I was toying around with the pre-seaside Smallwiki and had to format a
document with a lot of nested lists combining the ordered and
non-ordered typed. I found that if I enter the following text ..
# A
-- A.B
-- A.C
--- A.C.D
--- A.C.E
--- A.C.F
-- A.D
# B
## B.A
--- B.A.A
--- B.A.B
## B.B
.. and save it, the source becomes the following:
# A
- A.B
-- A.C
--- A.C.D
--- A.C.E
--- A.C.F
-- A.D
# B
## B.A
- B.A.A
-- B.A.B
# B.B
I was wondering if this was normal behavior or if it is a possible
Thanks in advance,
Coen De Roover
Hi all
David rothlisberger released a nice forum implementation in Seaside
(with possibility to link to pages....). SmallBB is available on cincom
store and we are in beta phase when it will be a bit more stable I will
port it to Squeak....
Hi Sandro,
> I'm trying smallwiki on my laptop on windows xp home and squeak3.6 but
> I think there is a problem when I close and exit the image. To be more
> precise, when I reload the image and restart the server, the pages in
> the wiki are not updated with the last version. The problem doesn't
> arise if I save the image before exit.
the available persistence of SmallWiki 1 bases on dumping-out the whole
wiki-tree regularly. All the wiki-data resides in the memory of the
image and therefor it is also persistent if you save your image :)
> I set the storage in xml mode with "server storage: SWSIXXStorage
> new." and I force a snapshot with "server storage snapshot." but if I
> close the image without saving, when I reload the image (and the
> server), the wiki lose the pages that have been created after the
> image has been saved.
I'm not maintaining SmallWiki 1 for Squeak and therefor I don't know
about the details of the port, the official implementation is in
VisualWorks. You should send further questions to the SmallWiki
mailing-list to get answers specific to the Squeak version.
I have always discouraged to use of SIXXStorage for the wiki, because
xml does scale badly as the wiki grows and we also observed strange
problems when reading in and parsing huge xml-files. Note that
SIXXStorage doesn't load the xml automatically upon opening the image,
you have to do this manually.
A file-based persistence has been implemented by Ralph Johnson in
I suggest that you use the image-storage in Squeak or wait for
SmallWiki 2 that will have a much nicer persistence system with GOODS,
an open-source oodb available in Squeak. Another possibility would be
that you implement a GoodsStorage by yourself. This should be fairly
simple and completely transparent to the rest of the wiki.
On Nov 2, 2004, at 20:01, Sandro Pinna wrote:
> Hi Lukas,
> I'm trying smallwiki on my laptop on windows xp home and squeak3.6 but
> I think there is a problem when I close and exit the image. To be more
> precise, when I reload the image and restart the server, the pages in
> the wiki are not updated with the last version. The problem doesn't
> arise if I save the image before exit.
> I set the storage in xml mode with "server storage: SWSIXXStorage
> new." and I force a snapshot with "server storage snapshot." but if I
> close the image without saving, when I reload the image (and the
> server), the wiki lose the pages that have been created after the
> image has been saved.
> We met last year in Bled and I showed you xpswiki, a tool for Extreme
> Programming project management based on swiki. We are trying to port
> xpswiki on smallwiki but we have encountered this problem.
> Thanks in advance
> Sandro Pinna
> PhD Student DIEE-University of Cagliari-Italy
Lukas Renggli