I'm relatively new to Squeak, but discovered the
framework you have
built, and it appears to be useful for a project I'm working on.
Documentation is very sparse, however, and I would like to
volunteer to assist in developing further documentation. As a
matter of fact, I believe Pier might be the basis for the
documentation. I would also like to do several screencasts to
illustrate the documentation in a tutorial fashion. I know some of
your time will be required to guide me and review the
documentation, but if you would consider my offer, I believe it
might lead to wider usage of Seaside/Magritte/Pier..
sounds like an interesting project. Depending on what kind of
documentation you would like to build it could be a good match. The
documentation you find in the appendix of my master thesis [1] has
been generated from class and method comments using Pier and exported
as Latex. One could also build a Pier Web site.
I would suggest that you subscribe to the Pier mailing-list at [2]
and ask further questions there.
Lukas Renggli