
PRSearchView raises an exception once the form is submitted. The problem is that in the #refresh method the call to "self context" returns nil, so the following fails:
searcher := self context root fullTextSearch.

Investigating the problem I noticed that it's immediate super class PRViewComponent implements  #setContext: and context and the more distant superclass WAPresenter implements #context: context.

I fixed the problem locally by adding "self setContext: PRCurrentContext value.", before the call to "self context" and I see search results, but it feels more like a hack than a fix. Some thoughts:

* Does PRViewComponent store context for performance, if I removed these methods (setContext: & #context) the search would function without my change.
* There seems to be a naming inconsistency with #setContext: & #context:

Any thoughts? 


PS Thanks again for the all the help - I *really* appreciate it.