unfortunately there were some more problems with the recent-changes
(and the rss feed as it depends on that code), because the time-stamp
wasn't set properly when modifying structures. I've added a test, fixed
it and updated the kilana-server. There should be much more traffic
produced, when subscribing to the rss-feed. Sorry for the
Lukas Renggli
Mhh, I introduced some new bugs when I implemented the RSS-Feed.
Unfortunately RSS requires absolute paths at some positions so I had to
change parts of the html-generation framework and this broke all the
forms. This problem has been fixed now and I updated
http://kilana.unibe.ch:9090 to support all the new features. Due to
some enhancements in the css-stylesheets, some designs might not look
perfectly until you update them too.
Although I was quite skeptical about the usefulness of RSS, I start to
like it. It seems to be quite cool to have a list with the latest
changes in a special program that highlights the things you haven't
seen yet. To use this feature in your favorite client subscribe to
what will notify you about any change in the wiki. Of course you can
also restrict to a certain subtree by using a more specific url, like
Most RSS clients shouldn't even require that you specify the action,
but I don't know if this is supported by all viewers. Too see an
example of an RSS-Feed, have a look at the attached picture.
Lukas Renggli
- The 'Path Template' has got a property giving the maximum number of
levels that should be printed, leaving this property to 0 means that
everything will be printed. In case there are some structures truncated
the omission-string will be printed instead, see the default value of
these properties to get an idea about the possibilities.
- A 'Menu Template' has been added, that renders a tree-like menu and
has got a couple of settings to modify its look and behavior. This is a
component basically interesting for CMS systems. The default
css-stylesheet has been updated accordingly.
- The action hierarchy has been slightly refactored and there is
support to display special actions within a nested list. However
editing this sublist is currently not possible from within the
component editor. Currently there have been the actions PropertyEditor,
TemplateEditor, ComponentEditor and StylesheetEditor put into the Admin
sublist. I think this would be also a good place to put the permission
and security related actions.
- Even-tough I do not use RSS personally, here is dynamically from the
changes built RSS feed for your SmallWiki server. A reference is put
into the html-header so appropriate search-engine should catch it, of
course it is also possible to add it as an action anywhere.
PS: Make sure you have a proper backup before you load the changes,
there are some modifications (changes in the internal data structures)
that might break your wiki-tree. There were a few post-load scripts
added to fix most of the problems that could arise. If you still
encounter a problem, use the inspector or the workspace to fix it
Lukas Renggli
>>> Is there a way to have embedded images in a SmallWiki page? All I
>>> seem to be able to do is to set up a link to the image.
>> yes this is the way to go: simply create a link from your wiki-page
>> to the resource and the image should be inlined automatically. As an
>> example you might want to check out this page:
>> http://kilana.unibe.ch:9090/ese2003gruppen-smallwikis/
>> sureshockwriters/
> Hm. That shows a link to *ssw-image* as if it were a wiki page - is
> there some way to upload and name an image, then?
Yes, but as it points to a resource it is rendered differently
according to its mime-type: that means if it is an image an <img>, if
it is a movie an <object>, etc. is emitted.
When creating a new link *The New Image* to a non existant structure in
SmallWiki at first the link doesn't point to anything. However on the
html-page a list with all the possible structures (depending of the
security configuration for the current user not all possibliites might
be shown) will be rendered and the user can choose what he wants to
point this link to. In the given example one would click on 'Resource'
and an upload-dialog will be presented where the user specifies the
file to upload. When hitting ok, a new resource named 'The New Image'
is created and the user is brought back to the original page displaying
now the image now inlined.
> As for the original question, you can always directly put in an
> <img> tag...
It is of course possible to use any html-tags and static urls, but bear
in mind that the link will break if you rename or move the target. Some
students here at Bern have written a plugin that detects such defects,
but I don't know about the status of it. Personally I prefer SmallWiki
links, because they are updated automatically if you rename or move the
Lukas Renggli