> > This is a subclass of the Squeak to VisualWorks code exporter
> > (implemented by Avi) adapted to properly export all the Magritte and
> > Pier packages and to get the namespaces right. Running the exporter
> > makes it possible to load all the code into VisualWorks, but I never
> > had the time to make it actually run in there ... so that is what
> > requires the next steps ...
> >
> Lukas,
> Just wondering if I wanted to go down this …
[View More]path, where can I find this
> code exporter tool -- is
> it on the Squeak side or the Visual Works side? I'd like to give it a
> shot even though I'm somewhat
> green behind the ears!
First of all you need PackageInfo-Exporters from SqueakMap. Then you
need the package "Magritte-VisualWorks" from
<http://mc.lukas-renggli.ch/magritte>. Evaluating "MADistribution
fileOutForVisualWorks" should produce you a couple of files that can
be loaded into VisualWorks, however I never actually tried to do it
Lukas Renggli
[View Less]
Hi Frank,
> I've tryed to install pier from your squeakmap
> repository. First I take a fresh Seaside-image from
> Seaside-website and after this a load the packages
> Margrit and Pier with monticello. After restart the image
> I tryed to start Seaside-pier in the webbrowswer. There
> an error comes up with a message not understood of
> an class from Seaside. So I think it is an version-problem
> with seaside. What package versiion (mcz) you use for
> the actual …
[View More]version of pier?
just load the Pier package from SqueakMap into a fresh 3.8 image. It
will automatically load all required prerequisites such as Kom,
Seaside, Magritte, etc.
Lukas Renggli
[View Less]
I'm new to smalltalk, seaside and pier. I want to use pier to host a small
site, and if possible, I'd like to change the way internal links to other
pages are rendered, so that the wiki text:
produces the link:
instead of:
Both links return the same URL when typed into the browser, so clearly
view is the default command.…
[View More] I've tried searching around for information
about this but I couldn't find anything obvious to me. While browsing the
source code, I came across WAUrl adaptToContext: and WAAnchorTag goto:,
which look potentially relevant, but I'm honestly not sure if I'm on the
right track. I'd appreciate it if someone could point me in the right
direction. Also, if this is a really bad idea for some reason, that would
also be good to know.
I'm using Sqeak-3.8, Seaside 2.63a3-lr.51 and Pier-all-lr.81
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StellDichEin is a Pier addon that allows you to create VCards and ICal
events and todos in Pier like you would create structures (eg pages).
Later these can be downloaded and imported (iCalendar, Outlook, ....).
It not tested very roughly and very likely has several bugs.
It can be found at http://mc.lukas-renggli.ch/pieraddons/ and depends
on the following packages:
- NetworkAddress (http://mc.lukas-renggli.ch/magritteaddons/)
- ICal (http://squeaksource.com/ical/)
- ICalMagritte (http:/…
[View More]/squeaksource.com/ical/)
There is also a configuration map that should load all these automatically.
There is also a very simple poll in the same repository.
[View Less]
Hi lukas
I wanted to know this was possible to specify how an field should be
saved and reloaded.
For example I wanted to save a date and reload it.
I added
MADateDescription>>parseString: aString
^ self parseString: aString protected: [ aString asDate ].
to MADateDescription :)
but I have the impression that been able to specify at the
description level
the way the values are saved and filed in would make sense.
I checked on my old version of MA, but I could not find how the
[View More]MADescription
itself was describing the condition because it would be the same process
may be been able to specify a block or a selector for each of the
action would be cool.
[View Less]
Hi all,
I have an instance of pier running in an image which seems to be hosed. The problem is that while Pier will still display pages, it will not allow them to be edited. This started sometime after I put in a back ground process to periodically save the image.
So, I need to know how to migrate the contents of this wiki to another image. Any tips on this? BTW, I can still edit methods in the System browser, and execute workspace code.
Brett Taylor
Hi all,
I'm searching the right way for saving my work in pier every 5 minutes automaticly. I've tryed to connect with the http://smallwiki.unibe.ch/smallwiki but no answer.
Thanks in advance
Please could someone tell me the proper way to change the
administrator's password in Pier?
Last week, I could do it by using the Pier Browser, exploring the root,
and sending a password: message to the adminUser instance.
I've now created a new image, with the latest Pier packages from Squeak
Map. Even though the password appears to change in the instance, the
old passwords (user=admin, password=pier) remain in use.
I realise I'm probably doing something stupid :-)
Thanks for any help,
[View More]Duncan.
P.S. With the latest Squeak Map Pier package the Pier Browser doesn't
appear to be added to the Tools flap like last time.
[View Less]
> One of my goals for Magritte and Pier is to slowly move to
> 3.9, because it offers things (Pragmas) that will make our
> life easier and that I have been waiting for a long long time
> now. For now I will try to keep compatibility for 3.7, 3.8 and 3.9.
> Lukas
I would hope that 3.8 remains the primary target at the very least until
after 3.9 is actually released.