I use smallWiki, I'd like knowing if I do the login and after I will close the page without do the logout, how much time the server still see me logged?
Do you know which instruction can I modify to change this time?
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I have a question for SmallWiki 1 (since it is for my "production"
I would like to protect part of my SmallWiki site (my "intranet")
such that people have to login to even view that part. The rest of
the site (the public part) still needs to be visible to anonymous
(but editable by admin).
Is there a way to support this scenario ? From what I understood this
is currently not possible (e.g. Roles are global). Am I correct ?
Anybody made extensions to allow for this kind of scenario ?
Roel Wuyts
Hi Annick,
> I was able to launch a Descriptioneditor, and I got some report
> rendering, but how do you use your report inside an app ?
DescriptionEditor is just a component to serve as an example in demos
and for me to do some manual testing of the Seaside components.
Certainly it should be possible to subclass and to customize to your
needs, however in all of our web-applications at netstyle.ch where we
are using Magritte we wrote a bunch of highly customized and
simplified description-editors to make it easier for the customers to
build their own forms.
If you just want to use the report component this is slightly more
difficult, have a look at MAReport and its users. As the comment in
MAReport says I don't suggest to use MAReport since it is just the
skeleton of a component, it might work (as for DescriptionEditor) but
there are a lot of things still missing. WATableReport might be worth
to have a look at, however it does not provide an interface with
Lukas Renggli
lots of documentation is now accessible through the wiki website of
SmallWiki 2 :
Feel free to send emails to this list or directly to me if you have
any question/comment/problem...
I'm waiting for your comments.
Damien Cassou
pour le Software Composition Group a Berne
Hi all,
I'm creating a new picture gallery based on ideas of Christoph
Wysseier and Jan Rothen.
The package is available on Squeak Source under the name
Damien Cassou
pour le Software Composition Group a Berne
I've just posted the latest release of SmallWiki 1 on squeakmap, with
various enhancements and bug fixes (Hierarchical Menu and a bug fix
suggested by Adrien, see log files from squeaksource and previous
posts). This release seems to work with Squeak 3.8, and with the new
version of smallwiki (SW2), this release will probably be the latest
release of SW1.
PhD Student in CS / Doctorant en informatique web : http://www.info.unicaen.fr/~saidani
Universite de Caen - Laboratoire GREYC tel : 02-31-56-74-30
Equipe MAD - Campus II - 14032 Caen Cedex fax : 02-31-56-76-30
I had troubles with the query visitor which was always returning
empty results. After some investigation, I found out that
MAAccessorRelation>>isSatifisfiedBy: was failing but the error was
eaten by #hasMatch.
MAAccessorRelation>>isSatisfiedBy: contains two typos:
- #descripition is misspelled
- #read: doesn't exist.
I fixed the method and it looks like this:
MAAccessorRelation>>isSatisfiedBy: anObject
| description |
description := anObject description
detect: [ :each | self accessor = each accessor ]
ifNone: [ ^ false ].
^ super isSatisfiedBy: (anObject readUsing: description).
Now the visitor works very nicely.
I have one question about the test case of the query visitor. Some
tests call a #matches: method that doesn't exist. I have tried to use
the methods of the String class but they are all rejected. How does
it work?
> - What is SW2CurrentContextHolder ??
A dynamic variable. Have a look at WADynamicVariable its subclasses
and their users to understand how they are supposed to work.
> - Why does SW2AddCommand class>>descriptionType uses a Proxy
> to retrieve the list of the concrete subclasses of SW2Structure ??
Because an user might load other packages into the image that define
new subclasses of SW2Structure that should appear in the add dialog.
Therefor the list of possible types needs to be determined at runtime
without the need to flush the cached descriptions.
>> - What is 'Inplace Edit' for ?
> It is for editing parts of a page independently.
Indeed, this should become a page editor for users not knowing about
the wiki syntax. It is very unfinished for now, but give it a try and
you will see.
Lukas Renggli
> Syntax Page
> ...
> |_ a Header (Links, Level 1)
> |_ a Paragraph
> |_ a Header (Internal Links, Level 2)
> |_ a Paragraph
> |_ a Header (External Links, Level 2)
> I think it would be better to have :
> Syntax Page
> ...
> |_a Section (Links, Level 1)
> |__ a Paragraph
> |_a Section (Internal Links, level 2)
> |_a Paragraph
> |_a Section (External Links, level 2)
> Then the object structure displays clearly the page structure. It
> is logically better I think.
I don't think so, since your representation duplicates the
information such as the one of the level. What is more one might
write pages (see below) that are ambiguous using your representation:
!! aa
! bb
!!! cc
The power behind the object representation is that the original
string of the wiki-input can be precisely restored without the loss
of any character, I doubt that this would be possible with your
Using the level-information in the current implementation in
SmallWiki 2, something like the structure and the sections of the
page can be dynamically calculated, e.g. as seen in SW2TocRenderer.
Lukas Renggli