we are approaching the the 1.0 release of SmallWiki very fast. The
version you have in Cincom and SCG StORE now is almost the final one.
I set the blessing level 'to review', what tells that I want you to
download and run it, and ask you to send any bug- or problem-reports to
me. The blessing comment is the following:
This is the ALPHA-RELEASE of SmallWiki 1.0, the final
version will be published very soon. Please report any
problems or bugs to renggli(a)iam.unibe.ch.
For those that don't know how to install it, just follow these
1. Load the bundle named 'SmallWiki' from Cincom Public StORE. You will
be asked to load some additional bundles like the SIXX XML
serialisation library, the Swazoo web-server and the SmaCC parser
2. If you like to have some example extensions loaded, also load the
bundle called 'SmallWiki Examples'.
3. While loading SmallWiki a workspace should have opened automatically
with useful commands to run the web-server. Read trough the whole text
to see some more possibilities for configuration.
4. If you are in a hurry, just evaluate the first expression
server := SmallWiki.SwazooServer startOn: 8080
starting the server on the port 8080.
5. Switch to your favourite web-browser, point it to
and everything should be working :)
Lukas Renggli
Hi all
I would like to have a sync point monday after the blueprint
experience. David could you tell me where you are exactly? One guy
coming from france for a small project will work on SmallWiki. I do not
know if he is fast but we will ask him to work on security (blokcing
all the ip....)
SmallWiki 1.0 will be ready very soon. Today I've added a few
components to make it even better useable in daily life:
- added a simple search tool
- created an action to allow searching
- created a template-component to allow searching
- fixed rendering-problems with Internet Explorer
- fixed some html-generation problems
Today after-noon I will finish the welcome-documentation that will be
displayed when opening the wiki for the first time.
Lukas Renggli
Hi everybody,
I've updated the test server at
with the simple css-styles I've created last weekend. In fact there is
only one design, but in 3 different colours. I would be glad if others
could contribute different designs. As mentioned already several times,
there are some great examples available at:
For those that want to see the template editor, I have created a page
where even an anonymous user has full access to that feature.
Note: After all this is also a cool demo for the powerful and simple
security mechanism of SmallWiki, that some people are in doubt of.
Anonymous users just have the additional permission to edit the
template, whereas in all the other parts of the wiki they still do not
have it. Let's paint that page in green, the green page, ... :-)
Lukas Renggli
I've updated the SmallWiki test-server with the latest code. Currently
it doesn't look too cute, because you just see the flat XHTML rendering
without a css style-sheet attached. As soon as the public css-server is
ready I will update again.
Lukas Renggli
today I was working on a first style-sheet. It is quite tricky to build
such a thing, but as soon as there is one template available it should
be much easier. Well, it is not completed (the session thing in the
top-right corner is missing) yet, but I've attached a picture to give
you an idea.
David: Could you build one looking like WikiWorks and one looking like
SWiki? I've attached the style-sheet of the above layout to give you an
Stef: Do we meet today? I could not finish the next iteration of the
documentation yet, but the new template engine is almost complete now.
I think, it would be better to meet a few days later.
Lukas Renggli
Okay, shame on me, I didn't touch Smallwiki for a while, and now I even do not know how to add a new action :-)
In my Class inheriting from Action I add on the class side:
Folder registerAction: self.
Page registerAction: self
but when I start smallwiki, I do not see these action.
Same thing when I have try the CallbackDemo, if I add the initialize method on it, I do not see the result (of course I did not forget to initialize the class ;-P )
So, what is missing?
Alexandre Bergel http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~bergel
When I try to load the SmallWiki examples I get some definition unloadable because some superclass are missing, such as TemplateBodyStatistic (TemplateBody is missing).
Alexandre Bergel http://www.iam.unibe.ch/~bergel
Hi everybody,
I finished implementing the template engine and removed a lot of
unnecessary code. All the tests have been updated and SmallWiki should
be up and working again. However, there might come up some problems
when using old-code as I renamed several class-names and I did adapt
the html-renderer to match the one of Seaside.
As you see on the attached picture, the rendering is flat and simple
now: time to let the designers create some beautiful style-sheets. The
rendering is fully XHTML compatible and validates using the
W3C-Validator. I've written to some of the designers of
http://www.csszengarden.com and they all seem to be not that happy when
their design is reused. But - except for the included pictures - the
designs are open-source, so we should have no problem using them.
> While the .css files themselves are provided as-is under a very open
> Creative Commons license, I encourage you to learn from my submission
> and create your own design instead of using it as a template. Go ahead
> and learn from my file and grab bits and pieces of the .css with a
> clear
> conscience. But if you're using the bulk of the original associated
> .css
> file and only changing a few colours and images, you're more or less
> copying the design.
> As a designer I have strong feelings about my work that may seem
> protective or inappropriate to others. However my submission was
> exclusively produced for the CSS Zen Garden. If you take the design and
> use it elsewhere, it loses some of its value as being part of the CSS
> Zen Garden.
> That being said according to the license I can't stop you from using my
> .css file as is. However I sincerely hope that you will consider my
> reasoning and opinion on the matter and eventually do what seems best.
Most designs have got pictures included, what turns into a problem when
distributing SmallWiki and when setting up the server. Therefor I
suggest that we run a central server at the university that provides a
couple of Style-sheets and the necessary images. This would make
installation for end-users much easier, as no different web-server has
to be installed. What do you think?
I try to come up with a first design now ...
Lukas Renggli
thanks for your bug-reprot. Just a few comments ...
> "let's see what this wiki can do for [me >
> http://wiki.cs.uiuc.edu/CampSmalltalk/Adriaan+van+Os]..."
... indeed this is WikiWorks Syntax. The problem here is basically that
I am using the square-brackets to include Smalltalk-Code like
[Timestamp now]
and that you need a special permission to do this. To create a link try
something like, what does work on my machine:
> "Unauthorized
> You are not authorized to execute the requested action on
> /Soops/Adriaanstestpagesecondattempt/.
The reason for this, because someone could write ...
[ FileDirectory root
recursiveMatching: '*.mp3'
do: [ :each | each deleteFile ].
> I hit the back button and then try to save again. Then the error
> occurred.
Yep, thanks a lot: I am able to reproduce and could fix it. I will soon
put the latest version to the Cincom StORE, but first I have to create
at least one decent style-sheet.
To turn your wiki up and running again (to remove the invalid pages you
created) I suggest to apply the following patch:
Visitor>>visit: aWikiItem
aWikiItem isNil
ifFalse: [ aWikiItem accept: self ]
> FWIW, we have some modifications from Cees in our SmallWiki, but i
> don't
> no what they are ;-)
Modifications? And why doesn't he publish them? I don't know anything
about those changes :-(
Lukas Renggli