Dear all,
This version is now stable and already tested by Michel Bany
(mbany(a) and integrates with Seaside nicely. So I propose that
someone integrates this version in SmallWiki too. This version will also
be in goodies on forthcomming VW7.3 distribution CD.
This version corrected parcel load with correct prerequisites. Besides
public store, I published parcels on goodies and ftp:
From my previous post about 0.9.93:
I did two things: repackage in two new packages and include most Michel
extensions for Seaside. Here is more from comment:
reorganization into two new packets:
- Swazoo-HTTP - servers, connections, request parsing, response
- Swazoo-Resources - resource framework. file resource and others
- all system class extensions moved to Swazoo-VisualWorks
sync with seaside:
- #method added to HTTPRequest subclasses to return HTTP methods used
-Timestamp rfc1123String now return correct GMT string
-SwazooServer class configureFromStream: added
Best regards
Janko Mivšek
Svetovalec za informatiko
EraNova d.o.o.
Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: 01 514 22 55
gsm: 031 674 565
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Swazoo-devel mailing list
Dear Swazooers,
Original post have somehow corrupted parcels so I recreated parcels and
posted them on two locations:
goodies/other/Swazoo in forthcomming VW7.3
Parcels are published with links to Cincom Store. This tar.gz inclues
also all other stuff needed (certs, readme, etc). I hope now everything
will be ok.
Best regards
Janko Mivšek
Svetovalec za informatiko
EraNova d.o.o.
Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: 01 514 22 55
gsm: 031 674 565
Thanks janko
Your email was blocked because too large, so I resend it without the
Begin forwarded message:
> Dear all,
> Due to quest for easier install I separated SSL support to another
> bundle and parcel. Now we have two bundles and two parcels:
> Swazoo
> Swazoo-SSL
> I attached both parcels. Both bundles are also published on Cincom
> Public Repository (version 0.9.90).
> Installation instructions (from bundle/parcel comment):
> 1. copy everything from the goodies/other/Swazoo to your prefered
> directory, together with original
> 2. load bundle or parcel Swazoo
> 3. In a workspace doIt SwazooServer configureFrom: 'sites.cnf'
> 4. in your browser open http://localhost:8888
> Additional steps for adding SSL support:
> 5. on Linux, be sure you have openssl installed
> 6. load bundle or parcel Swazoo-SSL
> 7. in a workspace doIt SwazooServer configureFrom: 'sites-ssl.cnf'
> 8. in your browser open https://localhost:8889 (don't forget s in
> https:// !)
> Best regards
> Janko Mivšek
I'm trying to use SmallWiki here on a server. The way I see it, is that
even despite using VNC to keep the X session, it means that right now
on that server there is always a VNC session. So, if somebody else is
connecting with VNC to the server he will see the SmallWiki Visualworks
windows. Is that correct? Because this implies that SmallWiki cannot be
deployed on a "productive server" where lots of people log on and do
stuff. Please let me know, I'm grinding my teeth here with the local
sysadmins and I'm losing my patience..
A desperate "SmallWiki supporting" Michele
Hi all,
which permissions should be granted to a user so he/she can view the
Contents command in a Folder?
I've set: view, edit, remove, add and copy to Page, Folder and
Resource structures and still cant change the contents of a folder.
Sebastián Sastre
HYPERLINK ""ssastre(a)
Special Software Solutions
Outgoing mail is certified Virus Free.
Checked by AVG anti-virus system (
Version: 6.0.772 / Virus Database: 519 - Release Date: 01/10/2004
I loaded the camp version of SW1 (once we should really clean the
dependencies because loading MethoWrapper
and openSSL all the time is boring).
Then I tried:
and I got an error.
server := SmallWiki.SwazooServer startOn: 8080.
So have you any idea how I can continue....
Hi Hans,
> can the Swazoo (or in fact Smallwiki) configured so that it listens
> only to requests from a certain IP adress ?
you have to ask Janko for the details, but I think this
(virtual-hosting) is possible with Swazoo.
> is the following: my Smallwiki runs on Win2k Server running a IIS. To
> avoid conflicts between both Webservers (IIS and Smallwiki), the IIS
> can map requests comming from the internet and accessing my domain to
> a request going through the fixed IP adsress to which Smallwiki
> listens.
Why don't you just use a different port for SmallWiki than for ISS?
Then you could also do some proxying with ISS (if that is possible) and
map your SmallWiki anywhere into your ISS page-tree.
On Oct 1, 2004, at 23:22, Hans N Beck wrote:
> hi,
> I' don't know if you are responsible for such a question, but I try it:
> can the Swazoo (or in fact Smallwiki) configured so that it listens
> only to requests from a certain IP adress ? The idea is the
> following: my Smallwiki runs on Win2k Server running a IIS. To avoid
> conflicts between both Webservers (IIS and Smallwiki), the IIS can map
> requests comming from the internet and accessing my domain to a
> request going through the fixed IP adsress to which Smallwiki listens.
> Greetings
> Hans
Lukas Renggli
I know it doesn't work. I don't think I got everything
loaded into Store. I need to do a little work on it and
just haven't had the time. For example, today is a Saturday,
which should be a good day to do it, but I hae 8 NSF proposals
to read and review. Sigh!
-Ralph Johnson
Hi ralph and other campers
I would like to know the status of the camp extensions because I would
like to see
how to merge them back in SWI.
I will try to get synchronized with lukas for SW 2.