lukas do you know where if we have an archive of the mailing-list?
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Michael Rueger <michael(a)>
> Date: 21 avril 2004 12:39:00 GMT+02:00
> To: owner-smallwiki(a)
> Subject: Archive?
> Hi,
> tried really hard, but I can't find the archive for the smallwiki
> list. Is it linked somewhere that I didn't see?
> Anyways, a pointer would be nice.
> Michael
Begin forwarded message:
> From: Michael Rueger <michael(a)>
> Date: 20 avril 2004 17:32:37 GMT+02:00
> To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <squeak-dev(a)>
> Subject: Re: SmallWiki & custom syntax
> Reply-To: The general-purpose Squeak developers list
> <squeak-dev(a)>
> Frank Shearar wrote:
>> I've not really looked very deeply at SmallWiki, so feel free to tell
>> me to
>> shut up & use the source.
> No, no, the fine manual ;-)
> Just adding a question while we got the attention:
> can I and when how use external (e.g. XHTML or custom syntax) template
> files?
> Michael
Hi guys
please send your question to the smallwiki list because everybody is
Smallwiki(a) so you get a better chance to catch lukas ;)
On 20 avr. 04, at 17:42, Frank Shearar wrote:
>>>>> "Michael Rueger" 04/20/04 16:32 >>>
>> Frank Shearar wrote:
>>> I've not really looked very deeply at SmallWiki, so feel
>> free to tell me to
>>> shut up & use the source.
>> No, no, the fine manual ;-)
> :)
> I see the fine manual says
> "As Table 2.1 shows, the syntax of SmallWiki is similar to SqueakWiki
> or
> WikiWorks. Changing the grammar of the parser is no big deal, if you
> are
> more familiar with a different one and want to support that. However,
> as for
> all other parsers, it is difficult to write extensions that can be
> added and
> removed independently in order to parse new document entities."
> Now I must just read some more, I think, to find out just _how_ to do
> this.
> I confess I was looking for a method returning a string with the
> complete
> grammar (like SWWikiParser class>>parserDefinitionComment) that I'd
> just
> change and run a magic #updateSyntax method and be done. Who knows -
> maybe
> there is?
> frank
> which version of Swazoo do I need for SmallWiki 0.9.20 from cincom
> store. I get an exception #keysAndValues not unterstood?
Generally it is the latest one ... but I already had numerous problems
with this exception. It is a method-selector that has been renamed some
time ago in Swazoo and I cannot know the version of Swazoo that was
current at the time of SmallWiki 0.9.20 (this is a problem of StORE).
Generally it should work if you just rewrite the method-send to
something like #postKeysAndValues or #postKeysAndValuesDo:, I don't
remember what it is actually. But you will find out ... :)
Hope this helps,
Lukas Renggli
I'm a bit confused by the ordering per day when viewing Recent Changes.
The order of the days is from recent to less recent, but within a day it's
the other way around. Is this a feature, a configuration issue, just a
problem of an ancient version of SmallWiki, or.. well.. what else could it
be ;)?
Hi Orla,
> I sometimes have problems stopping the smallwiki server.
> I have a testcase with the following:
> | aServer |
> aServer := SmallWiki.SwazooServer startOn:8080.
> .. my code ...
> aServer stop.
> What do you think the problem could be?
What kind of problem? It doesn't stopp? You get an exception?
The only problem I can think of right now, is that there might be other
instances of the web-server running on port 8080. Especially if your
test fails, the server is never stopped. So I suggest either using
TestResources or the #setUp and #tearDown facilities of TestCase to
start and stop it.
To stop any servers that you lost the references to, the following code
snipped might help:
SmallWiki.Server allInstances
do: [ :each | each stop ]
Lukas Renggli