Hi Hans,
> one small problem: I want to set a style sheet file in the directory
> where squeak runs (the image is). But obviously I can not give a
> relative path for importing a stylesheet (like @import
> ./mystylesheet.css";)
> The problem is, in the squeak port of SmallWiki it doesn't work to use
> a SWResource (which should work according to FAQ).
I don't know about the squeak port, but I thought this problem was
fixed a long time ago.
> Any other possibilities to get it work ?
There are several possibilities that come into my mind:
- put the css onto a different web-server and import it with the full
- use Apache as a proxy to SmallWiki and add a rewrite rule to serve
the css from Apache itself
- write an action that simply returns your css
html nextPutAll: '*your-stylesheet*'
and include it using
@import "./?action= MyStylesheetAction"
- use the following
On Dec 15, 2003, at 14:44, Hannes Hirzel wrote:
> Thank you that you will look into this. From my perception the bug is
> in the method I mentioned above. For the wiki I set up I use the
> following a crude workaround
> 1) in SWResourceEdit>>#data:mime
> I comment out the setting of the mime type
> (it would set it to nil which I don't want)
> 2) in SWResourceEdit>>renderFields
> I add
> html tableData: [html textInputWithValue: self mime callback: #mime: ]]
> So I have the user to input the mime type manually in a text field.
> For the moment I think this is fine. I was not able to find the bug
> and to fix it along the lines of the original design.
- or even better: write a fix for the SWResource bug ;)
Hope this helps,
Lukas Renggli
I'm trying to load SmallWiki into a fresh VWNC but I can't find it
in the public store.
I've connected to the repository, open the Package Browser, but I'm
unable to find any goodie.
Any orientation are welcome.
Thank you,
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (http://www.grisoft.com).
Version: 6.0.744 / Virus Database: 496 - Release Date: 24/08/2004
I suggest that you not use the version labeled "johnson"
because I am still trying to get everything exported
properly. I hope that I will be able to get a version
that works completely very soon.
Begin forwarded message:
> From: James Robertson <jarober(a)comcast.net>
> Date: August 23, 2004 11:12:49 PM CEST
> To: stéphane ducasse <ducasse(a)iam.unibe.ch>
> Subject: Re: Fwd: About running Wiki on VWNC
> They would need a commercial license if it was for commercial use.
> At 01:06 PM 8/23/2004, you wrote:
>> Begin forwarded message:
>>> From: "Thomas Bernitt" <thom-ber(a)gmx.net>
>>> Date: August 23, 2004 9:15:25 AM CEST
>>> To: smallwiki(a)iam.unibe.ch
>>> Cc: stéphane ducasse <ducasse(a)iam.unibe.ch>
>>> Subject: Re: About running Wiki on VWNC
>>> Hi
>>> I was on vacation the last weeks and now I tried to find a more
>>> concrete
>>> answer and I want to add another yes-no-question:
>>> -If a company wants to run VW on a server for internal use, and want
>>> to
>>> develope additional smallwiki-functionality, do I need to pay or not?
>>> We had talks on the cebit this year with cincom to put this question
>>> to them
>>> - and the answer we got was 'yes, you have to pay'. In this case we
>>> has to
>>> pay a developer license at great expense.
>>> This topic demands a conclusion!
>>> Thanks
>>> Thomas
>>>> Hi james
>>>>> Hmm, isn't that a contradiction:
>>>>> "If a company wants to run VW on a server for internal use, then
>>>>> they
>>>>> would need a license. "
>>>>> and
>>>>> "So, if you put SmallWiki under an Open Source license, you would
>>>>> also
>>>>> be ok on usage."
>>>>> Let's try simple yes/no questions ;-)
>>>>> - If I run Smallwiki on our company server for internal use, do I
>>>>> need
>>>>> to pay or not?
>>>>> - If I run Smallwiki on our company server for internal and
>>>>> external
>>>>> use as the wiki for an OpenSource project, do I need to pay or not?
>>>>> - If I run Smallwiki on our company server for internal and
>>>>> external
>>>>> use as the wiki for a commercial project, do I need to pay or not?
>>>>> I hate these kind of questions too and I appreciate your effort in
>>>>> trying to answer them!
>>>> I want to know too because we are developing software which is
>>>> open-source and can be used by companies and I think that the
>>>> position
>>>> of cincom should be clear for all of us.
>>>> You wrote: "It really depends. I explicitly open sourced
>>>> BottomFeeder,
>>>> and I'm not making money off it. So, if you put SmallWiki under an
>>>> Open Source license, you would also be ok on usage. It would be
>>>> unsupported by Cincom, but I suspect that's not really an issue
>>>> here."
>>>> SmallWiki is open source but I do not understand what is unsupported
>>>> here?
>>>> Thanks
> <Talk Small and Carry a Big Class Library>
> James Robertson, Product Manager, Cincom Smalltalk
> http://www.cincomsmalltalk.com/blog/blogView
> jarober(a)gosmalltalk.com
I was on vacation the last weeks and now I tried to find a more concrete
answer and I want to add another yes-no-question:
-If a company wants to run VW on a server for internal use, and want to
develope additional smallwiki-functionality, do I need to pay or not?
We had talks on the cebit this year with cincom to put this question to them
- and the answer we got was 'yes, you have to pay'. In this case we has to
pay a developer license at great expense.
This topic demands a conclusion!
> Hi james
> > Hmm, isn't that a contradiction:
> >
> > "If a company wants to run VW on a server for internal use, then they
> > would need a license. "
> >
> > and
> >
> > "So, if you put SmallWiki under an Open Source license, you would also
> > be ok on usage."
> >
> > Let's try simple yes/no questions ;-)
> >
> > - If I run Smallwiki on our company server for internal use, do I need
> > to pay or not?
> >
> > - If I run Smallwiki on our company server for internal and external
> > use as the wiki for an OpenSource project, do I need to pay or not?
> >
> > - If I run Smallwiki on our company server for internal and external
> > use as the wiki for a commercial project, do I need to pay or not?
> >
> > I hate these kind of questions too and I appreciate your effort in
> > trying to answer them!
> I want to know too because we are developing software which is
> open-source and can be used by companies and I think that the position
> of cincom should be clear for all of us.
> You wrote: "It really depends. I explicitly open sourced BottomFeeder,
> and I'm not making money off it. So, if you put SmallWiki under an
> Open Source license, you would also be ok on usage. It would be
> unsupported by Cincom, but I suspect that's not really an issue here."
> SmallWiki is open source but I do not understand what is unsupported
> here?
> Thanks
Hi Kris,
I'm very sorry that I didn't answer earlier: I'm currently very busy
and must have missed your post to the mailing-list :(
>> The server where it should run on is (very) infrequently rebooted.
>> Still I would like to make sure the Smallwiki storage is updated when
>> that happens. Can I somehow force this from a shutdown script?
Currently something like this isn't implemented. Try something like
this, it should be easily possible:
Smalltalk.SmallWiki defineClass: #SnapshotWiki
superclass: #{SmallWiki.Action}
indexedType: #none
private: false
instanceVariableNames: ''
classInstanceVariableNames: ''
imports: ''
category: 'SmallWiki Action'
self server storage snapshot.
wget http://localhost:8080/?aciton=SnapshotWiki
To be save from electrical outage you maybe want to have a look at the
work of Ralph Johnson, he wrote a storage that logs all the changes
instantly. Another possibility would be to increase the frequency of
the SnapshotStorage or to buy USV (uninterruptible power provider) for
you server machines.
>> I get the impression Smallwiki was designed to be run headfull:
>> configuration is done through the image etc. How to deal with this
>> when it is run headless?
Indeed it was designed to be run heedful. We also tried to run it
headless, but there seem to be strange problems with VisualWorks. All
of our servers run with VNC, so we can connect to the images
anytime/where and interact with the system if necessary.
Hope this helps,
Lukas Renggli
Hi Hans,
nice to hear that you would like to use SmallWiki for your home-page.
> - wie startet man dann automatisch im Image, z.B. mit headless Squeak ?
I don't know a lot about the port of SmallWiki to Squeak, I'm only
responsible for the development of the original version in VisualWorks.
> - Chris Burkert meint, der Squeak Port sei nicht zu empfehlen, wie
> siehst Du das ?
I think for a personal home-page it should be possible to use
VisualWorks, as this there is commercial (you don't earn money) use
Lukas Renggli
I did the port of SmallWiki to Squeak mainly for myself and to learn
something about it. Unfortunatly I don't have the time to maintain it
further. So if somebody wants to make a try ... write me and I will pass
the maintainership.
Chris Burkert