Does anybody know how can I perform tests on a Action subclass
responsable of rendering html contents and data managing? I mean, the
original idea was to implement a subclass of TestCase but I don't
think this would be the best solution. I found out ActionTest class and
maybe it would be better to implement an ActionTest subclass!
Andrea Loddo.
Brent Pinkney wrote:
> I really need to know how to upload files to SmallWiki.
> I edited a page to create a resouce and then use the SWResouceEdit page
> to choose a file (d:\temp\tbms.txt) and do not check the embedded
> option. This this the appears in my Squeak explorer with a byte array
> containing the file contents. This looks ok.
> However if I clock on the link to (view/download the resouce) I return
> to the SWResourceEdit page, but the fields are empty.
> The issue appears to be in
> SWResource class>>defaultViewAction
> ^SWResourceEdit
> !
> How does one download a resource ?
Did you try another URL in your browser:
You can change the method to:
SWResource class>>defaultViewAction
I don't know if this is a bug or a feature?!? How does the VW Version
behave (unfortunatly VW currently doesn't run on my xorg)?
best regards
Chris Burkert
What expression should I use in the Stylesheet editor
such that the Webserver will use a locally defined stylesheet?
I tried:
@import "mystyle.css";
and put this file in the Squeak image directory.
Free Webmail courtesy of http://www.444.net/
Does anyone know where did the "edit" link go from the kilana server? I
need this urgently, because the ESE teams rely on the Wiki.
Tudor Adrian Girba Software Composition Group
(www.iam.unibe.ch/~girba) University of Bern, Switzerland
"Problem solving efficiency grows with the abstractness level
of problem understanding."
the instance method
html form: [
html fileUploadWithCallback: [:f | file _ f].
html submitButton.
of an Action subclass I used for a file upload has a problem:
"f" is an istance of my Action subclass and it is not the file I want to upload.
Could anybody tell me why?
Is it necessary to implement a subclass of Action to perform a file
Thanks a lot.
Andrea Loddo.
Hi Andrea,
please send your questions to the smallwiki mailinglist. Others also may
be interested in the topic.
Andrea Loddo wrote:
> I am developping an easy application with Smallwiki. Actually I am
> trying to make a file upload between a client and the smallwiki HTTP server
> with the method "fileUploadWithCallback:aBlock" but I have no
> idea about the block it accepts.
> Coud you help me?
Take a look at the example when uploading Resources to SmallWiki. Just
browse the senders of #fileUploadWithCallback: ... you will find
#renderFields in SWResourceEdit which, in this particular case, passes a
symbol, not a block.
best regards
Chris Burkert
PS: You might be more interested in Seaside than SmallWiki for a real