never
> > had the time to make it actually run in there ... so that is what
> > requires the next steps ...
> >
> Lukas,
> Just wondering if I wanted to go down this path, where can I find this
> code exporter tool -- is
> it on the Squeak side or the Visual Works side? I'd like to give it a
> shot even though I'm somewhat
> green behind the ears!
First of all you need PackageInfo-Exporters from SqueakMap. Then you
need the package "Magritte-VisualWorks" from
<http://mc.lukas-renggli.ch/magritte>. Evaluating "MADistribution
fileOutForVisualWorks" should produce you a couple of files that can
be loaded into VisualWorks, however I never actually tried to do it
Lukas Renggli
I'm trying to tweak Pier to use <div> elements instead of tables; Ieasily located the code generating the header in PRHeaderWidget, but Ican't find where the <table class="body"> is generated... is this aPRXHtmlWidget ?
-- Damien Pollet type less, do more
On IE 6.0 the "Run" button is hidden near the left-bottom corner of the light-blue field, but you see a hand appear (and the balloon-help) when you hoover over it with the cursor. (the invisible Save and Reset buttons are under the left-bottom corner of the logo-code view). Though hidden, the buttons work OK
-----Original Message-----
From: smallwiki-bounces(a)iam.unibe.ch [mailto:smallwiki-bounces@iam.unibe.ch] On Behalf Of Cees De Groot
Sent: woensdag 19 april 2006 11:04
To: SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Subject: Re: http://www.logowiki.net
Could be cool, but what browser does it need? It doesn't do a thing on my Firefox 1.0.7 nor on IE 6.0...
On 4/19/06, Stéphane Ducasse <stephane.ducasse(a)univ-savoie.fr> wrote:
> :)
> read the about :)
> _______________________________________________
> SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
> https://www.iam.unibe.ch/mailman/listinfo/smallwiki
SmallWiki, Magritte, Pier and Related Tools ...
Is it just me or does the latest KomHttpServer from squeaksource PRM11,
have HttpService missing?
All new Yahoo! Mail "The new Interface is stunning in its simplicity and ease of use." - PC Magazine
>>> Hello,
>>> I have folllowing the exercises of Magritte
>>> (http://www.lukas-renggli.ch/smalltalk/magritte) but I can't set the
>>> default value of nationality field.
>>> Here my code:
>>> descriptionNationality
>>> ^ (MASingleOptionDescription auto: 'nationality' label:
>>> 'Nationality' priority: 55)
>>> options: #( 'France' 'England' 'Switzerland' 'Span' );
>>> default: 'Switzerland';
>>> beSorted;
>>> yourself
>>> Somthing strange is that I have 2 selected option blanck.
>>> I have try to do this with Title option and it work.:
>>> descriptionTitle
>>> ^ (MASingleOptionDescription auto: 'title' label: 'Title'
>>> priority: 10)
>>> options: #( 'Mr.' 'Mrs.' 'Ms.' 'Miss.' );
>>> default: 'Mrs';
>>> yourself.
>>> If somone know what is going wrong :-\ ...
>>> Thanks.
> This works for me. I create a new class Tester with those two
> descriptions on the class side and tried in Seaside:
> TesterTask>>go
> | t |
> t := Tester new.
> [ self call: (t asComponent addValidatedForm; yourself) ] repeat
> 1. For the 'title' nothing is selected, because the default value is
> not in the list of options.
> 2. For the 'nationality' Switzerland is selected.
> How does your model code looks like? Is it already initialized with
> something other than nil? Maybe you should give a little more context
In fact I use the tutorial package peek up from
I have just saw the mistake with 'Mrs' what is strange is that I have
a new option 'Mrs' with out the dot in my list.
Correcting this, nothing change for Nationality but he work for Title.
(I use Magritte 1.0.7 and Seaside 2.6)
Yahoo! Mail réinvente le mail ! Découvrez le nouveau Yahoo! Mail et son interface révolutionnaire.
you should register to the maggrite smallwiki pier mailing-list this
way lukas will reply to you.
looks for Smallwiki(a)iam.unibe.ch
On 28 mai 06, at 02:51, math wrote:
> Hello,
> I have folllowing the exercises of Magritte
> (http://www.lukas-renggli.ch/smalltalk/magritte) but I can't set the
> default value of nationality field.
> Here my code:
> descriptionNationality
> ^ (MASingleOptionDescription auto: 'nationality' label:
> 'Nationality' priority: 55)
> options: #( 'France' 'England' 'Switzerland' 'Span' );
> default: 'Switzerland';
> beSorted;
> yourself
> Somthing strange is that I have 2 selected option blanck.
> I have try to do this with Title option and it work.:
> descriptionTitle
> ^ (MASingleOptionDescription auto: 'title' label: 'Title'
> priority: 10)
> options: #( 'Mr.' 'Mrs.' 'Ms.' 'Miss.' );
> default: 'Mrs';
> yourself.
> If somone know what is going wrong :-\ ...
> Thanks.
> _______________________________________________
> Beginners mailing list
> Beginners(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/mailman/listinfo/beginners
You are absolutely right about StellDichEin it has no good way of
dealing with multiple events.
For searching I think the Pier search engine should work because the
way I understood it is that it works on any kind of (Magritte
described) structure, not only pages.
Note that you can link to events the same way you can link to pages.
A sorted list of events should be quite simple with the help of an
MAReport. Either by creating a new kind of structure or adding a new
The calendar view is actually the biggest problem (and the nicest to
have). I see several ways to do this.
One is to port the rendering code of SW2Calendar
(http://www.squeaksource.com/SW2Calendar/) done by David Röthlisberger
and Vera Fischer. This code actually worked some time ago (about a
year) when Pier was called SmallWiki 2.
A second would be to nag Avi into making his calendar rendering code public ;)
An other option would be to write a magrittefied interface to the
Google Calendar (http://code.google.com/apis/gdata/calendar.html) and
embed it into Pier.
This should not be so hard, because the protocol is REST + POX (Well
there is of course the problem with HTTP clients in Squeak) (makes you
wonder why they didn't use iCal for that, but oh well). But then
events would no longer be structures and Google would be responsible
for the storage. You would probably still want to use the iCal package
for the creation and editing of objects and the Magritte UI before you
convert them to XML.
There is actually some kind of Documentation about Magritte and Pier
The last thing I heard is that Lukas should/must/... be finished with
his master thesis pretty damn soon. ;) This - although it probably
will be a bit lengthy - should also help.
About StellDichEin:
The SDE* classes are basically wrappers about the iCal classes (mostly
ICEvent and ICTodo modeled very close to the iCal spec
http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2445.txt). Form within Squeak you can talk
to them using normal messages. The user interface is built with
Magritte (descriptions are provided with the ICalMagritte package).
Export to iCal is done by creating an ICCalendar add what you need and
pass it to an ICCalendarExporter.
More specific questions would help me to give more specific answers ;)
2006/5/26, Dmitry Dorofeev <dima-sender-3c337a(a)yasp.com>:
> Hi all,
> Thanks for information. It sounds positive. So I feel I can use it and have my backups done.
> My goal is to have an application to store a list of events
> for public view and search. While I have Pier-Forms and StellDichEin installed,
> still can not see how to have a list of events sorted by date, or a nice
> calendar view with my events. Creating events as separate pages would be ok,
> but overall navigation become a complete mess after a month.
> I am very new to Magritte and Pier and was unable to find any good docs
> about it. I would program my own interface to event calendar (if such does not exist),
> but need some intro or good hints where to look and how to start. Quite impressed
> that I can have (in theory) an iCal compatible output for offline processing.
> Please help,
> -Dmitry.
> David T. Lewis wrote:
> > Dmitry,
> >
> > I mentioned in another reply in this thread that (for a unix based system)
> > you can back up your entire image with "UnixProcess saveImageInBackgroundNicely".
> >
> > You could probably do something very similar to implement Brian's ReferenceStream
> > approach in the background so that you would not need to show 'Sorry, Pier
> > back up in action, please wait ...".
> >
> > The approach would be:
> >
> > - Fork a headless Squeak (exact copy of your running Pier application)
> > using #forkHeadlessSqueakAndDoThenQuit.
> > - In the child Squeak image (the headless copy of your real server),
> > do whatever is necessary to stop serving, so your child Squeak does
> > not try to compete with the real one that is serving your users.
> > - In the child Squeak, do the ReferenceStream save as described by
> > Brian.
> >
> > You can think of the #forkSqueak as producing an instantanious copy
> > of your running image (using the Unix fork() system call). You can
> > use this copy (the headless child Squeak image) to do all of your
> > backup work without impacting the real Pier server image.
> > This should permit you to guarantee that Pier is not being changed
> > while you do backup, and it also should prevent the backup from
> > having any noticeable effect on your users.
> >
> > If you want to try this, I suggest as a starting point to use
> > UnixProcess class >>saveImageInBackground:nice: as an example.
> > Change it to use #forkHeadlessSqueakAndDoThenQuit: instead of
> > #forkHeadlessSqueakAndDo:, and replace the code that does the
> > image save with whatever you need to pause the Pier server and
> > do the save with ReferenceStream.
> >
> > HTH,
> > Dave
> >
> >
> > On Fri, May 26, 2006 at 12:54:45PM +0400, Dmitry Dorofeev wrote:
> >
> >>Nice and easy, thanks.
> >>
> >>The only question left unresolved is to how ensure that nobody
> >>change Pier pages while I do backup. It is not quite necessary for
> >>me personally. But would be nice to have a backup/restore functionality
> >>embedded into Pier. That may show nice message like 'Sorry, Pier back up is
> >>action,
> >>please wait and try to edit this page later.' to the user who updates the
> >>page.
> >>
> >>Just an idea.
> >>
> >>-Dmitry.
> >>
> >>Brian Chapados wrote:
> >>
> >>>This topic has come up before on the Pier (smallwiki) mailing list. Check
> >>>these links:
> >>>
> >>># save/restore all data from a pier instance
> >>>http://www.iam.unibe.ch/pipermail/smallwiki/2006-March/001773.html
> >>>http://www.iam.unibe.ch/pipermail/smallwiki/2004-May/000615.html
> >>>http://minnow.cc.gatech.edu/squeak/2318
> >>>
> >>>I use ReferenceStreams as follows:
> >>>
> >>>" save Pier kernel instance "
> >>>stream := ReferenceStream fileNamed: 'pier-export.obj'.
> >>>stream nextPut: (PRKernel instanceNamed: 'mykernelname') root.
> >>>stream close.
> >>>
> >>>" load Pier kernel from stored objects "
> >>>stream := ReferenceStream fileNamed: 'pier-export.obj'.
> >>>(PRKernel instanceNamed: 'mykernelname') root: stream next.
> >>>stream close.
> >>>
> >>>Brian
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>Hi all,
> >>>>
> >>>>The only thing which stops me to run personal wiki on Pier is the
> >>>
> >>>chances
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>that I
> >>>>can have my image corrupted. Is there any way to make a backup of Pier
> >>>
> >>>content
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>>and full restore ? If I can run it daily would be nice.
> >>>>
> >>>>Thanks.
> >>>>-Dmitry.
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>
> >>>_______________________________________________
> >>>Seaside mailing list
> >>>Seaside(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org
> >>>http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
> >>
> >>_______________________________________________
> >>Seaside mailing list
> >>Seaside(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org
> >>http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
> _______________________________________________
> Seaside mailing list
> Seaside(a)lists.squeakfoundation.org
> http://lists.squeakfoundation.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/seaside
I've also been working on some design issues related to Pier, including
removing the use of tables. I ultimately decided to start with a minimal
existing css framework (scribbish), and modify both Pier and scribbish
into something useful. I wrote up a tutorial about the process:
Links to download the image/changes file and the css files are at the end.
I learned quite a bit in doing this, but I still have a quite a ways to
go. I hope it makes sense. Enjoy!
I've loaded OmniBrowser and Pier 1.0.4a via SqueakMap and the web part
is working, but i get several errors if trying to use the 'PierBrowser':
1. the browser can view the kernel, but the menus for the upper
(selection) panes are broken -> either the right-button click, or click
on the scrollbar-icon throws "MessageNotUnderstood: MenuIcons
2. I'm not able to accept the edited page content (in the "OBPluggable
Text" pane - i'm not sure if it's a bug or a not-yet-implemented feature).
There are also issues with the Seaside part using UTF-8 encoding
(WAKomEncoded), but they seem to be at least partially based in the
Seaside itself and i can't test them any further without the possibility
to edit the page content from within the image.
Viktor Svub