15:00 UTC: Keynote: On the Central Role of Networks in Blockchain Privacy, Security, and Performance
Giulia Fanti
Carnegie Mellon University
15:45 UTC: Break
16:00 UTC: GearBox: An Efficient UC Sharded Ledger Leveraging the Safety-Liveness Dichotomy
Bernardo David, Bernardo Magri, Christian Matt, Jesper Buus Nielsen, Daniel Tschudi
IT University of Copenhagen, Aarhus University, Concordium
16:30 UTC: Ebb-and-Flow Protocols: A Resolution of the Availability-Finality Dilemma
Joachim Neu, Ertem Nusret Tas, David Tse
Stanford University
17:00 UTC: On the Routing-Aware Peering against Network-Eclipse Attacks in Bitcoin
Muoi Tran, Akshaye Shenoi, Min Suk Kang
National University of Singapore, KAIST
17:30 UTC: End of session