I released a version on squeakmap with latest fixes for SW1, but
discovered that there is a problem with accents yet. As a consequence,
the latest release on squeakmap is broken ! (the links does not work
properly). For convenience and to fix this problem rapidly, I created
a repository on squeaksource, called www.squeaksource.com/smallwiki1 :
if there is a problem, tell me and i'll delete this project. I added
Lukas as admin, and probably Chris is interested also, but didn't find
him as a member on squeaksource.
>From now, sw1 is broken, I'm working on it to find what is the problem
PhD Student in CS / Doctorant en informatique web : http://www.info.unicaen.fr/~saidani
Universite de Caen - Laboratoire GREYC tel : 02-31-56-74-30
Equipe MAD - Campus II - 14032 Caen Cedex fax : 02-31-56-76-30
And first thanks for this wonderful tool - Smallwiki - I like it ! I
played a little with the latest squeakmap release of smallwiki, with
Squeak 3.8, and found a problem when using SWAdminBlackboard : you
have to change the contents of the method renderMenu, from
SWAdminBlackboard, SWSecurity and SWTreeEditor !
super renderMenu
self renderMenuRow: self
and not self renderMenuRow: self new
I can change it if there is an access to Monticello.
I made also a package from the work of Andreas Gerdes to get the
accents working ("latin" support) with smallwiki and a hierarchical
menu (see squeak.de) with Squeak 3.8 :
PhD Student in CS / Doctorant en informatique web : http://www.info.unicaen.fr/~saidani
Universite de Caen - Laboratoire GREYC tel : 02-31-56-74-30
Equipe MAD - Campus II - 14032 Caen Cedex fax : 02-31-56-76-30
I have a question about the configuration of Apache and Smallwiki to
do some things on my server, and I am hoping that some of you more
experienced web-serving people can help me out...
This is the problem:
- I have one server (lit7.ulb.ac.be)
- There are two DNS aliases for this machine: decomp.ulb.ac.be and
- I have two Smallwiki's running on the machine, under two different
8081 runs the 'FRFC' wiki
8082 runs the deComp wiki
- users can currently access these websites by explicitly appending
the portnumber:
http://decomp.ulb.ac.be:8081/ (or http://
restructuring.ulb.ac.be:8081 )
http://restructuring.ulb.ac.be:8082 (or http://
decomp.ulb.ac.be:8082 )
What I want is to be able to get rid of the port addresses, so that
users can do:
http://decomp.ulb.ac.be --> get the decomp Smallwiki site
http://restructuring.ulb.ac.be --> get the restruturing
Smallwiki site
I think I can accomplish this by configuring my Apache2 in the
following (clumsy) way:
- set up two virtual hosts:
one for decomp.ulb.ac.be that hosts to some other
portnumber, let's say 9092
one for restructuring.ulb.ac.be that hosts to 9091
- set up redirects in the site served on port 9091 to http://
- set up redirects in the site served on port 9092 to http://
I am pretty sure that this will do the trick, but it will be rather
clumsy, not very efficient (redirects all the time), and the user
will type http://decomp.ulb.ac.be/, hit Return, and then see the
address bar change to http://decomp.ulb.ac.be:8081/ . Still, if this
is the only way ...
Roel Wuyts
Hello Frank,
> Bei unserem Swiki-Importer haben wir eine ImportCommand, wo man
> einige Angaben (z.B. Url) vornehmen muss. Nun möchten wir ein
> zusätzliches Feld einfügen (z.B MAStringDescription), in der die
> aktuell importierte Seite aufgeführt wird. Dieses Feld muss also
> laufend während des Importiervorgangen upgedatet werden. Ich habe
> versucht mit einem Accessor innerhalb SW2ImportCommand>>doExcecute
> auf dieses Feld zuzugreifen (accessor := MASelectorAccessor
> selector:#url. accessor: 'Hello' to: self.), was auch zu klappen
> scheint, jedoch wird das Feld visuell nicht angepasst. Was muss ich
> tun, damit die aktuell importierte Seite visuell in meiner textarea
> aktualisiert wird?
I don't really understand what you are trying to do.
It is possible to force a Magritte component to reload the values
from the model by sending the message #reset?
Lukas Renggli
> Sorry to bother you with this faq again but I need to do a demo at ps
> lecture on Friday and cannot rely on the network. I want to change the
> default style sheet in the code - not via the admin user -
> otherwise I
> would have to do it every time I trace a feature. So I downloaded
> style.css and header.png to the same directory where my image is and
> changed the method defaultStyleSheet to:
> defaultStylesheet
> ^'@import "http://localhost:8080/style.css";'
> However it doesn't work. What do I need to do?
Hi Orla,
you need to upload the files to SmallWiki as resources with the
filename as title. SmallWiki does not serve files from the
filesystem, the directory tree is purely virtual and based on the
object model within the image.
Lukas Renggli
Hi Daniel,
> I have been playing with SmallWiki2 and wished to congratulate you
> on this great tool.
thanks a lot for your compliments.
> As I was playing with it, I also became interested in using
> Magritte for a couple of other applications of mine. This raised a
> couple of questions:
> 1) Am I allowed to use Magritte for other purposes?
Sure, Magritte will soon be published under the MIT license together
with SmallWiki 2. This means, you are basically free to do with the
code whatever you like, but I will take no responsibility and you
have to keep a small copyright notice with my name somewhere.
> 2) Is Magritte stable?
Well, similar as SmallWiki 2 it is alpha code and some interfaces and
internal details might change in the future. At netstyle.ch we are
successfully using Magritte in one of our biggest projects. It allows
our users to define and store validated forms and dialogs from their
> 3) How can I go about installing Magritte on a separate image
> without SmallWiki2?
Sure. I suggest that you load Magritte-All.xx.mcz from http://
mc.lukas-renggli.ch/magritte/, where xx is a version that works for
you the best (probably not the latest one). If you find any bugs fix
them directly in the Magritte package and submit your version to me.
We never experienced problems merging in the changes from the main
branch into our internal development images.
Hope this helps,
Lukas Renggli
netstyle.ch GmbH, Dählhölzliweg 18, CH-3005 Bern
Phone: +41 31 356 42 56 Fax: +41 31 356 42 57
http://www.netstyle.ch mailto:info@netstyle.ch
> How can we get a HTML component from a Magritte description?
> We want to do a "general search". A type (DocumentItem) can be
> selected, then the available descriptions are shown. Now if a
> description is selected, we need an input field corresponding to
> the type of the description to specifiy the search criteria.
> (checkbox for boolean description, ...). We tried attribute
> asComponent, attribute class defaultComponentClass, but neither
> worked.
I don't properly understand what you are trying to do. What is
> We can not use asComponentOn: as we don't have a specific object
> to edit.
Magritte requires a model to store the date when you want to show a
dialog built from a description.
Probably the easiest thing you can do is to instantiate the selected
DocumentItem and display a dialog on this one.
Other possibilities might be:
- you could use a scaffolder that contains a dictionary with
associations of the form: description -> value. This is a technique
that is commonly used for user defined forms. Take care, MAScaffolder
in Magritte is currently not working, you should probably create your
own class.
- you could write a Memento (older versions of Magritte called it
Wrapper) that doesn't require a model.
Lukas Renggli
I'm playing with smallwiki these times, and tried to set up one but
got a problem with accents. Squeak 3.8 seems to resolve this problem
quite well, but I was unable to load smallwiki with Squeak3.8 through
squeakmap (the load script is only for Squeak3.7 and in Squeak3.7, $À
isoToSqueak gives a weird answer).
Thanks !
PhD Student in CS / Doctorant en informatique web : http://www.info.unicaen.fr/~saidani
Universite de Caen - Laboratoire GREYC tel : 02-31-56-74-30
Equipe MAD - Campus II - 14032 Caen Cedex fax : 02-31-56-76-30
I have a problem with the manage of error in smallwiki.
I have in my editPage: title and Date, I do the control on the date but when I digit an incorrect date i wish that this date wasn't saved in my instance variable(date).
I do the first control on the date size,i would that the size is 10,so i do
self date size = 10
ifFalse: [ self renderInvalideDate].
html tableRow: [
html tableHeading: 'Error:'.
html tableData: [
html spanNamed: #error with: 'invalide Date' ] ] .
In this case when i make an error I see the message invalide date but the incorrect date is saved on date.
Can you tell me how can I do, please?
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