Hi lukas
with david R. we are having a look at the test
self resourcesForWiki do: [ :wiki |
self assert: (self renderWiki: (self parseWiki: wiki)) = wiki ]
this test breask because of the smilies introduction.
I was wondering why the "self renderWiki: (self parseWiki: wiki)" does
not return a
wiki entity and not just a text?
For the other people that may want to follow the discussion:
a resourceForWiki is a text for example
'!Heading 1
!!Heading 2
!!!Heading 3
!!!!Heading 4'
Hi david
I loaded the admin package:
- the postload action seems broken
Smallwiki.Advanced is needed
- then when I try to log I get: with admin/smallwiki I get an error
aHTTPRequest postData does not understand: postKeysAndValuesDo:
prepareRequestFields: aHTTPRequest
| fields |
fields := Dictionary new.
aHTTPRequest uri queryData keysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
fields at: key put: value ].
aHTTPRequest isPost
ifTrue: [ aHTTPRequest postData postKeysAndValuesDo: [ :key :value |
fields at: key put: value value.
value contentType isNil
ifFalse: [ fields at: 'mime-' , key put: value contentType ] ] ].
So what can I do?
I loaded the very last release of Smallwiki with a 7.1nc, and I cannot run the server.
I rather have a: Message not understood: #detect:ifNone
The receiver is nil.
It seems that the variable permissions in 'Page class' is not initialized.
Alexandre Bergel http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~bergel
Hi everybody,
I finally found some time to work on SmallWiki. This is what I have done:
- fixed a bug in SWImageStorage which caused the storage to never
really store anything. (Be aware when you set a new Storage, which
has a default Delay of 10 minutes or so, and you change this value
after that, you have to wait until the last long delay is over
before you will see the effect of a new [e.g. short] delay)
- published an Installer on Squeakmap -> 'SmallWiki'
- separated the Parser in its own package
we have now three packages:
- the 'SmallWiki-Parser' (loaded by 'SmallWiki')
- the 'SmallWiki-Kernel' (loaded by 'SmallWiki')
- the 'SmallWiki' which is the installer
so you only have to load 'SmallWiki'
To try the new things take a fresh image (3.6 works fine) load the
installer-package 'SmallWiki' (not 'SmallWiki-Parser' or
'SmallWiki-Kernel') and wait :) This will install all needed packages
and finally opens a workspace with more information.
Unfortunatly I did not have the time to upgrade the whole thing to
0.9.47. This has to wait some weeks :-(
I changed the hard coded defaultPriority of the SnapshotStorage to
return '^Processor userBackgroundPriority'. This might also be better
for the official VW-SW ~ VisualWorks SmallWiki :-)
Chris Burkert
Just to let you know that we will start working on a Swiki importer.
Now what is really important is that SmallWiki is open-source. This
means that you can contribute
and help improving it. Please do not hesitate.
Hi alex and lukas
I discussed with a guy that told me that installing swiki was one click
:) and ask me what was the status
of that for SmallWiki. So I would like to know what we could do to have
a simple distribution with one click
ready to use image.
I'm not talking about producing an exe (even if sander is doing some
experiment for moose and Codecrawler
in this moment).
After the OOPSLA deadline we should really have a look at that.
I'm wondering if SmallWiki can be used in the following way:
- on server startup, a collection of objects is read in from a
text file and somehow available (possibly through an instance variable
of a subclass of SWKom?)
- a user can gain access to an object by adding a link to a
page (subclass of SWPage?) by the name of the object of interest
(objects are accessible by a string name)
- when a user then selects the object name on the calling page,
a new page will pop up based on the object
- the objects are not changeable, view only
Other questions
- How can multiple Wikis run on the same server?
- Can permissions be changed at the folder level or are
permissions set up for the entire Wiki?
- Once a resource is uploaded to a page, how can it be updated?
Any thoughts or comments would be appreciated.
It might be in swazoo.
It would be good to track it down. you can contact janko the father of
he is really a friendly person.
On 10 mars 04, at 22:08, David Röthlisberger wrote:
> Hello,
>> Today I have encountered a really strange problem, maybe you have a
>> explanation for this: Sometimes the redirection after saving a form
> doesn't
>> work. I inspected the response instance variable of the action, but
>> there
>> the redirection is set up correctly (headers at: #Location points to
>> the
>> correct url). I can't really reproduce this strange behaviour because
>> sometimes it works, but then next time the redirection fails, without
>> changing something in the code meanwhile... I observed this behaviour
>> in
>> forms of the original SmallWiki as well as in forms that I built for
>> the
>> forum. When the problem occurs, then I get only an empty white page
>> in the
>> browser. The URL is then the same as it was for the page with the
>> form,
> but
>> without an action parameter.
> I further investigated this issue. It seems that this problem only
> exists
> when I use Internet Explorer 6... If I switch to Mozilla or Netscape 7
> or
> Opera, I have never seen this behaviour again... I spent a lot of time
> to
> find out why Internet Explorer doesn't unterstand sometimes the
> redirection.
> I tried different header parameters for the response, for instance
> Cache-Control: 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max_age=0,
> post-check=0, pre-check=0' or also Pragma: 'no-cache' (HTTP/1.0) and
> others,
> because it's known that Internet Explorer has sometimes problems to
> understand the HTTP cache headers properly, but so far I haven't find
> any
> solution for this issue. I also checked the other header parameter, but
> without success.
> I don't know if the bug is in these headers or in Swazoo Server or in
> Internet Explorer... Strange.
> Best regards
> david