I published a first version of SmallWiki 2 to the SCG StORE. The bundle
is called 'SmallWiki2'. It should be runnable, but not useable at all.
There are still a lot of important things missing, but basic features
are implemented and one should see a web-page when browsing the root.
As you will see, the design is quite different: maybe somebody wants to
have a look at it and give some comments. The rendering isn't
implemented yet.
Unfortunately tomorrow I won't have much time to work on it. I will
keep you informed about the updates in the mailing-list.
Lukas Renggli
You can get the test runner by typing "TestRunner open"
in a workspace (really, anyplace that you can type text)
and then selecting it and choosing "doit" from the menu.
This is how you evaluate a Smalltalk expression. If you
read the SmallWiki workspace then you will see that you
evaluate expressions like
server := SmallWiki.SwazooServer startOn: 8080
to start up the wiki server.
But you wanted to run tests.
The test runner has a bunch of tests, which you can see
on the pulldown list at the top of the test runner window.
Ideally, you could just press "RunAll", except that you
will see that nine tests fail. They are mostly in Swazoo,
a package that SmallWiki uses. This is with VW7.2 on Windows.
John Brant suggested that the problem was in OSkSocket>>setAddressReuse:
I commented out the big message to self by putting " around
"self setOptionForLevel: ... value: optionValue"
Then I could start the wiki, but one of the tests still failed.
It was Swazoo.SwazooSocketTest>>#testReadTimeout. I read this
test, and discovered that it reads from a socket and sets
a timeout, but for some reason the timeout never happens.
It is only supposed to wait for .2 seconds, but it waits
forever. This is with VW7.2 on Windows.
You can select tests one after another
Novices shouldn't have to fix this. Wait until the authors
fix the problem.
-Ralph Johnson
WAWalkback>>renderObject: anObject labelled: aString on: html
| objectString |
[objectString := anObject printStringLimitedTo: 100]
on: Error
do: [objectString := '<font ...'].
html tableRowWithLabel: aString column: objectString.
should be
WAWalkback>>renderObject: anObject labelled: aString on: html
| objectString |
[objectString := anObject printStringLimitedTo: 100]
on: Error
do: [:err|objectString := '<font ...'].
html tableRowWithLabel: aString column: objectString.
else VisualWorks raises "Unhandled exception: This block expects 0
argument(s)". Maybe it would be good practice to add the block-variable
in the seaside version as well. One can find the occurrences using:
``@block on: ``@class do: [ ``@stmts ]
Lukas Renggli
Hi SmallWiki-To-Seaside-Porters,
I started with the port of SmallWiki to Seaside today. Unfortunately
there are some problems with VisualWave (the default web-server of
Seaside for VisualWorks), that I have to sort out to enable SmallWiki
to do manual url handling. I will continue working on it and will try
to publish a first version tomorrow on the SCG-StORE, so that people
can start porting missing actions, renderers, template-comentents, etc.
Lukas Renggli
I've just started playing with SWImageStorage after playing with
With SWImageStorage the image size grows as I add resources. Even when I
remove resources, the image size grows. Is there a way to keep the image
size down as resources are removed? I tried garbage collecting after
removing a resource but this did not help reduce the image size.
Hi all
we got a meeting yesterday. Here are the basic decisions:
Lukas will try to get the core of SmallWiki on Seaside. Monday morning
we will know more. Then David Rothlisberger will help lukas porting.
But Lukas and david can only afford to spend one day a week on that
so if you are a seaside expert, love SmallWiki and have a bit of time,
contact lukas and david rothlisberger. We expect to have something in
three weeks
at that speed. So if you want to help please do. At that time we will
release SmallWiki2.0
We loaded the security bundles available on Cincom store on the kilana
wiki to test whether the changes did by david vogel with his extended
security model are working on a real case.
David will report the problems (bad code) about his code soon.
Alex should (he is not aware of that ;)) finish the Swiki importer :)
Frederic and I started to work on simple boolean expressions so that
we can query the wiki with more advanced queries. We plan to introduce
first class tags and some meta description. And frederic will start to
some wiki management tools with tests!!!!. We plan to integrate them
on top of SmallWiki 2.0 and release them regularly.
Frederic should DESCRIBE what we plan to have
at: http://kilana.unibe.ch:9090/smallwiki/inprogresslist/
Is there a resource describing the procedure to restore a SmallWiki
using SIXX and the root.xml object file?
Simply reading the root.xml file returns parser errors under Squeak3.7
Michael Cole
A word of warning: when I tried this last week, I ran into a problem.
John Brant said that the latest version of Swazoo had a problem with
Windows. Once I realized that, I was able to fix it pretty easily.
Perhaps Swazoo is fixed now, or perhaps you are not using Windows.
But if you are having problems with it, let me know and I wlil
send you the fix.
-Ralph Johnson
Hello list!
This is my first post on the list and i hope the question is not too
"newbie" ...
I am using VisualWorks Non Commercial 7.2 and installed SmallWiki 0.9.48
from Cincom-Store. So now I try to setup SmallWiki described on
http://kilana.unibe.ch:9090/smallwiki/smallwikisetup/ and run the tests.
However I am new to Smalltalk (also VisualWorks) and to SmallWiki so I
don't know how to "Select all the test-cases and click on run."
Can anybody give me some advices how to run the tests in VisualWorks?
A lot of thanks in advance!
Best regards,
Andreas Semt