Hi Hans,
> how can I switch on the storage on a running Smallwiki ? Or more
> excactly: I can execute Smalltalk code in a SmallWiki page, but how I
> get from there the reference to the server : in the example and
> documentation, I must evaluate
> "server storage: ImageStorage new", so what must be "server" if
> evaluating in a Wiki page ?)
the following variables are defined in the context of the execution of
a piece of code in a wiki page: request, response, structure and html.
Request and response know about their server, so you might do something
[ request server storage: nil ]
Hope this helps,
Lukas Renggli
Smallwiki runs into trouble when I just execute server := SmallWiki.SwazooServer startOn: 8081.
I got an exception. The problem seems to come from Swazoo.SwazooSocket class>>serverOnIP:port:. This method is called with '' and 8081 as argument.
I have attached to this email a copy of the stack.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~bergel
we should pay attention that people cannot uplod porn pictures so I
would disable upload.
Noury asked me if we could have some zipped files with ready to use
images and VM
I think that this would be nice to have that.